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Pherim: I have never watched Universe, so I can't say anything about it.
The fact that in the first 5 minutes of the first episode there's a sex scene, trying to capitalize on the Battlestar Galactica craze, should tell you all you need to know about SG: Universe. And it's unfortunate, because after the disastrous first season when the ratings plummeted, and the writing team started to focus on the overall story, moving away from the melodrama between uninteresting characters, the series really showed potential. And then it got canceled, ending with a cliffhanger. It's not worth wasting your time on a show that will never have a proper ending... or middle.
drealmer7: ...SeaQuest ... btw same creator as Farscape.
Really? I did not know that. I liked both shows, though I haven't re-watched SeaQuest since its second run on TV.
Post edited August 31, 2017 by MadalinStroe
Since we deviated from Star Trek anyhow and are talking about good SciFi shows: Firefly!!!
And of course Doctor Who! <3 - but he different anyhow and isn't really comparable to the regular 'spaceship+crew' shows.
Lifthrasil: Since we deviated from Star Trek anyhow and are talking about good SciFi shows: Firefly!!!
Blake's 7 man, Blake's 7. If you can forgive the almost non-existant production values, it's one of the best sci-fi shows out there, especially the first two seasons. And without it there would be no Babylon 5, no DS9, Firefly or Farscape. That's the one that really brought an over-arcing narrative to sci-fi tv, and many themes that those shows explored later. It's dark, a little orwellian, very british, it's like Star Treks evil british twin. And Kerr Avon might just be the greatest character to ever grace the screen.
Lifthrasil: Since we deviated from Star Trek anyhow and are talking about good SciFi shows: Firefly!!!
Breja: Blake's 7 man, Blake's 7. If you can forgive the almost non-existant production values, it's one of the best sci-fi shows out there, especially the first two seasons. And without it there would be no Babylon 5, no DS9, Firefly or Farscape. That's the one that really brought an over-arcing narrative to sci-fi tv, and many themes that those shows explored later. It's dark, a little orwellian, very british, it's like Star Treks evil british twin. And Kerr Avon might just be the greatest character to ever grace the screen.
I will have to watch that at some point.
Firefly is atrocious - the worst thing that Joss Whedon has made, and that is saying a lot because everything he has made is utter crap!
drealmer7: Firefly is atrocious - the worst thing that Joss Whedon has made, and that is saying a lot because everything he has made is utter crap!
Oh come on. Now I'm starting to think you're trolling me across all those threads :D Not liking Firefly is one thing. But claiming it's worse than shit like Buffy or Age of Ultron? No way.
Post edited August 31, 2017 by Breja
drealmer7: Firefly is atrocious - the worst thing that Joss Whedon has made, and that is saying a lot because everything he has made is utter crap!
Breja: Oh come on. Now I'm starting to think you're trolling me across all those threads :D Not liking Firefly is one thing. But claiming it's worse than shit like Buffy or Age of Ultron? No way.
no trolling


Never saw Age of Ultron though

But Firefly is so GD atrocious, I forced myself through the series and it was nearly unbearable, I tried watching the movie twice and turned it off both times. Buffy I just stopped watching because it was super-lame, Dollhouse I made it through even though it was bad (interesting concept pulled off horribly), but none of them are as puketastic as Firefly


Game of Thrones
Breaking Bad
The Walking Dead

just utter trassshhhhh
TOS God-Characters (so to speak) were self contained, not series spanning and altering. And we were presumably focused on TNG series.

Q not a D EX M? How do you figure that? Lets ignore the series altering Borg. How about the number of times Picard was placed then removed from unwinnable situations (Ha! Pun totally intended). He provides the text book definition of the term.
muttly13: Q not a D EX M? How do you figure that? Lets ignore the series altering Borg. How about the number of times Picard was placed then removed from unwinnable situations (Ha! Pun totally intended). He provides the text book definition of the term.
But he is established from the ver first episode, and never appears out of nowhere to influence just some random episodes. He only appears and influences events in Q-centric episodes, ones where he is present from the start and one of the main characters. It would only be a deus ex machina if he appeared randomly in an episode like Chain of Command and saved Picard.
Post edited September 05, 2017 by Breja
Breja: Not liking Firefly is one thing. But claiming it's worse than shit like Buffy or Age of Ultron? No way.
It's you, who claiming that Wheadon's signature work (Buffy) is shit. You just can't stand people whose opinion is different than yours.

Sorry, I didn't want to interfere but Buffy is one of my favorite tv series.
drealmer7: I can't stand Janeway.

I can't stand Kate Mulgrew.

I like Sisko.

I can't stand Avery Brooks.

I was fortunate to be able to attend comiccon some years ago that had a panel of all 5 captains. Avery Brooks was soooo full of himself and dominated the entire panel, it was really annoying, and when he wasn't forcing himself to be the center of attention Kale Mulgrew was there also extremely full of herself thinking she was super clever and a gods-given gift to acting. I could see the look on Shatner's face repeatedly going "wow, are these people for real?"

Janeway is so fucking horribly awful and annoying I can't believe I made it through all of Voyager. I wanted to like it because I like Star Trek in general, and some of the individual stories are interesting enough, but every single character is BAD, boring, or pukeworthy - EXCEPT 7 of 9 (who I don't find to be the slighest bit attractive and her interest in only relatively good based on how bad the others are.)

DS9 has some of the most interesting, dynamic, well-written characters and relationships between those characters in a TV show. I've watched the series numerous times (at least 4?) and the complexity is impressive still (and when you know the stories and can see how they unfold with an understanding of where they're going...whhewwww!)
WOW...your hatred of Voyager is irrational, man. It's not that bad.

Breja: Not liking Firefly is one thing. But claiming it's worse than shit like Buffy or Age of Ultron? No way.
LootHunter: It's you, who claiming that Wheadon's signature work (Buffy) is shit. You just can't stand people whose opinion is different than yours.

Sorry, I didn't want to interfere but Buffy is one of my favorite tv series.
Why do you like Buffy so much?
Post edited September 06, 2017 by macuahuitlgog
macuahuitlgog: Why do you like Buffy so much?
I like the story and lore. And also how Wheadon combined simple demon-killing action and teenage drama with much more deeper thoughts and even philosophy. Like the whole concept that our world was initially demon realm.
macuahuitlgog: WOW...your hatred of Voyager is irrational, man. It's not that bad.
it is that bad
macuahuitlgog: WOW...your hatred of Voyager is irrational, man. It's not that bad.
drealmer7: it is that bad
It can't be that bad because in many ways, it is like the previous Star Trek series. It follows a similar recipe. You have a Vulcan on the bridge who is a true Vulcan. Not emotional. You have a brilliant engineer chief. You have a doctor that is similar to McCoy. Of course, his character lacks depth compared to McCoy because he is just A.I. but he is similar to McCoy. You have a starship. You have exploration. You have battles. The series stays true to Star Trek lore. It just seems to me, you personally can't stand Captain Janeway and some other main character. Maybe her face or voice triggers an a negative emotional response in your brain.
Post edited September 06, 2017 by macuahuitlgog
drealmer7: it is that bad
macuahuitlgog: It can't be that bad because in many ways, it is like the previous Star Trek series. It follows a similar recipe. You have a Vulcan on the bridge who is a true Vulcan. Not emotional. You have a brilliant engineer chief. You have a doctor that is similar to McCoy. Of course, his character lacks depth compared to McCoy because he is just A.I. but he is similar to McCoy. You have a starship. You have exploration. You have battles. The series stays true to Star Trek lore. It just seems to me, you personally can't stand Captain Janeway and some other main character. Maybe her face or voice triggers an a negative emotional response in your brain.
yes it can be that bad, nothing you said is an argument for why it's not
nope, the writing is absolute shit
which includes the characters being shit
the settings (or lackthereof) being shit
the themes being shit
the actors can't act for shit (95% anyway), and Janeway is the worst of the lot, absolutely atrocious to watch act, so much so that I couldn't even force myself to watch the series a 2nd time to try and evaluate it on a 2nd watchthrough
it's an overall big pile of shit

the doctor is actually the 2nd deepest character after 7of9, and they don't really do anything with him that hasn't been done before better elsewhere in much less than 7years
Post edited September 06, 2017 by drealmer7