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The lost chapter in the Bhaalspawn saga

<span class="bold">Siege of Dragonspear</span>, the brand new expansion that bridges the gap between Baldur's Gate I and II, is now available, DRM-free on

What happened to our heroes after they defeated Sarevok and before they ended up captives inside Jon Irenicus' prison lab? Did they stick together? Did they drift apart? Did Boo get to bite any more delicious eyeballs? The brand new 25-hour expansion Siege of Dragonspear promises to answer these pressing questions, which have been lingering for 18 whole years, while also delivering an adventure worth of Baldur's Gate's glorious legacy.

A powerful army led by a charismatic warrior only known as the Shining Lady has been pillaging the Sword Coast, forcibly enlisting locals and causing general unrest. Even more disturbing are the rumors of her also being the child of a god. A showdown is inevitable.
Siege of Dragonspear brings your party to entirely new areas of the Sword Coast, facing new monsters, finding new loot, and tackling new quests. All your companions from Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition return and are joined here by Captain Schael Corwin, a deadshot archer, Voghiln the Vast, a mighty northerner warrior, M’Khiin Grubdoubler, a goblin shaman (new class), and Glint Gardnersonson, the kind gnome cleric. Your RPG experience gets even more enhanced thanks to the improved UI and Infinity Engine features, which will feel both familiar and welcome to new and seasoned players alike.

If you want to get the OST from the original Baldur's Gate, plus the extra tracks composed for the Enhanced Edition and Siege of Dragonspear, you can also grab <span class="bold">Siege of Dragonspear - Digital Deluxe Edition</span>.
Note that GOG Galaxy support for achievements in Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, and Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition - Siege of Dragonspear is going to be implemented in the near future.

Continue the saga of the Bhaalspawn and deal with a rising power in <span class="bold">Siege of Dragonspear</span>, DRM-free on

Siege of Dragonspear requires <span class="bold">Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition</span> on You can pick up Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition at 75% off, or 85% off if you own the original saga

Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition will be 75% off until April 4 11:59 PM PDT / April 5 2:59 AM EDT/ 7:59 BST and 60% off until April 29 10:59 AM PDT / 1:59 PM EDT / 18:59 BST. The 85% discount for owners of the original saga will last until April 29 10:59 AM PDT / 1:59 PM EDT / 18:59 BST.
Post edited April 02, 2016 by maladr0Id
Woofy: Steam and Metacritic are being accused of removing negative reviews - and this game is currently rated a 3.8/10 at Metacritic, so you can imagine how low it would be otherwise. That could explain it right there.
YaTEdiGo: Actually, I don´t know if that is truth, but 2 days ago the votes on Steam were "mixed" and recently changed to mostly positive.

Seems negative posts were deleted, but not proof for now that Steam deleted reviews.
As a developer you can temporarily hide a review by marking it as spam/abuse. A moderator reviews it later and can either permanently remove it or remove the spam/abuse tag.
titmo: The problem is the writer can't write.( unless your into junior high fan fiction)

Having this many dishonest reviews stay up is a real embarrassment for GOG. I hope they come up with a solution before it happens again.

Yeah, blame GOG this is all their fault that nobody like Beamdog...
wvpr: 70% of Steam reviewers gave the game a positive review. That's a lot more than nobody liking the game. But all the reviews that get voted to the top are negative. GOG's top-voted review for days gave the game one star for a one-line joke. That's not insightful criticism, yet 1224 accounts voted it up.

I don't blame GOG for people abusing their review system. But GOG needs to deal with the flaws to prevent this kind of large-scale rigging from taking place. Useful reviews come from people who've played the game and can communicate their experiences, not random drive-bys who have a bone to pick with the developer. The Dragonspear review page is such a mess that there's no way to tell what the average game experience is. The most negative reviews get mass-voted to the top for being negative, and the informative reviews are buried among the politicized reviews. At least for new releases, GOG needs to stop accepting reviews from random accounts who haven't paid for and downloaded the game.
Your way over thinking this thing. Listen, if you like the game , play it, if you don't, then don't. Don't worry about the rest of us missing out on something.We' re smarter than you think. We can figure it out ourselves very easily if this is something we would be interested in or not. So enjoy the game and have fun.
Potzato: I admit those numbers are surprising (I mean the totals). I would understand people on gog being more concerned by a BG game than people on steam (from an absolute standpoint). I don't understand people on gog feeling more concerned by this BG game than people on steam.
wvpr: GOG and Steam both got hit by lots of reviews and ratings from people who heard the game had things they didn't like in it. They hadn't actually played it. It's easier to post reviews and ratings on GOG without paying for the game, so GOG's numbers are skewed more toward the angry mob. If GOG wasn't so easy to sabotage, the ratings would be closer.

Steam's review numbers are not the same thing as GOG's rating votes. Steam's "mostly positive" 237 reviews only count written reviews, not votes or silent ratings. You have to have the Baldur's Gate EE base game on Steam to post a review, but apparently not the DLC, so there may be some dishonest rigging in the reviews present despite the limits on who can post. Steam lets anyone vote reviews up or down, so non-owners with an agenda were able to stack the top of the review list with negative politicized reviews despite the overall positive reception from purchasers.

GOG's 972 rating votes are mostly standalone star ratings that didn't include a review. The number of written reviews on GOG's Dragonspear page is around 165. There's no purchase requirement for GOG, so the reviews and star votes are unreliable to say the least.

Having this many dishonest reviews stay up is a real embarrassment for GOG. I hope they come up with a solution before it happens again.
Yes I agree.
Following what you said : I heard things that didn't please me regarding the game, so the first thing I did was to go to the reviews in order to find an enlightened opinion. That's when I was surprised to see so much nonsense.
This urge to make a bad review out of rumors ( or even just in echo about rumors ) is puzzling.
Then when you add the quality of the review system in here to the equation .... I wonder why people are going so pointlessly berserk over this game.
And given that it will just snowball for a long time, I'll be left wondering for even longer (because it will make finding a good review even harder).
how do you review a game? Do you have to own the game to review it?
thewitcherpotion: how do you review a game? Do you have to own the game to review it?
Not on GoG. On steam afaik you need to have launched the game through steam to prove you have own/ed it.
thewitcherpotion: how do you review a game? Do you have to own the game to review it?
F1ach: Not on GoG. On steam afaik you need to have launched the game through steam to prove you have own/ed it.
found it.
Post edited April 08, 2016 by thewitcherpotion
Got a question:
if i install BALDUR'S GATE: ENHANCED EDITION in italian and then BALDUR'S GATE: SIEGE OF DRAGONSPEAR, that is only in english, i will have all the game in english or the original content will be still in italian and the others in english?
I've thought for a long time now GOG should just ditch their review section of make you own the game here to review it. I bet it would cut down on a lot of worthless reviews and pure nostalgia goggles.
Dog_Live: Rather then admit they had bad writing that even some LGBT people criticized.
Projectsonic: Honestly this is the real problem. GG or not we need trans writers at least being consulted for the writing of trans characters if the writer doesn't know jack, if not just written by transpeople completely. Or else it comes off like we see here; kinda like when you write a Russian character with your only known things about Russia being Putin, Stalin, and Vodka. Also IIRC the character doesn't even take D&D lore into account on such subjects, which would've at least added a little depth. For the cherry topping on the shit sundae, as if being in a new expansion wasn't bad enough (beforehand outside of mobile, one could just use a mod to whisk away the new NPCs if they so wished... if only these weren't more important to the expansion), it's also more of an insult to the community they're including to the game.

If this was better done I'd be all for it though, honestly. Even though it looks worse the expansion is optional after all, and those who don't like it can just not play it. Maybe if we're lucky someone with actual know-how about things will improve the characters via mod. As-is, they had some good potential but failed miserably.
In the original BG I like the Edwin to Edwina sex change writing. You can even keep him / her that way till the ending of the story and he / she will have different ending based on their gender. The reaction with all other characters are interesting and funny.

But Amber Scott writing put politics above fun.
Post edited April 09, 2016 by Dog_Live
F1ach: On steam afaik you need to have launched the game through steam to prove you have own/ed it.
False. You have to have PLAYED the game for a total of 2 hours, not merely launch the game through steam, before you are ELIGIBLE to write a review, on Steam. Remember the crappy console port i nagged about buying there, some time ago, because i promised it as a gift to my nephew? Game was so crap and full of issues that it even had a plethora of launching issues, too and crash upon starting the game even with erroneous error reports (requirements aside and regardless), so i naturally wanted to write an appropriate, panning review, just before proceeding to refunding. System didn't allow me to. Steam is a control freak, hounded badly by moderators (they even deleted my thread on suggesting the Sor Remake there once as i did here before but no one deleted it here) and as late rumors circulate, even uses censorship to cover up for the major clusterfaq of a mess, talent-less idiots hallucinating of being devs, lately made.


Also for others:

GoG's review system is fine. Besides, the same people who nag currently on this topic, are the ones who rushed in to upvote en-masse on other people's behest and beckon (or their own anger for people being judgmental and impartial to their pink elephant cause which ruined a classic game i might add) , so this piss poor destruction of a classic series could be presented as being slightly better than the crap it really is. Be careful what you wish for, or you might just get it; next major clusterfaq you might want to support and "fix", you just might find yourselves unable to write a positive review or giving a positive star rating, without forking over 20 or even 40 euros in advance. Don't be stupid. It is infectious.
Post edited April 10, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
YaTEdiGo: Actually, I don´t know if that is truth, but 2 days ago the votes on Steam were "mixed" and recently changed to mostly positive.

Seems negative posts were deleted, but not proof for now that Steam deleted reviews.
tremere110: As a developer you can temporarily hide a review by marking it as spam/abuse. A moderator reviews it later and can either permanently remove it or remove the spam/abuse tag.
I didnt know that, thanks.
Projectsonic: Honestly this is the real problem. GG or not we need trans writers at least being consulted for the writing of trans characters if the writer doesn't know jack, if not just written by transpeople completely. Or else it comes off like we see here; kinda like when you write a Russian character with your only known things about Russia being Putin, Stalin, and Vodka. Also IIRC the character doesn't even take D&D lore into account on such subjects, which would've at least added a little depth. For the cherry topping on the shit sundae, as if being in a new expansion wasn't bad enough (beforehand outside of mobile, one could just use a mod to whisk away the new NPCs if they so wished... if only these weren't more important to the expansion), it's also more of an insult to the community they're including to the game.

If this was better done I'd be all for it though, honestly. Even though it looks worse the expansion is optional after all, and those who don't like it can just not play it. Maybe if we're lucky someone with actual know-how about things will improve the characters via mod. As-is, they had some good potential but failed miserably.
Dog_Live: In the original BG I like the Edwin to Edwina sex change writing. You can even keep him / her that way till the ending of the story and he / she will have different ending based on their gender. The reaction with all other characters are interesting and funny.

But Amber Scott writing put politics above fun.
I think ProjectSonic is being really reasonable here, and you also pointed the Edwin, Edwina thing, that as we many said, fits the lore. Is like the new Rogue One trailer, seriously is great to see more races in Starwars as is Space and fits the lore, and Lando Calrisian was really lonely there (But frankly speaking ONLY in the rebellion, I found really annoying that even the Empire now needs to be inclusive, because... you know... audience is more important that a good story...)

So yes, Rogue One, amazing trailer, black, asian, latin, white characters... cool, is the rebellion, and some of my friends suddenly said "Ok, I need to approve the intention, but, what happens with the ALIENS?"

He was so right... no Starwars anymore, but... politics...
Post edited April 11, 2016 by YaTEdiGo
low rated
F1ach: On steam afaik you need to have launched the game through steam to prove you have own/ed it.
KiNgBrAdLeY7: False. You have to have PLAYED the game for a total of 2 hours, not merely launch the game through steam, before you are ELIGIBLE to write a review, on Steam.
False, one of the dipshit reviews on the game's Steam page was written by a guy who had a whole 9 minutes played.
F1ach: On steam afaik you need to have launched the game through steam to prove you have own/ed it.
KiNgBrAdLeY7: False. You have to have PLAYED the game for a total of 2 hours, not merely launch the game through steam, before you are ELIGIBLE to write a review, on Steam.
Q. Do I need to have purchased a game in order to write a review of it?

A. Purchase is not required. You may write a review for any product you have launched via Steam. Whether you registered a Steam key obtained elsewhere, participated in a Steam Free Weekend, played a Free game, or played a game via Family Library Sharing, you will be able to write a review for that product. Your playtime in that game or time in that software title will appear next to your review.
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Besides, the same people who nag currently on this topic, are the ones who rushed in to upvote en-masse on other people's behest and beckon
Where in the world did you get that idea? I started a whole thread about it and never posted anything on the review page.

KiNgBrAdLeY7: Be careful what you wish for, or you might just get it; next major clusterfaq you might want to support and "fix", you just might find yourselves unable to write a positive review or giving a positive star rating, without forking over 20 or even 40 euros in advance. Don't be stupid. It is infectious.
Today they keep us from reviewing games we never paid for or played. Tomorrow they limit us to 1 vote per person in elections. We must defend our liberties.
Cutting through the bullshit.
Who has bought it and can give a fair unbiased review of the expansion?

In regards with reviews on GOG

Owning the game
Forced to write at least 10 lines

should be minimum requirements