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tinyE: It's a movie reference, I'm an innkeeper. It has nothing to do with rep.
HomerSimpson: I once told my wife that if she and the kids kept their nonsense up, they were going to get corrected 'Grady style'. She didn't get the reference.
The Simpsons take on the Shining was one of the greatest parodies ever.
What the hell is going on? I don't know... maybe fap or play shadowrun...
I have a dog. Testicles
Thunderstone: It is not about that and you dodged my point about the bots.
Didnt mean to dodge it. Just didnt see the relevance to our little war here. If that was the theory we wouldnt have been argueing about it for 10 pages. Sure if someone does it with bots its not as crazy to imagine it happening. Although still slightly paranoid to expect someone to do that to you just for pointless rep.

xyem: OCD. It can make you do things that are pointless and waste a lot of time.

Or are you going to argue that it does not?
No, are you?
low rated
xyem: OCD. It can make you do things that are pointless and waste a lot of time.

Or are you going to argue that it does not?
jamotide: No, are you?
So you admit that OCD makes you do pointless things that are a waste of time..?
If it makes you happy, I will admit whatever you want about OCDs.
low rated
jamotide: If it makes you happy, I will admit whatever you want about OCDs.
Just say whether you believe OCD can make people do pointless things that are a waste of time or not.
Well looking at you, apparently it does. But I am no expert.
low rated
jamotide: Well looking at you, apparently it does. But I am no expert.
An ad hominem. So mature.

You also didn't answer the question, again.

This is not a difficult question jamotide.

Do you agree or disagree with the statement "OCD can make people do pointless things that are a waste of time"?
Post edited July 26, 2013 by xyem
HomerSimpson: I once told my wife that if she and the kids kept their nonsense up, they were going to get corrected 'Grady style'. She didn't get the reference.
tinyE: The Simpsons take on the Shining was one of the greatest parodies ever.
Did you hear that Sam Simon is dying of cancer? So very sad - he's only 58 :-(
Well you are making the ad hominems very easy. I did answer the question, once again. It is not difficult to understand that as a yes,Xyem.
low rated
jamotide: Well you are making the ad hominems very easy.
This is why I find your character to be lacking. Just because something is easy, doesn't make it any less poor form to do it.

jamotide: I did answer the question, once again. It is not difficult to understand that as a yes,Xyem.
Actually, you responded to the question in such a way that it could easily be taken as a "yes", but you could then turn around and say "I didn't actually say yes! I was just trying to insult you!". You have attempted to weasel out of admitting you are wrong (by changing what you were calling "crazy" halfway through a sentence!) so I am being cautious about giving you the room to do it again.

I demanded a clear answer and your attempts to avoid giving me one demonstrate which of us is being obstructive in this "debate".


So, your claim that "no-one would create 100 accounts to downrep someone is a crazy conspiracy theory " is based on "it is pointless" and "a waste of time"...

...and you just admitted that there is a condition which can cause people to do things which "are pointless" and "a waste of time".

Are you going to admit that you were wrong to call it a crazy conspiracy theory now seeing as you just removed both your arguments for doing so by admitting OCD exists and what it can cause?

The incidence of OCD is about 1-3% of the population according to and 1% according to the [url=]International OCD Foundation. So providing being a gamer doesn't bias that incidence rate any.. 1% of the people that use the forums have OCD. Not unlike a particular person with a boatload of alts that has already been discussed..

And don't say "but it would only take 5-10 accounts to do it!" as a defense because it isn't one. People with OCD usually take actions beyond what is reasonable to achieve a goal. You want your hands clean? You wash them once. Someone with OCD wants their hands clean? They wash their hands over and over and over and over until they start causing physical damage.

Would you call that a crazy conspiracy theory? After all "no-one would wash their hands so much that they'd hurt themselves!" seems like such a reasonable assumption to make...

Besides, the research I've done seems to indicate that there is actually a use in using 100 accounts to downrep someone. It would raise how many people needed to uprate a post to remove the low-rating, possibly well beyond the number of people who are even aware of the down-rating. So if you want to be absolutely sure (like someone with OCD would) the person you are downrating stays downrated, volume is the way to go!

Your belief that "no-one would create 100 accounts to downrep someone because it is pointless and a waste of time" is negated by your belief that "OCD exists and makes people do pointless things that waste a lot of time".

So, are you going to admit that you were wrong to say it was a crazy conspiracy theory or are you going to continue jamotiding?
If the people who down-rated and [url=]#274 could come and tell me what I did wrong, I'd appreciate that. Thanks.
xyem: They wash their hands over and over and over and over until they start causing physical damage
I used to do that too, but I stopped early and didn't damage anything.
xyem: If the people who down-rated and [url=]#274 could come and tell me what I did wrong, I'd appreciate that. Thanks.
Motherfuckers ! I'm gonna uprep you right now.
Post edited July 27, 2013 by Licurg
xyem: They wash their hands over and over and over and over until they start causing physical damage
Licurg: I used to do that too, but I stopped early and didn't damage anything.
I can't imagine how it must feel to not be able to stop doing something, even as you are acutely aware of the damage you're doing to yourself. I'm really glad to hear that it didn't go that far for you.

Licurg: Motherfuckers ! I'm gonna uprep you right now.
It's annoying because I don't know if I genuinely did something wrong or if it was just jamotide and some of his friends not liking what I was saying. People will probably take #327 as being sarcastic, but I am genuinely asking for feedback so I can fix any mistakes that I may have made.

You can't punish someone for something 2 days later and then expect them to fix it or not do it again if you don't explain what they did wrong..

It also just goes to prove my point about the system being biased. If I didn't have RepLog, I wouldn't have noticed I lost 3 rep today, wouldn't have gone looking for low-rated posts, wouldn't have found them and wouldn't have mentioned them and if I hadn't mentioned them.. you wouldn't be undoing what you see as an unfair rating.
xyem: This is why I find your character to be lacking. Just because something is easy, doesn't make it any less poor form to do it.
Oh thats why, I thought you were talking about admitting stuff. Now you need to realise something, crazy conspiracy theories are not crazy because they are impossible, they are crazy because they are extremely unlikely. Just like a guy wasting 100 hours to downrep your mom on gog (yes I am immature).
And thats what I have always said and maintained, I did not weasel out of anything, I did not change anything.

Edit: You obviously got downrepped by people who don't feel like getting into a 10 page argument with you when they explain to you why. For me its fun, but other people have lives.
Post edited July 27, 2013 by jamotide