Tauto: Truth doesn't scare me.Where have you been under a rock?The stuff that is stated in posts at the moment is kindie stuff compared to what used to be said by lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of nice (sarcasm) people in this forum:)
As I correctly said in the first post addressed to you, due to your behaviour, of which you provided again prove right in this thread, quite a bit of your posts have been mass reported anyway. BUT WHY?
Just let's use the evidence in this thread, will you?
Tauto: There is abuse of people's rights as in deleting posts and threads by marking as spam until deleted.
I called you out on it WHY your posts have been deleted in post 200, citing examples of your wrong behaviour.
Next thing YOU do:
Tauto: Like I said anything said before the new blue started is or should be free from his/her judgement.Are you a girl that you let things like that affect your mind?
So as I stated in my reply to you in post 213 and what I will rephrase that you will REALLY understand it:
You started AGAIN with name calling!
You still didn't do anything what I asked you to do
You continue with name calling in post 223:
Tauto: Are you zeo's little sister?
I just call you out on it again in post 226
And now YOU dare to say truth doesn't scare you?
Again posting it with an insult, as unlike YOU I am able to read and write and as well comprehend this as well.
So you just stated clearly that your accuse of being mistreated is already proven wrong in this thread. Every single post of you was nothing but:
name calling, placing sexist, defamatory or otherwise offensive postings.
So who is abusing a system here? Who is NOT being abused by the system? I just pointed out, just in THIS thread the truth!
So again Q.E.D.
Have a nice day!