jsidhu762: The Switch supposed to be a hybrid, and that got me thinking...
Nintendo's handheld division is ran by Smary McGenius. He understands the importance of third party software. The reason the DS was so successful was that it had something for everybody. The 3DS didn't start so great, but Smarty managed to pick it up, with a few obscure titles being a big draw. Your triple A RPGs are too mainstream for me.
Nintendo's console division is ran by a gentleman named Dumbass Stupidson. He can't see that third party developers are frustrated with Nintendo's technical and legal limitations. And despite being in charge of a multi-billion dollar corporation, he couldn't be bothered to take an entry level marketing course.
Since the Switch is supposed to be a combination of console and handheld, I wonder who's taking over?
apehater: touchscreen capability is not necessary to port ds/3ds games, vita and pstv is a good example
jsidhu762: That would depend on the game. I don't think Nintendo is able to sift through each DS/3DS and which games can and can't be ported. Phantom Hourglass can't be played without the touchscreen.