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Does anyone know how the ST:TNG movies fit in with the series? In which order should I watch the films and series?
No they aren't a ripoff of Warcraft!

Oh wait
Crosmando: Hey,
Does anyone know how the ST:TNG movies fit in with the series? In which order should I watch the films and series?
They all take place after the series ended. So watch all of ST:TNG, then the movies in release order starting with Generations.
Crosmando: Hey,
Does anyone know how the ST:TNG movies fit in with the series? In which order should I watch the films and series?
Sielle: They all take place after the series ended. So watch all of ST:TNG, then the movies in release order starting with Generations.
Oh nice, thanks!
tinyE: No they aren't a ripoff of Warcraft!

Oh wait
ur mom is a warcraft ripoff
Post edited August 29, 2017 by Crosmando
Yeah, they take place after TNG. But the only one worth watching is that First Contact movie which is quite entertaining, the rest is pretty bad.
morolf: Yeah, they take place after TNG. But the only one worth watching is that First Contact movie which is quite entertaining, the rest is pretty bad.
No they're not. They're not without flaws, but they're certainly not bad. They're classics compared to popular tripe like Harry Potter etc.
morolf: Yeah, they take place after TNG. But the only one worth watching is that First Contact movie which is quite entertaining, the rest is pretty bad.
I agree that First Contact is, without a doubt, the best of the Next Generation movies. However I do have a soft spot in my heart (or perhaps it's my head) for Nemesis. Even though it is universally panned by Trekkies as the worst film in Star Trek in history, I felt it had some interesting concepts. With the introduction of a Romulan civil war, a long lost "sibling" and a secret clone there was the potential to really dig in to the lore and bring some real drama and mystery to the film. Unfortunately it also felt like the film makers knew this was their last Star Trek movie so they crammed all their ideas into it and never took the time to develop them. Then on top of that they insisted on some cheesy action set pieces that didn't feel like they belonged in a Trek film.
I'm not sure I've actually ever seen Nemesis completely. But what I saw seemed unpleasantly dark and violent. And the story was nonsensical. And then they killed Data...utterly pointless. But tbh I think all the Star Trek movies except First Contact are pretty bad (I never get why people regard Wrath of Khan as a great movie). They never managed to capture any of the imaginative charm of the TV series in my opinion.

@DarthSpudius: Yes, of course Harry Potter is even worse. But the Star Trek movies still mostly aren't great (and some like Star Trek V are just horrible...though I did laugh at the "What does God need a space ship for?" scene, that was pretty funny).
Post edited August 29, 2017 by morolf
Bah. I love all the Star Trek movies. That's right, all of them. Some are genuinely great cinema (Wrath of Khan, First Contact, Motion Picture Director's Cut) and some are just fun (Voyage Home) and the rest are good-to-great action/adventure movies, and I even like the much maligned ones like Final Frontier or Generations. For all their faults they explore interesting themes and sci-fi ideas and get the characters well. And have great music. Even Nemesis and Into Darkness (in my opinion those are the two weakest ones) are still not really bad movies, they are still entertaining and for the most part well made. Is there a lot of problems and nitpicks? Sure. But I still had a good time watching them.

I guess for a hardocre Trek fan I'm actually pretty flexible about what Trek can be, and I'm especially forgiving of the movies, as they are not Trek's "natural habitat" anyway. So if they work out as great Trek it's an added bonus, but as long as it's an entertaining new adventure with the Trek characters, that's really all I'm asking for.

EDIT: Oh, and as for The Final Frontier- this is probably my favourite scene of all the Trek movies. Everything and everyone here is simply superb.
Post edited August 29, 2017 by Breja
Just watch First Contact, and pass on the rest.

Also, if Riker doesn't have a beard, it isn't worth your time.
Darvond: Just watch First Contact, and pass on the rest.

Also, if Riker doesn't have a beard, it isn't worth your time.
First Contact is easily the best of the new movies though. Might be better than all of them but Star Trek IV, I think it was, the one with Kruge, also is pretty nice. Though a lot of people will say The Wrath of Khan is the best of all of them.

anyway Generations and First Contact are the two good ones of the modern movies.
Post edited August 29, 2017 by johnnygoging
Breja: Bah. I love all the Star Trek movies. That's right, all of them. Some are genuinely great cinema (Wrath of Khan, First Contact, Motion Picture Director's Cut) and some are just fun (Voyage Home) and the rest are good-to-great action/adventure movies, and I even like the much maligned ones like Final Frontier or Generations. For all their faults they explore interesting themes and sci-fi ideas and get the characters well. And have great music. Even Nemesis and Into Darkness (in my opinion those are the two weakest ones) are still not really bad movies, they are still entertaining and for the most part well made. Is there a lot of problems and nitpicks? Sure. But I still had a good time watching them.

I guess for a hardocre Trek fan I'm actually pretty flexible about what Trek can be, and I'm especially forgiving of the movies, as they are not Trek's "natural habitat" anyway. So if they work out as great Trek it's an added bonus, but as long as it's an entertaining new adventure with the Trek characters, that's really all I'm asking for.

EDIT: Oh, and as for The Final Frontier- this is probably my favourite scene of all the Trek movies. Everything and everyone here is simply superb.
Is the director's cut of the Motion picture much improved compared to the original? The version I've seen is terribly boring. It's also strange how they basically copied the plot of the TOS episode with that space probe Nomad. Pretty lame.
Post edited August 29, 2017 by morolf
Breja: Bah. I love all the Star Trek movies. That's right, all of them. Some are genuinely great cinema (Wrath of Khan, First Contact, Motion Picture Director's Cut) and some are just fun (Voyage Home) and the rest are good-to-great action/adventure movies, and I even like the much maligned ones like Final Frontier or Generations. For all their faults they explore interesting themes and sci-fi ideas and get the characters well. And have great music. Even Nemesis and Into Darkness (in my opinion those are the two weakest ones) are still not really bad movies, they are still entertaining and for the most part well made. Is there a lot of problems and nitpicks? Sure. But I still had a good time watching them.

I guess for a hardocre Trek fan I'm actually pretty flexible about what Trek can be, and I'm especially forgiving of the movies, as they are not Trek's "natural habitat" anyway. So if they work out as great Trek it's an added bonus, but as long as it's an entertaining new adventure with the Trek characters, that's really all I'm asking for.

EDIT: Oh, and as for The Final Frontier- this is probably my favourite scene of all the Trek movies. Everything and everyone here is simply superb.
morolf: Is the director's cut of the Motion picture much improved compared to the original? The version I've seen is terribly boring. It's also strange how they basically copied the plot of the TOS episode with that space probe Nomad. Pretty lame.
There is a longer version that adds more than the director's cut (DC is about 5 min longer. The extended edition I think adds at least 7 more minutes on top of the DC footage) BUT the only possible sources are A: finding the laserdisc B: finding the VHS tape of it C: splicing the DC DVD with blu-ray source and deleted scenes in the proper spot (this will be time-consuming but worth it. With A and B, good luck finding it (VHS tape will be fullscreen. LD may be low quality but it's widescreen.). As for being improved? It adds stuff to scenes (extends them and adds new ones in for some cases) that makes the movie make more sense so in that definition it does improve it.
I love First Contact. Zefren Cochran has become my favorite character from Star Trek, I like him slightly more than Data. It was the only reason I watched the 2001 Enterprise TV series. He appeared in the first episode, and I watched the rest of the series hoping he would make another appearance(spoilers: he never did). At least Brent Spiner(Data) made several appearances on the show, and I loved his episodes.

As far as the rest of the TNG movies are concerned, I would say that they each have one or two memorable scenes, while also having one or two ridiculously bad scenes, but overall they are perfectly watchable if you like the ST universe.