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The lost chapter in the Bhaalspawn saga

<span class="bold">Siege of Dragonspear</span>, the brand new expansion that bridges the gap between Baldur's Gate I and II, is now available, DRM-free on

What happened to our heroes after they defeated Sarevok and before they ended up captives inside Jon Irenicus' prison lab? Did they stick together? Did they drift apart? Did Boo get to bite any more delicious eyeballs? The brand new 25-hour expansion Siege of Dragonspear promises to answer these pressing questions, which have been lingering for 18 whole years, while also delivering an adventure worth of Baldur's Gate's glorious legacy.

A powerful army led by a charismatic warrior only known as the Shining Lady has been pillaging the Sword Coast, forcibly enlisting locals and causing general unrest. Even more disturbing are the rumors of her also being the child of a god. A showdown is inevitable.
Siege of Dragonspear brings your party to entirely new areas of the Sword Coast, facing new monsters, finding new loot, and tackling new quests. All your companions from Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition return and are joined here by Captain Schael Corwin, a deadshot archer, Voghiln the Vast, a mighty northerner warrior, M’Khiin Grubdoubler, a goblin shaman (new class), and Glint Gardnersonson, the kind gnome cleric. Your RPG experience gets even more enhanced thanks to the improved UI and Infinity Engine features, which will feel both familiar and welcome to new and seasoned players alike.

If you want to get the OST from the original Baldur's Gate, plus the extra tracks composed for the Enhanced Edition and Siege of Dragonspear, you can also grab <span class="bold">Siege of Dragonspear - Digital Deluxe Edition</span>.
Note that GOG Galaxy support for achievements in Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, and Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition - Siege of Dragonspear is going to be implemented in the near future.

Continue the saga of the Bhaalspawn and deal with a rising power in <span class="bold">Siege of Dragonspear</span>, DRM-free on

Siege of Dragonspear requires <span class="bold">Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition</span> on You can pick up Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition at 75% off, or 85% off if you own the original saga

Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition will be 75% off until April 4 11:59 PM PDT / April 5 2:59 AM EDT/ 7:59 BST and 60% off until April 29 10:59 AM PDT / 1:59 PM EDT / 18:59 BST. The 85% discount for owners of the original saga will last until April 29 10:59 AM PDT / 1:59 PM EDT / 18:59 BST.
Post edited April 02, 2016 by maladr0Id
vulpoi: 4-The members of your party lose the hard fought equiped items after they leave your company
When you started your SoD game did you import a save from BG1EE? I loaded my last save from BG1EE, refought Sarevok, then allowed SoD to start automatically. When the previous members of my party rejoined after I left the Ducal Palace, they had all the gear that I had previously equipped in their on body inventory slots, but anything else such as containers et cetera were located in one of the two chest of drawers on the floor of the bedroom of which CHARNAME was staying in the Palace.

5- Low level cap
There is an XP cap of 500,000 which means depending on class single classed characters will have a maximum level of 9 to 12. There is an XP cap remover that is supposed to be updated for use with SoD, but I have not tried it myself personally.

EDIT: The XP cap remover doesn't seem to work correctly. After making the selections in the level up menu the "DONE" button is still inactive and you cannot exit the screen.
Post edited April 06, 2016 by ValamirCleaver
wolfsrain: Maybe removing the reviews is a good idea?!
Siegor: Or at least set a time delay between a game becoming available and reviews being allowed.
I'm a firm believer that reviews should be left to professional reviewers. I've lost count of how many "reviews" show up after less than an hour of a game's release, or give a negative rating due to "no multiplayer/ no coop/ whatever it is I don't like"
Obviously there are proper amateur reviews with good arguments, proper pros and cons and factual information but, unfortunately, they are few and far between.
Unfortunately, professional reviewing has problems of it's own. I'm sure I don't need to mention IGN being a marketing extension for AAA devs. Or professional reviews being blacklisted by the devs because they dare criticize their product, even if the criticism is valid.

Your gripe about user reviews is totally valid though. Giving a game a bad review because is doesn't have something you wanted is asinine to say the least. Personally, I have problem with "reviews" to the effect of "ZOMG, Dis game is awesome!!! I played it all the time when I was a kid, buy it NOW!!!!". Do these morons actually think their nostalgia has any relevance to a game review?

Still, I personally find user reviews more reliable, it's just that you have to filter through the garbage reviews to get them. A lesser evil than relying on professional reviews to be sure.
I also rely on user reviews more than on the professional reviews. But right now those are tainted by both sides. So you can't see exactly what is wrong (besides the obvious elephants in the room) from a technical point of view. Finding the ones that would describe bugs, potential crashes, missing quests and so on is a nightmare by now.
nightcraw1er.488: Sorry, I hadn't realised that BG was now chucking out >60fps with DX12? It is a game with pre-rendered 2d backdrops, and 3d characters. It doesn't need anything further.
JMich: You're right. Who cares if the game uses 100% of your CPU, that won't affect CPU life expectancy or prevent you from doing other stuff at the same time. And it's a pre-rendered 2d backdrop with 3d characters, it obviously needs the full power of your CPU to display them.
IE does have limitations. If you are fine with your CPU running at a much higher load than it should, by all means use that. But that doesn't make IE an engine with nothing wrong.

As for the RAM limitation, it means that there is a limit to how much stuff can be in an area. Not sure what the limit is, or if the games do push it, but the engine itself is limited.

P.S. Problem reported as back as 2001, if not earlier.
Sorry, I hadn't realised. Are you saying that GOG (amongst other stores) has/is selling a dangerous digital product that will damage my computer? If so that is quite serious, and I wonder why it never came up on the various machines I have spent thousands of hours playing the games on?
nightcraw1er.488: If so that is quite serious, and I wonder why it never came up on the various machines I have spent thousands of hours playing the games on?
I'm saying that the "No faults" engine you mention has quite some flaws. There are ways to bypass them, but there are faults to said engine.

Edit: To use an example you'd appreciate, just because someone hasn't encountered any problems with game clients doesn't mean that game clients don't have problems.
Post edited April 06, 2016 by JMich
DubConqueror: 40 tracks, 33 of which are from the original game, 34-40 are Enhanced Edition tracks by composer Sam Hulick, dealing with the Enhanced Edition NPC's quests and The Black Pits.
Nergal01: Thanks! :) And what about the soundtrack for SoD? That title track they've been playing non-stop on the Beamdog streams really got to me, and I so want it. :D
Siege of Dragonspear's soundtrack is 21 tracks long.
nightcraw1er.488: If so that is quite serious, and I wonder why it never came up on the various machines I have spent thousands of hours playing the games on?
JMich: I'm saying that the "No faults" engine you mention has quite some flaws. There are ways to bypass them, but there are faults to said engine.

Edit: To use an example you'd appreciate, just because someone hasn't encountered any problems with game clients doesn't mean that game clients don't have problems.
Ok, so yes accepted, any software can have faults, thus the point over using the new engine over the old engine is moot, as both will have their problems. So that's not a valid reason to buy the new version. So it again boils down to why buy a new version of the game if you already own the previous, and so far the only reason I have seen is the additional DLC, which personally I don't see fitting into what was a pretty much complete story originally.

Out of interest, did GemRB fix the processor problem, I know they fixed a fair few bits, and removed a lot of the limitations imposed by the original engine.
high rated

Ed Greenwood

Tuesday, April 5, 2016 at 6:56pm

"I am saddened by what I hear of the current kerfluffle raging about Siege of Dragonspear and the trans character Amber Scott designed and included in it.

Folks, the Realms have ALWAYS had characters (mortals and deities) who crossdressed, changed gender (and not just to sneak past guards in an adventure, by way of shapeshifting magic or illusions), were actively bisexual, and openly gay. How underscored this was by TSR and later Wizards varied over time, and was always softpedaled, because D&D wasn't a sex game, and we generally don't rub the reader's nose in sex unless there's a good in-story reason for it.

But even deities have changed gender, sometimes for good, and the servants of deities (Elminster, in ELMINSTER: THE MAKING OF A MAGE) have sometimes been forced by the deity to "spend time as the other" to learn what life is like.

So it has always been there, and is an integral part of the Realms. With that said, I've never met a gamer yet who doesn't tinker with every adventure to "make it their own" at their own gaming table, so if trans, LGBT, or sexual matters at all don't suit your tastes and needs in your gaming sessions, leave it out or change it.

But D&D has half-orcs, and half-dragons, and half-elves, and has magic items that specifically change gender, right there in the rules. Surely, if you can handle the basic notion of cross-SPECIES sex, having a full variety of gender roles should be something that doesn't blow your mind. If it's not for you, that's fine. I hate wearing certain shades of yellow. But I don't scream and yell at someone I see wearing those shades of yellow, and call them names, and threaten things. My right to dislike yellow applies to me; it doesn't extend to others. Because somehow, through an incredible oversight on the part of the universe that still hasn't been rectified, no one made me a god. (I'm still crushed.)"
Post edited April 06, 2016 by ValamirCleaver
All this drama shows just how pointless the GOG review system has become, its not a place for game reviews anymore, but for right-wing political attacks. Are all these people even gamers, or just neo-nazis posing as gamers ?
When Steam reviews have become more informative than GOG reviews things have really turned to shit.
Senestoj: That's harsh, from a general writing point of view, it's not harsh it's limited and giving up on reading many good stuff.
Luned: I believe that you completely misread my post.
Sorry for that then, I suppose I wanted explain something about the subject and then wanted read something in your post. :+)

My comment was then totally non relevant to your post, but for a more general point of view complain the DLC itself was "politically correct" and it's the problem this would be a sort of hypocrisy and you certainly agree with me on that. I'll perhaps answer to your answer to my wrong answer I'll see but I'll need read it ten time before to do so. :-D

Ricky_Bobby: All this drama shows just how pointless the GOG review system has become, its not a place for game reviews anymore, but for right-wing political attacks. Are all these people even gamers, or just neo-nazis posing as gamers ?
When Steam reviews have become more informative than GOG reviews things have really turned to shit.
Lol Steam users reviews aren't better and the vote system is definitely used for digging reviews for pushing up reviews, for pushing up your community, and so on.

It's the same type of drama in Steam, if there's no thread like this one in Steam forum it's just because since some months Steam forums moderation gone mad with clear abuse of banning and thread locking. But ok the task is rude there for the mods and adms.
Post edited April 06, 2016 by Senestoj
Luned: I already wasn't planning on buying the new expansion (because I've had my own headcanons for more than 15 years now of what happened to my characters in between), but I was considering purchasing the base EEs with the heavy discount for owners of the originals. This silliness makes me reconsider whether to purchase even the base EEs. It's the idea of an author defending the poor quality of their writing on the grounds that "It's politically correct!" that offends me. Any author who can't separate criticism of their style from criticism of their social opinions will never be able to develop their skills and justly deserves to fade into obscurity.
Ok so dev behavior guided your game choice, that's a common attitude, and I can't reproach you anything, it's just your choice.

Myself I never ever agree with such reaction no matter the subject, this group or musician is an infect personality... I don't care if the music is great. Im' not looking for a friend I'm looking for a great music, or a great game...

The second reason I disagree with such reaction is, let face it, you don't see the real person of such public people you just see their com and their skills in com, is skills in com should be that important to influence your choices? That's a question you answer yes, I answer no.

But really I haven't notice the affair is about style but definitely about contents that shouldn't have cover the game.
Post edited April 06, 2016 by Senestoj
DubConqueror: Siege of Dragonspear's soundtrack is 21 tracks long.
Thank you. :) Ok, so 61 tracks in all. That's not bad.

The DDE it is, then. I'm probably gonna wait a little, though. The next 4 weeks are gonna be a scheduling nightmare, and I won't have much time to play, anyway. >_>
nightcraw1er.488: Out of interest, did GemRB fix the processor problem, I know they fixed a fair few bits, and removed a lot of the limitations imposed by the original engine.
I sincerely hope so, but why use GebRB (and its own set of issues) if the original IE has no faults? Could it be that the new engine offers some advantages over the old, thus using the new engine is preferable, DLC or no DLC?
Who cares, as long as everyone can play what he likes, who is to say what is the right or wrong way to play it?
vulpoi: 4-The members of your party lose the hard fought equiped items after they leave your company
ValamirCleaver: When you started your SoD game did you import a save from BG1EE? I loaded my last save from BG1EE, refought Sarevok, then allowed SoD to start automatically. When the previous members of my party rejoined after I left the Ducal Palace, they had all the gear that I had previously equipped in their on body inventory slots, but anything else such as containers et cetera were located in one of the two chest of drawers on the floor of the bedroom of which CHARNAME was staying in the Palace.

5- Low level cap
ValamirCleaver: There is an XP cap of 500,000 which means depending on class single classed characters will have a maximum level of 9 to 12. There is an XP cap remover that is supposed to be updated for use with SoD, but I have not tried it myself personally.

EDIT: The XP cap remover doesn't seem to work correctly. After making the selections in the level up menu the "DONE" button is still inactive and you cannot exit the screen.
I Imported a the "Last Save" that is created by the game when you kill Sarevok.

I received the items from the party inventory in the chest but with the exception of the helmet the rest of the party members that left me lost the equipped items /received another equipment .

For example Khalid was equipped with the Gift of Peace, Ogre hands Gauntlets, Cloak +2, Varscona+2, Flame tongue, The Harrower+1, The Shield of Falling Stars

When I got him back he only had the Gift of Peace, none other from the above. His weapon was just a Longsword+1.

Regarding the level cap, according to a thread on Beamdog forum the maximum level cap for fighters is 10 and for Paladins is 9. I can get a paladin to level 10 via the BG EE Black Pits import and export.

LE: I found the thread:
Post edited April 06, 2016 by vulpoi
nightcraw1er.488: Out of interest, did GemRB fix the processor problem, I know they fixed a fair few bits, and removed a lot of the limitations imposed by the original engine.
JMich: I sincerely hope so, but why use GebRB (and its own set of issues) if the original IE has no faults? Could it be that the new engine offers some advantages over the old, thus using the new engine is preferable, DLC or no DLC?
Who cares, as long as everyone can play what he likes, who is to say what is the right or wrong way to play it?
I haven't used the GemRB version as yet, have been meaning to but not got round to it. There are benefits, its free for instance, but weighing them up against possible problems, not done that yet.

Playing the game with your feet, in the nude, in a shop window would probably be considered the wrong way to play it, at least that's stance of the local constabulary anyways...not that i'd know.