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xyem: I can't imagine how it must feel to not be able to stop doing something, even as you are acutely aware of the damage you're doing to yourself. I'm really glad to hear that it didn't go that far for you.
I still do stuff like that, but I'm selective about it. For example, when I play a RTS game and I issue my army an attack-move order, I usually just issue it a lot of times one after the other, even tho you only need to do it once. But it doesn't affect my health, nor my game, so I just ignore. Other stuff can lead to problems, like the washing your hands until they bleed, and I focus on not doing those things.
I've been told that I deserve to get derepped for stuff I posted several days ago. I've also been told that I deserve to get derepped for "non-offensive" post because of that fact that previously I've posted "offensive" post. I'm not going to name names because I've also been told that I deserve to get derepped for pointing out the people who think I deserve to get derepped for anything and everything I post. Kind of a lose lose situation here but at least I still have my lord and savior Jesus Chr.....yeah okay I can't type that without laughing sorry.

Wait....I've also been told that I deserve to get derepped for saying 'sorry' so scratch that last bit.
Post edited July 27, 2013 by tinyE
low rated
jamotide: Oh thats why, I thought you were talking about admitting stuff. Now you need to realise something, crazy conspiracy theories are not crazy because they are impossible, they are crazy because they are extremely unlikely.
God, will you just fuck off already ? Nobody likes you and you're gonna die alone ! And you're ugly too ! (I can be immature too,you see)
Hey first time I like a tinyE post enough to click +

Don't mind Licurg, he is just angry I called him out for belittling the East Timor Genocide. I guess this is my payback.
jamotide: Don't mind Licurg, he is just angry I called him out for belittling the East Timor Genocide. I guess this is my payback.
I didn't belittle anything, I just pointed out more people died in China. But logic is obviously a notion you can't comprehend, so I'm not gonna bother anymore...
Funny, because lack of logic was your problem in that thread, but you got dealt with there, don't cry for attention here.
tinyE: I've been told that I deserve to get derepped for stuff I posted several days ago. I've also been told that I deserve to get derepped for "non-offensive" post because of that fact that previously I've posted "offensive" post. I'm not going to name names because I've also been told that I deserve to get derepped for pointing out the people who think I deserve to get derepped for anything and everything I post. Kind of a lose lose situation here but at least I still have my lord and savior Jesus Chr.....yeah okay I can't type that without laughing sorry.

Wait....I've also been told that I deserve to get derepped for saying 'sorry' so scratch that last bit.
I'm no longer that much around anymore than I used to be. But your (as far as I have noticed) open, chaotic and generally non-hostile humour is one of the better aspects of the current forum structure. You are like Antimateria with working (or rather different medication).

Rock on, dude!

Edit: I should clarify that I do really like Antimaterias posts. Even if I can only follow about 69% of them.
Post edited July 27, 2013 by SimonG
jamotide: Funny, because lack of logic was your problem in that thread, but you got dealt with there, don't cry for attention here.
I got "dealt with" how, exactly ?
With logic. Death rates of genocides are not higher because a country is smaller.But absolute casualties will be higher in a large country. Pretty bad that you still did not realise that since that thread. But I am happy to help you, because as an Eador fan, I like you, even if theres no reciprocity.
jamotide: I did not change anything.

jamotide: Now you need to realise something, crazy conspiracy theories are not crazy because they are impossible, they are crazy because they are extremely unlikely. Just like a guy wasting 100 hours to downrep your mom on gog (yes I am immature).
Err.. you just changed it. We were discussing 100 accounts, not 100 hours.

It doesn't take anywhere near 100 hours to create 100 accounts or downrep someone significantly. It takes 5-10 minutes a day, which is not a lot of time. Especially if the target continues to annoy you or whatever.

jamotide: Edit: You obviously got downrepped by people who don't feel like getting into a 10 page argument with you when they explain to you why. For me its fun, but other people have lives.
I didn't "obviously" get downrepped by anyone. It could just be you.

Saying I "obviously" got downrepped by people who don't feel like getting into a 10 page argument with me makes them look both stupid (you can only get into a long argument if you participate too) and cowards who have to hide behind a post rating system to voice their (vague) disapproval.

Even if that is the case, downrating me is a really odd way of doing it. I've not exactly hidden the fact that I now have a handful of alts that I could easily use to both remove the low-rating and undo the rep damage. "Obviously" they believe I have the integrity of not using them to do that, which means they should also know I have the integrity to discuss their objection and/or not use the alts against them if they made their objection public.

Another explanation is you mobilised some friends through PM to do it, which would explain why they wouldn't know the above, having not read the topic.

Anyway, my call for feedback regarding those 2 posts is a genuine one. If I have made a mistake, I'd like the chance to correct it or apologise for any wrong-doing.
jamotide: With logic
If you believe in logic, then explain how A remains correct at the end of this.

A: No-one would do X.
B: I would do X.
A: No-one would do X.
Post edited July 27, 2013 by xyem
You know what? Now I'm really annoyed.

I was just looking for something and came across a topic where the OP was organising a massive giveaway. Every single one of his posts is low-rated. Looking around at other posts he made around the same time? All low-rated.

Only that one person has been low-rated like that and not one mention of it happening which means it was a targeted attack and it was done well after the topic had gone quiet.

Someone clearly took the time to trawl through a generous member's old posts and low-rate them and then jamotide here has the audacity to say "no-one would waste their time doing that!".

You're wrong jamotide. Some people are jerks and will invest a lot of time in jerk-like activities.
xyem: You know what? Now I'm really annoyed.

I was just looking for something and came across a topic where the OP was organising a massive giveaway. Every single one of his posts is low-rated. Looking around at other posts he made around the same time? All low-rated.

Only that one person has been low-rated like that and not one mention of it happening which means it was a targeted attack and it was done well after the topic had gone quiet.

Someone clearly took the time to trawl through a generous member's old posts and low-rate them and then jamotide here has the audacity to say "no-one would waste their time doing that!".

You're wrong jamotide. Some people are jerks and will invest a lot of time in jerk-like activities.
Link ?
xyem: You're wrong jamotide. Some people are jerks and will invest a lot of time in jerk-like activities.
What does that have to do with what I said, we have well established it does only take 5 to 10 accounts or a script to do that. I also would like to see the link.
And where I wrote 100 hours instead of accounts it was a mistake, jeezus, you really are desperate to pick apart my posts!
Now you are getting paranoid,too, which friends would I mobilize and what for, I have no friends on gog (or anywhere else) well except Licurg,but it does not look like he will help me here. :D
It seems to be really hard for you to come to terms with being wrong and having other people realise that and downvote your inane posts. Much easier for mental health to just assume its jamotide with his gog crowd. You seem to forget that I am not the one anyone knows here, at least positively.
low rated
jamotide: What does that have to do with what I said, we have well established it does only take 5 to 10 accounts or a script to do that.
.. which part of "it only takes 5-10 accounts is irrelevant" are you having trouble understanding?

You said that no-one would create 100 accounts to downrep someone because it takes a lot of time. If people are willing to spend a lot of time trawling through a users old posts to mass downrate them with multiple accounts, they would create 100 accounts to do it, if they thought it was necessary to do so or wanted to ensure their downrating couldn't easily be undone.

jamotide: And where I wrote 100 hours instead of accounts it was a mistake, jeezus, you really are desperate to pick apart my posts!
Yeah, right. You've been saying "100 accounts" for nearly a week now. It's pretty unlikely to be a mistake so your claim it is a mistake fits your (incorrect[1]) definition of a "crazy conspiracy theory". It is far more likely that you tried to change it (perhaps because I pointed out that using that many accounts actually has a purpose?) and are backpedaling because I called you out.

jamotide: Now you are getting paranoid,too, which friends would I mobilize and what for, I have no friends on gog (or anywhere else) well except Licurg,but it does not look like he will help me here. :D

It seems to be really hard for you to come to terms with being wrong and having other people realise that and downvote your inane posts. Much easier for mental health to just assume its jamotide with his gog crowd. You seem to forget that I am not the one anyone knows here, at least positively.
Listing possibilities does not make you paranoid. Believing them to be what is happening would be paranoid and no-where did I say I thought it was anything to do with you.

Clearly, I believe it is some genuine ratings, hence the request for feedback. The second of which is right after I say it <i>could</i> have been something to do with you.

Again, you have decided on your viewpoint and are ignoring information that contradicts it.

[1] A conspiracy theory is an explanatory proposition that accuses two or more people, a group or an organization of having caused or covered up, through deliberate collusion, an event or phenomenon of great social, political, or economic impact.


Also, you didn't answer my question (again)..

Explain how A remains correct at the end of this.

A: No-one would do X.
B: I would do X.
A: No-one would do X.
Post edited July 28, 2013 by xyem
Ok now you are just getting off any sanity charts, your think I would "try" to change the issue at hand to 100 hours instead of accounts? As if no one would notice that? That is so ridiculous it does not even need any further rebuttal.

A remains correct if the person in B would be mentally deficient. A crazy person to prove your crazy theory, not very convincing, dude. So go ahead and do it!

I am not deciding any viewpoints, I am simply contradicting yours, the same on yyahoo contradicted 10 pages ago.

And no, just because someone invests 20 minutes to annoy someone, it does not logically follow that they would also invest 200 minutes to do it. Look, I invested 20 minutes in this thread to annoy you, but when it becomes 200 minutes maybe on page 120 or so, then you can call me crazy. So, don't back down, we can do it together!