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Hellfire expansion is now available as a free add-on for everyone who purchases the Blizzard classic Diablo on GOG.COM.

Originally developed by Synergistic Software and released in 1997, Hellfire was not an official Blizzard product and did not carry Blizzard’s endorsement or label. Despite that, in response to Diablo players who have expressed a desire to experience the content, Blizzard has given the OK for it to be included as a free add-on with Diablo purchases on GOG.COM.

Hellfire offers a non-canonical single-player storyline where players must defeat a powerful demon named Na-Krul who is threatening Tristram. The expansion also adds a Monk class, new weapons and items, new missions, locations, dungeons, and enemies. Hellfire will be accessible while launching the original Diablo.

The Hellfire expansion comes with high-resolution support and compatibility updates to allow it to run on modern systems, and it’s available now as a free add-on for everyone who purchases the Blizzard classic Diablo. The game is currently 10% off during the Summer Sale Festival until June 17, 10 PM UTC.
Zoltan_Kelemen: Hi guys!
Is there any way to import Diablo1 character to Hellfire expansion? Tnx

1. Find your savegame file (for example: D:\GOGGalaxyLibrary\Diablo\dx\
2. Copy the file to hellfire folder (for example: D:\GOGGalaxyLibrary\Diablo\hellfire\
3. Rename the file from "" to "single_0.hsv".
4. Have fun!

P.S: Keep in mind that all loot will disappear (except gold), so sell everything before you start the transfer procedure ;)
Post edited June 06, 2019 by Ankroth
"Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious'' :)
Nice to see Hellfire being added to the game (remeber liking some of the new spells especially the lightning wall one, for those enemies who were resistant of even immune to fire...)
Well this is a lovely little surprise. :) Awesome.
Character classes only include the original 3 (Warrior, Rogue and Sorcerer) with Monk added. What happened to Bard and Barbarian?
Would have been nice if this was optional or gog had some kind of toggle. This "update" screwed over my current playthrough with my current mods.
Amazing. Thank you Team GOG (and Blizzard for being cool!) <3
Unholy molly! GOG guys excel themselves once more!!!
ElPrimordial: Unholy molly! GOG guys excel themselves once more!!!
ANd just a couple of hours ago they Brought COmbat Mission Beyond Overlord and added it's Russian Front and North African Front cousins. Nice.
TungPunch: Character classes only include the original 3 (Warrior, Rogue and Sorcerer) with Monk added. What happened to Bard and Barbarian?
They were never part of the official Hellfire release. You have to basically do a minor hack to the game to get them to work. That's the way it has always been, even with the original Helllfire CD.There are instructions on how to do so in the specific Diablo forum here.

ChrisGamer300: Sure, i like the character bulding, gearing and other aspect of it better as "game but i always went back to D1 for one single reason and that is the brilliant atmosphere of it. D2 also has a great atmosphere just not quite as good as 1 but as you said it has several advantages over 1 as well so i hope you are correct.
hedwards: I don't agree with that, Diablo was pretty much a one trick pony and the atmosphere is pretty limited. It's easy to have atmosphere if you have such a limited game.
True, but at the time Diablo was released it was a one trick pony that was brand new.
yes, it's limited compared to the rogue action RPG we have today, but back in 1996 it was revolutionary.
Post edited June 06, 2019 by dudalb
I had forgotten they added run with this.

That's the best part!
TungPunch: Character classes only include the original 3 (Warrior, Rogue and Sorcerer) with Monk added. What happened to Bard and Barbarian?
Weren't those classes only available through a hack tool? Unless my memory escapes me...
TungPunch: Character classes only include the original 3 (Warrior, Rogue and Sorcerer) with Monk added. What happened to Bard and Barbarian?
miledrive: Weren't those classes only available through a hack tool? Unless my memory escapes me...
Pretty sure you're right about that.
TungPunch: Character classes only include the original 3 (Warrior, Rogue and Sorcerer) with Monk added. What happened to Bard and Barbarian?
miledrive: Weren't those classes only available through a hack tool? Unless my memory escapes me...
yes, you needed a hack.
Though it' san easy, safe hack you just need to a txt file to your helifire folder. The Diablo forum here in the game forum section has a couple of threads detailing how. Should only take a minute or so; youjust need to add one line to the text fille.
And it works with the gog edition just tried it.
Post edited June 06, 2019 by dudalb
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, i spent ungodly amounts of hours playing diablo and hellfire, like the only game i played other then half life. Thank you for bringing this into working order. GoG rules. Cant wait for galaxy 2.0
Thank you