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sanscript: I heavily recommend everyone to see the last two documentaries by William Shatner himself (@NetFlix), one about the chaos on the "bridge", and one about Star Treks Captains. Very entertaining, but, yeah, you can clearly see mr Brooks has lost it... He can never ones answer one of Shatners questions strait.
Yeah, that was my impression too. Yet it was still more fun to listen to him than Kate Mulgrew. She seems to be one of the most boring people to ever act in Trek, regardless of what I think of Janeway. Predictably, Stewart was the highlight of the film, though I was also very glad Shatner spoke to Christopher Plummer.
Star Trek fan here. I will stop before saying trekkie as I am not that dedicated. I will also say I liked all the movies and the show (very soft spot for Voyage home, and yes I am aware we are talking TNG). I will also say that while I liked the actor and his portrayal, the idea of "Q" made it damn near unwatchable. Someone b!tched earlier about the Harry Potter series being bad? Surely you jest when compared to the ultimate deus ex machina that is Q. Talk about rocks and glass houses.

I mean honestly, you have an all powerful, all knowing guy that just randomly changes entire story lines, hell entire series focus, based on a whim. I mean, I have no words. And people thought Final Frontier was bad, they basically just moved the God character onto the screen.
muttly13: Star Trek fan here. I will stop before saying trekkie as I am not that dedicated. I will also say I liked all the movies and the show (very soft spot for Voyage home, and yes I am aware we are talking TNG). I will also say that while I liked the actor and his portrayal, the idea of "Q" made it damn near unwatchable. Someone b!tched earlier about the Harry Potter series being bad? Surely you jest when compared to the ultimate deus ex machina that is Q. Talk about rocks and glass houses.

I mean honestly, you have an all powerful, all knowing guy that just randomly changes entire story lines, hell entire series focus, based on a whim. I mean, I have no words. And people thought Final Frontier was bad, they basically just moved the God character onto the screen.
I don't think Q was ever really used as a deus ex machina. And Trek always, ever since the beginnings of TOS, had plenty of various godlike beings. In TOS they just kept running into them, if anything TNG and later series cut back on it. Not to mention Q was pretty much directly based on Trelane from the TOS episode The Squire of Gothos.
Post edited August 30, 2017 by Breja
Breja: I don't think Q was ever really used as a deus ex machina. And Trek always, ever since the beginnings of TOS, had plenty of various godlike beings. In TOS they just kept running into them, if anything TNG and later series cut back on it. Not to mention Q was pretty much directly based on Trelane from the TOS episode The Squire of Gothos.
And some novels even established (although it is not really canon) that Trelane actually was a Q. According to Memory Alpha, the book (haven't read it) even hints that the Q from TNG really is his father.
Post edited August 30, 2017 by Pherim
Breja: I don't think Q was ever really used as a deus ex machina. And Trek always, ever since the beginnings of TOS, had plenty of various godlike beings. In TOS they just kept running into them, if anything TNG and later series cut back on it. Not to mention Q was pretty much directly based on Trelane from the TOS episode The Squire of Gothos.
Pherim: And some novels even established (although it is not really canon) that Trelane actually was a Q. According to Memory Alpha, the book (haven't read it) even hints that the Q from TNG really is his father.
The one I read, Q-squared (I very good one, by the way, second best Trek book I ever read), established Q as his god-father of sorts, tasked with reining Trelane in (which goes about as well as you'd think).
Pherim: And some novels even established (although it is not really canon) that Trelane actually was a Q. According to Memory Alpha, the book (haven't read it) even hints that the Q from TNG really is his father.
Breja: The one I read, Q-squared (I very good one, by the way, second best Trek book I ever read), established Q as his god-father of sorts, tasked with reining Trelane in (which goes about as well as you'd think).
Yeah, that's the one mentioned on Memory Alpha. If it's as good as you say maybe I should read it one day... although I have never really read any Star Trek novels. In fact the only Sci-Fi TV or movie franchise I have ever really read any books from was Babylon 5 (one of my favorite shows as well), mostly because they answered many questions which had been left open by the series.
Post edited August 30, 2017 by Pherim
I never read any ST novels or comics either. But must admit... This "Mirror Broken" series has me intrigued. :)
Breja: The one I read, Q-squared (I very good one, by the way, second best Trek book I ever read), established Q as his god-father of sorts, tasked with reining Trelane in (which goes about as well as you'd think).
Pherim: Yeah, that's the one mentioned on Memory Alpha. If it's as good as you say maybe I should read it one day... although I have never really read any Star Trek novels. In fact the only Sci-Fi TV or movie franchise I have ever really read any books from was Babylon 5 (one of my favorite shows as well), mostly because they answered many questions which had been left open by the series.
Like with all licensed stuff they're kinda hit or miss, usually not bad, fun to read but not great either. However there are some really great ones that make it all worth it. Q-squared is defiantely one of those. The one I think every Trek fan should read is Federation by Judith and Garfield Reeves. It's obviously non-canon now, as it heavily features Zefram Cochrane and First Contact has since contradicted pretty much all of it, but if you don't mind that it's a phenomenal novel that weaves together three narratives about Cochrane, TOS and TNG. It feel like reading the best and truest Trek movie you've never seen.
Post edited August 30, 2017 by Breja
sanscript: I heavily recommend everyone to see the last two documentaries by William Shatner himself (@NetFlix), one about the chaos on the "bridge", and one about Star Treks Captains. Very entertaining, but, yeah, you can clearly see mr Brooks has lost it... He can never ones answer one of Shatners questions strait.
Breja: Yeah, that was my impression too. Yet it was still more fun to listen to him than Kate Mulgrew. She seems to be one of the most boring people to ever act in Trek, regardless of what I think of Janeway. Predictably, Stewart was the highlight of the film, though I was also very glad Shatner spoke to Christopher Plummer.
Oh yeah, he was. Kate just seemed to be more pompous/pretentious with here age, however, I'm just glad Genevieve Bujold didn't get to be Voyagers captain. That would be disastrously boring ;-).
I can't stand Janeway.

I can't stand Kate Mulgrew.

I like Sisko.

I can't stand Avery Brooks.

I was fortunate to be able to attend comiccon some years ago that had a panel of all 5 captains. Avery Brooks was soooo full of himself and dominated the entire panel, it was really annoying, and when he wasn't forcing himself to be the center of attention Kale Mulgrew was there also extremely full of herself thinking she was super clever and a gods-given gift to acting. I could see the look on Shatner's face repeatedly going "wow, are these people for real?"

Janeway is so fucking horribly awful and annoying I can't believe I made it through all of Voyager. I wanted to like it because I like Star Trek in general, and some of the individual stories are interesting enough, but every single character is BAD, boring, or pukeworthy - EXCEPT 7 of 9 (who I don't find to be the slighest bit attractive and her interest in only relatively good based on how bad the others are.)

DS9 has some of the most interesting, dynamic, well-written characters and relationships between those characters in a TV show. I've watched the series numerous times (at least 4?) and the complexity is impressive still (and when you know the stories and can see how they unfold with an understanding of where they're going...whhewwww!)
Crosmando: Hey,
Does anyone know how the ST:TNG movies fit in with the series? In which order should I watch the films and series?
You may not want to watch either. They are both very weak. Now sure how familiar you are with the series or Star Trek universe, but Deep Space 9 was much better. Its characters were deeper and better and so were the stories.

I am not sure what scifi and/or fantasy you like, but as somebody who saw the movies in the theatres when they came out and the later half of the series on the air, having tried to go back and watch them on Netflix it was painful. It is really stunning how bad and shallow the Star Trek series really is. DS9 is by far the best written, but you can find much better scifi and fantasy out there.
MajicMan: you can find much better scifi and fantasy out there.
for me DS9 is one of the best, but it's not as good as Farscape!

drealmer7: Janeway is so fucking horribly awful and annoying I can't believe I made it through all of Voyager. I wanted to like it because I like Star Trek in general, and some of the individual stories are interesting enough, but every single character is BAD, boring, or pukeworthy - EXCEPT 7 of 9 (who I don't find to be the slighest bit attractive and her interest in only relatively good based on how bad the others are.)
Really? I think Seven is probably the hottest woman I've ever seen on screen... ah well, one man's food and all that. Regardless of her sexy looks, I thought she was a great character and very well acted. And I loved her relationship with Naomi Wildman.

I liked Chakotay, but I disliked how well he got along with Janeway. There should have been way more conflict between the two. I loved The Doctor. Picardo's performance was great, sometimes touching, sometimes hilarious. He and Seven had all the best episodes. Tuvok and B'Elanna were ok. Had some good episodes. I actually liked Neelix, most the time. I liked the idea of a character who sort of doesn't belong trying his damndest to make himself useful. Harry, Tom and Kes were the irredeemably boring ones. Not hateful or anything, just boring and kinda pointless.

MajicMan: you can find much better scifi and fantasy out there.
drealmer7: for me DS9 is one of the best, but it's not as good as Farscape!

I tried watching Farscape, but I almost died of boredom halfway through the first season.
Post edited August 30, 2017 by Breja
drealmer7: Janeway is so fucking horribly awful and annoying I can't believe I made it through all of Voyager. I wanted to like it because I like Star Trek in general, and some of the individual stories are interesting enough, but every single character is BAD, boring, or pukeworthy - EXCEPT 7 of 9 (who I don't find to be the slighest bit attractive and her interest in only relatively good based on how bad the others are.)
Breja: Really? I think Seven is probably the hottest woman I've ever seen on screen... ah well, one man's food and all that. Regardless of her sexy looks, I thought she was a great character and very well acted. And I loved her relationship with Naomi Wildman.

I liked Chakotay, but I disliked how well he got along with Janeway. There should have been way more conflict between the two. I loved The Doctor. Picardo's performance was great, sometimes touching, sometimes hilarious. He and Seven had all the best episodes. Tuvok and B'Elanna were ok. Had some good episodes. I actually liked Neelix, most the time. I liked the idea of a character who sort of doesn't belong trying his damndest to make himself useful. Harry, Tom and Kes were the irredeemably boring ones. Not hateful or anything, just boring and kinda pointless.

drealmer7: for me DS9 is one of the best, but it's not as good as Farscape!

Breja: I tried watching Farscape, but I almost died of boredom halfway through the first season.
Huh, I found Chakotay to be one of the most boring characters! I was sooo excited for him when I started the series, thinking we were going to get some native american-esque type lore and ideologies from him, and he's just utterly empty. I found Tuvok and B'Elanna boring too. I had to look her up because I couldn't even remember that character!!!

I found the doctor and Kes and Neelix extremely annoying I just wanted them off the screen every single time. I loved the idea of the doctor, but not the execution and acting.

7 of 9 the hottest woman on the screen? interesting!
Crosmando: In which order should I watch the films and series?
For TNG, the order in which you watch anything makes no difference whatsoever. When it comes to TNG, none of the films or episodes have any continuing stories (aside from a few two-part episodes, which still are not connected to any episodes that come either before or after them). Most of them don't even have any stories at all.

Anyway, why watch TNG when it's one of the worst Trek shows? The original Star Trek series and the Deep Space Nine series are both way better than TNG.
Post edited August 30, 2017 by Ancient-Red-Dragon