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I have a soft spot for Generations - as a movie it wasn't much, but it had a great score, and really gave voice to the more hopeful elements which TNG excelled in - and agree that First Contact is the best of the lot. Insurrection is cringeworthy, and I don't generally acknowledge the existence of Nemesis.

Of the non-TNG movies, The Voyage Home is the only one I really care for.

I wish they'd made some DS9 movies.
Post edited August 30, 2017 by gogtrial34987
gogtrial34987: I wish they'd made some DS9 movies.
Had Nemesis not bombed the next one was supposed to be a crossover between TNG, DS9 and Voyager. Baiscally Start Trek's Avengers. Which, to be honest, may sound great, but I think would likely have been a mess.
gogtrial34987: I wish they'd made some DS9 movies.
I never understood all the love DS9 receives. The actor that played Sisko and the actor that played his son were so awful in their roles, that they completely ruined most of the episodes they appeared in. I'm baffled that the general consent seems to be that Janeway is the worst captain, though I'll admit that I haven't watched all the Voyager episodes, but in the first season I found her miles better than Sisko. From DS9 I also hated all the focus on Bajor and their shitty resistance. For me the best part, and definitively the most memorable part from DS9 was the Dominion War. I won't do more than mention the hugely disappointing resolution of DS9.
Post edited August 30, 2017 by MadalinStroe
gogtrial34987: I wish they'd made some DS9 movies.
MadalinStroe: I never understood all the love DS9 receives.
Gul Dukat.
Vic Fontaine! (Okay, he's an acquired taste.)

And sure, Sisko was no Picard (but then, who is?) - but he never tried to be, and had definitely grown into his role by the 4th season.

But in the end, the reason DS9 gets all the love is because it got to explore morally ambiguous themes, and long term consequences in a way that just wasn't possible in any of the other series [enter Babylon 5 fans, stage left]. The individual roles and characters don't matter much for that.
gogtrial34987: ... [enter Babylon 5 fans, stage left]...
It probably also has to do with the fact that I am a huge B5 fan, but that still wouldn't change my complaints about Sisko. You are right that Garak was a very good character, too bad that he was wasted on the whole Bajor backstory, which I also hated. Vic Fontaine... I don't know what to say... hopefully it's just a friendly tease.
Post edited August 30, 2017 by MadalinStroe
I also never particularly cared for DS9. Too many unlikeable characters. Sisko was mostly boring, his son was annoying and all those Ferengi even more so. Yes, I know, they are supposed to be annoying. But they succeed at such a level that the episodes in which they play a major role are just no fun to watch.

Janeway was THE worst captain so far, true, but the rest of Voyager was fun to watch and I liked many of the other characters.
gogtrial34987: I wish they'd made some DS9 movies.
Breja: Had Nemesis not bombed the next one was supposed to be a crossover between TNG, DS9 and Voyager. Baiscally Start Trek's Avengers. Which, to be honest, may sound great, but I think would likely have been a mess.
DS9 was great, but like Voyager I don't think it would have made for a good movie. Both shows were more or less complete in their main storylines, something that could not really happen with TNG, anyway - sure, the Q thing more or less became that to some extent and that was resolved in the finale, but the voyages continue and there was much room for more stories to tell. Sure, DS9 had some loose threads in the end, but it would have been difficult to put these in a movie because it would basically require the viewers to have seen the show. A completely new story with the characters would have been possible, but I don't really see the point in that. I agree that it would probably have been a mess. Although maybe we would have finally seen the promotion of Harry Kim. Or he could be the villain BECAUSE he was never promoted... ;D Would still have been better than the Son'a from Insurrection.
Post edited August 30, 2017 by Pherim
gogtrial34987: ... [enter Babylon 5 fans, stage left]...
MadalinStroe: It probably also has to do with the fact that I am a huge B5 fan, but that still wouldn't change my complaints about Sisko.
You'd be hard pressed to find a bigger B5 fan than me (I'm the guy who always answers "Babylon 5" when asked to choose between Star Trek and Star Wars :P) and I still think DS9 is a great show. Not as good, but still great. I think Brooks did a good job, as did pretty much the enitre cast (and I definately liked Jake more than Wesley). And for the life of me I don't know what the problem with Bajor and the backstory is supposed to be? It made for some truly superb episodes. Like Duet, one of the best episodes of all Trek.

Breja: Had Nemesis not bombed the next one was supposed to be a crossover between TNG, DS9 and Voyager. Baiscally Start Trek's Avengers. Which, to be honest, may sound great, but I think would likely have been a mess.
Pherim: DS9 was great, but like Voyager I don't think it would have made for a good movie. Both shows were more or less complete in their main storylines, something that could not really happen with TNG, anyway - sure, the Q thing more or less became that to some extent and that was resolved in the finale, but the voyages continue and there was much room for more stories to tell. Sure, DS9 had some loose threads in the end, but it would have been difficult to put these in a movie because it would basically require the viewers to have seen the show. A completely new story with the characters would have been possible, but I don't really see the point in that. I agree that it would probably have been a mess. Although maybe we would have finally seen the promotion of Harry Kim. Or he could be the villain BECAUSE he was never promoted... ;D Would still have been better than the Son'a from Insurrection.
It would have been fun to see some of the characters interact, like Picard and Seven of Nine or B'elanna and Worf, but it's really more like material for short online vignettes than a movie.

It could make sense to have the characters come together to face a common threat, like species 8472 using the Bajoran Wormhole to invade or something like that, but with three crews it would have to 5 hours long, or most of the characters would be little more than extras. Maybe a TV mini-series would have worked. It's a concept that really seems more suited to how Netflix is handling the Marvel shows right now, but than again I pretty much hate those :D
Post edited August 30, 2017 by Breja
Breja: You'd be hard pressed to find a bigger B5 fan than me (I'm the guy who always answers "Babylon 5" when asked to choose between Star Trek and Star Wars :P)
Oh, you too?

Breja: and I definitely liked Jake more than Wesley.
Well, even Wil Wheaton hates Wesley, so it really isn't hard to be more likable than the most hated character in the Star Trek universe.
gogtrial34987: I wish they'd made some DS9 movies.
MadalinStroe: I never understood all the love DS9 receives. The actor that played Sisko and the actor that played his son were so awful in their roles, that they completely ruined most of the episodes they appeared in. I'm baffled that the general consent seems to be that Janeway is the worst captain, though I'll admit that I haven't watched all the Voyager episodes, but in the first season I found her miles better than Sisko. From DS9 I also hated all the focus on Bajor and their shitty resistance. For me the best part, and definitively the most memorable part from DS9 was the Dominion War. I won't do more than mention the hugely disappointing resolution of DS9.
Well, every series have their ups and downs. Each captain has a nice presence about them that adds charm and authority to the series. In DS9 we got a B5 style series centered on a station which it did pretty good I think. I can see your aversion against the character Jake. In my mind, Nog were the only one of the two that managed to actually made an impression on me and I think someone else should have played Jake.

I really liked Avery Brooks at times but he could be a bit full of himself sometimes, however It worked somehow, seeing he played emissary, captain and a father in one. Too bad he got totally insane after the series. Fitting end of an era?!? :-D

First Contact I agree was the best of TNG series, but I think I know why people hate Nemesis; the first time I saw it it felt a bit campy and cringy because of his "needs" to have a father. Not to mention, not everyone liked the idea of Data dying. But now I see them as two of the strong points in the movie as nothing lasts forever, no matter how "immortal" one is. Also, 7 seasons of each of the series is also a bit long. Some episodes could have been be smashed together or taken out entirely.

I heavily recommend everyone to see the last two documentaries by William Shatner himself (@NetFlix), one about the chaos on the "bridge", and one about Star Treks Captains. Very entertaining, but, yeah, you can clearly see mr Brooks has lost it... He can never ones answer one of Shatners questions strait.

Btw: In which series did Scott come back for one last episode, and he was stuck inside a transporter for tens of years? Had to do with a Dyson sphere if I'm not mistaken. That was Enterprise, right? Been awhile since I saw them.
Post edited August 30, 2017 by sanscript
sanscript: Btw: In which series did Scott come back for one last episode, and he was stuck inside a transporter for tens of years? Had to do with a Dyson sphere if I'm not mistaken. That was Enterprise, right? Been awhile since I saw them.
TNG. Relics.
sanscript: Btw: In which series did Scott come back for one last episode, and he was stuck inside a transporter for tens of years? Had to do with a Dyson sphere if I'm not mistaken. That was Enterprise, right? Been awhile since I saw them.
gogtrial34987: TNG. Relics.
sanscript: Btw: In which series did Scott come back for one last episode, and he was stuck inside a transporter for tens of years? Had to do with a Dyson sphere if I'm not mistaken. That was Enterprise, right? Been awhile since I saw them.
That was TNG. I remember because it's one of those times where fans paid more attention to the series continuity than the writers did. When Scotty hears that the crew is from the Enterprise he makes the comment "I bet Jim Kirk pulled her out of mothballs to come find me". Which was a great line in the show, however when the film Generations was made they had Scotty present at the time of Kirks death.
Stevedog13: Never watched it.
_ChaosFox_: Inception, Warrior, The Dark Knight Rises, Legend, The Revenant?
The only one I've seen is Warrior, and I hated his character. Everyone else in that movie were well developed characters, but the younger brother was just whiney and self centered for 98% of the movie. I honestly think it would have been a better story if they left his character out. Maybe I've been subconsciously avoiding Tom Hardy because of this film.
sanscript: Btw: In which series did Scott come back for one last episode, and he was stuck inside a transporter for tens of years? Had to do with a Dyson sphere if I'm not mistaken. That was Enterprise, right? Been awhile since I saw them.
Stevedog13: That was TNG. I remember because it's one of those times where fans paid more attention to the series continuity than the writers did. When Scotty hears that the crew is from the Enterprise he makes the comment "I bet Jim Kirk pulled her out of mothballs to come find me". Which was a great line in the show, however when the film Generations was made they had Scotty present at the time of Kirks death.
I could only find "Great Scott" and a Dyson sphere on my memory and not a picture of anything else right now. :-)

It's one of those moments/episodes that we remember the most, but yeah, I get what you're saying. Too bad really. I always hoped they would hire an avid fan with asperger or anything in the autism spectrum which could give them serious pointers on where they shouldn't have cheated their fans, as there were not always the same writers present throughout the series, and also some of them didn't remember (or worse, didn't care) what had transpired before. :-D
Post edited August 30, 2017 by sanscript