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A new, refreshed version of the classic point and click game is finally here. Sam & Max Save the World is now available on GOG.COM! Join the two wacky members of the Freelance Police, a six-foot canine detective and a hyperkinetic rabbity-thing, on their quest to solve strange crime cases and… save the world.

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high rated
"We forgot"

... Riiiiiight.
I'll buy it for $5 off a "grey market" CD Key reseller like g2a in two years if someone creates a mod that "enhances" the game back to its original form.

Signed: The target audience for this remaster, aka Sam & Max: Hit The Road fans who never got to play Save the World or the other TellTale sequels.

EDIT: While I was still living in Germany in 2008 or so, I remember a disc-version of this game costing $10 at the bargain bin of the local electronics store. I am sure this remaster is worth 4 times the price, no doubt in my mind.

My respect to the people involved in this project who probably had to keep themselves from speaking out against this in fear of getting kicked out.
Post edited December 07, 2020 by SomeGuy8504
high rated
wolfsite: So by the looks of it they are downplaying/dismissing the issue claiming that they didn't change anything but did make "small tweaks" which is both a wrong and contradictory statement.
ScarletEmerald: I had posted a review on GOG that linked to a Steam forum thread which gave a partial list of the changes. That link is now broken, since the devs have merged all the Steam forum threads complaining about this issue into one combined thread (some are accusing the devs of trying to hide the issue, though others claim that this is standard moderation practice). Since the devs are now trying to claim that they did not "censor a ton of jokes", but only made "small tweaks" to "a few jokes", I am copying the list here, so that people will be able to find it.
Am having a big case of déjà vu with what you're reporting @ScarletEmerald. When Kalypso was called on its censorship of the Commandos' 'remaster', which was more akin to a remake, some 'interesting' things happened on the forum with their CMs. First they had to worm out of the initial claim that scrapping all of Nazy symbols (plus some cut scenes as well as the Japanese red circle) was done so that the game could be sold internationally, to finally admitting when they were called on the BS that it was in fact their own decision alone to censor the way they did and nothing else.

Then there was the locking and/or merging of threads discussing this, the removal of posts which in no way were against the forum's rules, also removing many posts of those suggesting getting the original (there or here on GOG) and using certain well known Mod. They even went as far as to marking posts 'solved' with their own answers when it's up to the OP to decide which posts to mark as solved. Time will tell how it'll go on the Sam & Max forum but let's hope they will listen, hear and do what's right by gamers.

Bottom line with ANY games that get 'remastered', they should be just that : remasters and that's it. Other than financial reasons, why would a company decide to do a remaster if they are not going to leave the game alone when it comes to the story, its characters and their personality and so on. If they, the devs or publishers who order the changes, are not comfortable with any aspect of the games (and am not taking about any technical aspects here), they should leave it well alone and let someone else to do a true labor of love on those games.

This BS of not wanting to offend or whatever blah blah is a loose-loose situation anyway as you will do just that anyway, like in the case of Sam & Max (and Commandos and others who suffered the same fate): you will always end up alienating and angering those who know and love the game as it was (minus unresolved bugs) and that's a gamer base some always seem to vastly underestimate in its number.

What a terrible shame this awesome classic ending up being another casualty of 'modern' times.

Kudos and thanks to @MarkoH01 for taking the time and trouble to look for a possible bug workaround, as well as @markrichardb and others who alerted and kept us informed about those changes.
high rated
The digital age was supposed to preserve media for all time, but just ended up making it more disposable. Buy TV shows, movies, and games you love, because 15 years later someone is going to have the bright idea to 'fix' it, and the original version will rot in some corporate archive until its accidentally destroyed. At which point you'll have to rely on a service like GOG reconstructing footage from a badly damaged VHS tape discovered in somebody's attic.
high rated
ScarletEmerald: Since the devs are now trying to claim that they did not "censor a ton of jokes", but only made "small tweaks" to "a few jokes", I am copying the list here, so that people will be able to find it.
Again I have to crawl out of my intended exile. Cheers for making the list.

I though I said all there was to say in the previous thread, about Bosco's voice. But this shit... this really takes it to another level. Complete ruination of the writing, pathetic cowardliness and lying through their teeth about it to boot. Seriously, some law about media preservation should be passed that would make shit like this illegal. As someone who really cares deeply about things like movies and games, this is both disgusting and terrifying to me. Years ago, when GOG was still ran by principled gaming enthusiasts, I would have made a wishlist entry for removing this piece of crap from the store.
high rated
Whilst I agree with that's been said, and watched a video of the new Bosco and hated it. The passion that made Bosco a great character is gone in the new VO.

There is however a mod being worked on to replace Bosco's voice with his original, only Episode 1 is done at the moment and as far as I'm aware the jokes are back (as its the original voice files) the person doing it said he will work on the subtitles after they have got the voice working for all the episodes.

You can grab it from:

(There is a video preview on the link, as well as details about the mod.)

Also I've posted a topic about the mod in the Sam & Max forum so its not lost in the general release thread.
Post edited December 07, 2020 by RoboPond