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The lost chapter in the Bhaalspawn saga

<span class="bold">Siege of Dragonspear</span>, the brand new expansion that bridges the gap between Baldur's Gate I and II, is now available, DRM-free on

What happened to our heroes after they defeated Sarevok and before they ended up captives inside Jon Irenicus' prison lab? Did they stick together? Did they drift apart? Did Boo get to bite any more delicious eyeballs? The brand new 25-hour expansion Siege of Dragonspear promises to answer these pressing questions, which have been lingering for 18 whole years, while also delivering an adventure worth of Baldur's Gate's glorious legacy.

A powerful army led by a charismatic warrior only known as the Shining Lady has been pillaging the Sword Coast, forcibly enlisting locals and causing general unrest. Even more disturbing are the rumors of her also being the child of a god. A showdown is inevitable.
Siege of Dragonspear brings your party to entirely new areas of the Sword Coast, facing new monsters, finding new loot, and tackling new quests. All your companions from Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition return and are joined here by Captain Schael Corwin, a deadshot archer, Voghiln the Vast, a mighty northerner warrior, M’Khiin Grubdoubler, a goblin shaman (new class), and Glint Gardnersonson, the kind gnome cleric. Your RPG experience gets even more enhanced thanks to the improved UI and Infinity Engine features, which will feel both familiar and welcome to new and seasoned players alike.

If you want to get the OST from the original Baldur's Gate, plus the extra tracks composed for the Enhanced Edition and Siege of Dragonspear, you can also grab <span class="bold">Siege of Dragonspear - Digital Deluxe Edition</span>.
Note that GOG Galaxy support for achievements in Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, and Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition - Siege of Dragonspear is going to be implemented in the near future.

Continue the saga of the Bhaalspawn and deal with a rising power in <span class="bold">Siege of Dragonspear</span>, DRM-free on

Siege of Dragonspear requires <span class="bold">Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition</span> on You can pick up Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition at 75% off, or 85% off if you own the original saga

Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition will be 75% off until April 4 11:59 PM PDT / April 5 2:59 AM EDT/ 7:59 BST and 60% off until April 29 10:59 AM PDT / 1:59 PM EDT / 18:59 BST. The 85% discount for owners of the original saga will last until April 29 10:59 AM PDT / 1:59 PM EDT / 18:59 BST.
Post edited April 02, 2016 by maladr0Id
Leroux: So it's a DLC requiring BG:EE, but does it also require that you play BG:EE? I'm interested in new content, but not in replays, and I already had to replay parts of BG in order to be able to play Tales of the Sword Coast. I have no intention of replaying BG ever again, so I'd like to know if Siege of Dragonspear can be started right from the menu (allowing you to create a character of appropriate level, or offering pre-made ones), or whether the starting point is hidden somewhere in the main game and can't be accessed without replaying parts of BG:EE (like in Tales of the Sword Coast).
From an interview of RPG Gamer with one of the developers:

JS: How is the expansion accessed in-game? Can a player create a character and jump right in, or do they need to go through BG:EE first?

PD: You can access Siege of Dragonspear in a few ways. Once the expansion pack is installed, you can:

A) Start a new game at the start of Siege of Dragonspear. Your character will be at an appropriate level for the adventure when you start, and you'll be given a party of companions from BG:EE based on your character's alignment.
B) Import your saved game from Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition. The party you have in this save will be brought into Siege of Dragonspear with you.
C) Import your exported character from Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition. This is like the first option, but you're bringing in a character that already exists and skipping the character creation part of starting a new game.
D) Play through Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition and automatically transition to Siege of Dragonspear after the final battle. This is similar to B.

We'e also added a feature that will allow you to create an entirely custom party of up to 6 characters at the start of the game. In the past this was only possible by juggling save files around to create an entirely custom party. Now it's built into the game.
gamesfreak64: ...
So there 10 bucks of the B G2 EE? thats the same as selling the DLC (expansion as they call it nowdays) at 9.99 instead of 19.99 thats the same 10 bucks off the price, basically many users might have the game already (even i have it) thus having no profit at the release, they own the main game and pay 19.99 for the dlc.
I have to play the bg2 EE first to see if i am gonna spend 19.99 on its DLC.
Anyway, the thing is when you dont have the main game yet, and you see the dlc at 19.99 , people might wait a while, cause at 19.99 you could buy a full game which you can play right away.
Senestoj: BG1&2 EE was remakes, ok few stuff added but not much, the DLC is new stuff. That's a good reason for the prices.

The DLC isn't for players who didn't played BG1&2 EE or not, so yeah buy BG2 EE if you didn't played it, pretty obvious and it's not a matter of price.
arxon: Wishlisted for now, after previous Beamdog experience I think I'm gonna wait for a less bugged version, also the price is bit steep for an xpac, although it's supposed to be quite large, but still.
Senestoj: There's already plenty reports at Steam about the game full of bugs, makes me wonder when it's been released on Steam, a week ago? :-)

But frankly I also delay in part because of this reason, this fame, that I didn't experimented myself. The main reason is also I'm playing another game and see no reason to rush this buy.
Thats weird I thought it came out the same day as the gog version (unless some of the steam reviews were folks who were beta testing it for beamdog?)
Post edited April 03, 2016 by mcneil_1
Hmm I do like having FLAC soundtracks, though it appears you can't buy the game and get them later as a DLC. So I'm looking at AUD $40 upfront. Wishlisted and will look at later. Logged into my bank account this morning and the credit card was $100 in deficit. I'm never in deficit so I'll have to ease off on the spending for now. Too many nights out and concerts. The game of life is the most expensive game of all.
Niggles: Would make sense to wait until more reviews from people who finish the game before purchase, after all, was there any good reason to have a continuation after end of BG2 ? (the addition of OST which everyone got already with the originals is a pisstake).
Pisstake, actually no it isn't. I just checked my soundtracks are only MP3 there, these are lossless FLAC. Unless they did a dogy convert from MP3 to flac, I'd like to think they didn't.

So you get higher quality audio with your soundtrack.

Though it could be argued that the originals should have come as FLAC if that was an option. Do you know if they recomposed the audio for the remasters or did they go to the original source?
Post edited April 03, 2016 by deonast
Grargar: PD: You can access Siege of Dragonspear in a few ways. Once the expansion pack is installed, you can:

A) Start a new game at the start of Siege of Dragonspear. Your character will be at an appropriate level for the adventure when you start, and you'll be given a party of companions from BG:EE based on your character's alignment.
Thanks! That makes it worth to consider a purchase. (A bit of a pity though that you can't choose your companions yourself.)
Post edited April 03, 2016 by Leroux
deonast: Hmm I do like having FLAC soundtracks, though it appears you can't buy the game and get them later as a DLC. So I'm looking at AUD $40 upfront. Wishlisted and will look at later. Logged into my bank account this morning and the credit card was $100 in deficit. I'm never in deficit so I'll have to ease off on the spending for now. Too many nights out and concerts. The game of life is the most expensive game of all.
Niggles: Would make sense to wait until more reviews from people who finish the game before purchase, after all, was there any good reason to have a continuation after end of BG2 ? (the addition of OST which everyone got already with the originals is a pisstake).
deonast: Pisstake, actually no it isn't. I just checked my soundtracks are only MP3 there, these are lossless FLAC. Unless they did a dogy convert from MP3 to flac, I'd like to think they didn't.

So you get higher quality audio with your soundtrack.

Though it could be argued that the originals should have come as FLAC if that was an option. Do you know if they recomposed the audio for the remasters or did they go to the original source?
They offer FLAC versions if pay for the privilege? that is a bit dodgy -- the originals soundtracks were apparently all they received from the publishers way back....or so was claimed (think was mentioned in various threads the goodies are received as is from publishers or third parties -- ie scans from generous customers etc -- unsure how they received the originals goodies though)....--> best ask Judas to confirm ....
Post edited April 03, 2016 by Niggles
Looks awesome thanks guys :)
Grargar: We'e also added a feature that will allow you to create an entirely custom party of up to 6 characters at the start of the game. In the past this was only possible by juggling save files around to create an entirely custom party. Now it's built into the game.
Start a local multiplayer game always allowed it if I remember well and didn't change from single player game as soon as no other player join.
Leroux: So it's a DLC requiring BG:EE, but does it also require that you play BG:EE? I'm interested in new content, but not in replays, and I already had to replay parts of BG in order to be able to play Tales of the Sword Coast. I have no intention of replaying BG ever again, so I'd like to know if Siege of Dragonspear can be started right from the menu (allowing you to create a character of appropriate level, or offering pre-made ones), or whether the starting point is hidden somewhere in the main game and can't be accessed without replaying parts of BG:EE (like in Tales of the Sword Coast).
Grargar: From an interview of RPG Gamer with one of the developers:

JS: How is the expansion accessed in-game? Can a player create a character and jump right in, or do they need to go through BG:EE first?

PD: You can access Siege of Dragonspear in a few ways. Once the expansion pack is installed, you can:

A) Start a new game at the start of Siege of Dragonspear. Your character will be at an appropriate level for the adventure when you start, and you'll be given a party of companions from BG:EE based on your character's alignment.
B) Import your saved game from Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition. The party you have in this save will be brought into Siege of Dragonspear with you.
C) Import your exported character from Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition. This is like the first option, but you're bringing in a character that already exists and skipping the character creation part of starting a new game.
D) Play through Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition and automatically transition to Siege of Dragonspear after the final battle. This is similar to B.

We'e also added a feature that will allow you to create an entirely custom party of up to 6 characters at the start of the game. In the past this was only possible by juggling save files around to create an entirely custom party. Now it's built into the game.
Thanks for posting that. I'd been wondering the same thing. I played the original plus the expansion back in '98 or whenever it was, and while in a world where I'm immortal and have unlimited time I'd love to play it again, in the real world I have PILES of games, shows, films, books, and comics I want to get to lol
low rated
MIght be worth grabbing when it's on sale?

EDIT: So many people are so up in arms about this, I'm really curious now. May pick it up soon.
Post edited April 04, 2016 by Gilozard
IronArcturus: Is there a reason why it only works with the Enhanced Editions?
BG:EE uses a different version of the Infinity Engine than the original BG. Basically, it's the same reason most of the mod's for the original don't work with the EE version unless they are updated.
I have an old BG pack on discs, and purchased the originals here on GOG too. I only played the originals for about an hour, and did not get very far. So, I'm still looking for my first "real" experience of BG.

I also remember trying to get the original game to play with the interface of BG2, with no success (I read that was recommended).

I see that GOG is currently offering the BG1 EE for a cheap price. Still, I wonder if it is worth it. I read some good reviews and some bad reviews. Many say it is very worthwhile, the most recent ones say it is full of bugs. I really don't know where to stand! :-S

Would someone care to mention if the new EE is worth buying? I would like to see improvements in the UI, and better scaling is good. However, I notice some 3D rendering-like look in some scenery that I don't fancy.

In particular, I would welcome some feedback on how each version runs on Linux. Thank you.
high rated
robertgg: will buy it...with a minimum of 80% discount and that is generous.

this sjw filled piece of crap is not worth it at a 80% discount
Filled? One minor non-recruitable NPC equals filled?
Gede: I have an old BG pack on discs, and purchased the originals here on GOG too. I only played the originals for about an hour, and did not get very far. So, I'm still looking for my first "real" experience of BG.

I also remember trying to get the original game to play with the interface of BG2, with no success (I read that was recommended).

I see that GOG is currently offering the BG1 EE for a cheap price. Still, I wonder if it is worth it. I read some good reviews and some bad reviews. Many say it is very worthwhile, the most recent ones say it is full of bugs. I really don't know where to stand! :-S

Would someone care to mention if the new EE is worth buying? I would like to see improvements in the UI, and better scaling is good. However, I notice some 3D rendering-like look in some scenery that I don't fancy.

In particular, I would welcome some feedback on how each version runs on Linux. Thank you.
From my perspective, the Linux native support of the EE games makes them totally worth it. The V2 interface takes a bit of getting used to. The V1 interface was more BG-esque, but the V2 isn't horrible.* It's very usable, just the colours (or lack thereof) are a little odd. I find the EE interface scales much nicer to high resolution displays than the original games with a widescreen mod. There's also lots of nice little additions to the EE interface: colour coded circles around the characters, current action emblem overlays on the character portraits, additional quickslots. From a purely gee-whiz eye-candy perspective, I really like the new zoom out-zoom in animation when toggling the map screen.

Saving and loading is vastly improved over the originals as well. Usually when I mention this, someone will say "this only matters to a scummer", but really, once you navigate all of the maps of Baldur's Gate (the city in the game), you'll really appreciate the faster load times.

The added content is a bit of a mixed bag. For the most part, I like the new NPC characters, although lots of people don't. The added maps seem a little more linear and a little sparse when compared to the rest of the game.

I've not played enough of the new expansion to comment either way on it.

* To be clear, the EE games have had two different interfaces. V1 refers to the initial EE interface, and V2 is the interface that was just released with the new expansion. Both V1 and V2 are different from the original interface.
Post edited April 04, 2016 by hummer010
Damn, that's probably most expensive game soundtrack I've ever seen! 20€ extra for just two soundtracks! Did they hire professional orchestra to do them or something? Will they deliver them on gold plated CD's directly to my gome? ;-p

[sarcasm]I just love games whose writers intentionally break the 4th wall in order to shove their political views in my face. Especially when those views are utterly anachronistic and have absolutely zero place in the universe that said games take place in.[/sarcasm] To quote Beamdog's writer/activist Amber Scott...

"I consciously add as much diversity as I can to my writing and I don’t care if people think that’s “forced” or fake. I find choosing to write from a straight default just as artificial. I’m happy to be an SJW and I hope to write many Social Justice Games in the future”

Ugh, not interested.
Post edited April 04, 2016 by Stormwalker