Strijkbout: Treat any group without respect and with hate and it will get back to you, which is exactly the point where were at.
In the eyes of Islamists, you as a non-Muslim (or not strict enough Muslim, or "wrong" kind of Muslim) are considered an inferior being regardless of whether you respect them or not. The notion that you will be automatically respected back if you give respect does not work as universally as you wish it would. On the contrary, your appeasing and hushing is seen as weakness in some cultures and communities. The intricacies of respect and how it works vary quite a bit from place to place and culture to culture. This is crucial in understanding that your strategy of not offending and hoping to somehow get respect in return simply has no guarantee of working, and has been proven to not work with Islamists who are masters at the art of feeling offended for no reason. The only way to not offend them is to submit to all their whims and demands on all accounts and I'm pretty sure you don't want to do that. People who doggedly follow the "Word of God" aren't willing to compromise because according to them compromise would be blasphemy. So don't expect to find any middle ground or that your patience and tolerance would be returned in any way.
If you're an atheist for example, you are considered a terrorist in Saudi Arabia. Not by a select few fringe radicals, this is official policy to suppress dissidence using religion as a power leverage: Crewdroog: I'm an atheist, however I wouldn't shit on someone's religion just cause I don't happen to believe in a god(s). However, if that religion is causing harm to others, then fuck yeah I'm going to call them out on it. Christian's used the bible to keep blacks slaves, keep homosexuals from marrying, women subservient and priests molested children. fuck yeah i'm gonna bash them.
but not their faith. the actions, not the faith. Same is going on with Islam. They have practices that are hurting people, and that shit needs to stop. not the faith, the shit.
Faith is defined by the actions of its followers. In this case, it's the behavior of Muslims that define Islam.
Very enlightening interview with Irshad Manji who shares this sentiment: There is no "one Islam" by the way, the very day after Muhammad's death his followers were divided and they have been disagreeing with each other and in many cases killing each other ever since, to this day. There currently is no central authority that defines what the faith clearly is and isn't so all you can go by are the actions of the believers who follow all kinds of different interpretations. Most interpretations are self-serving to a near comical degree of obviousness.
In the eyes of conservative Muslims, people like Irshad Manji (an openly gay reformist Muslim) are not Muslims at all but as I said there is no central authority that has the say and I think people like her are the best hope for the Muslim community, both in terms of its issues within the community as well as its relationship with the non-Muslim world.
Klumpen0815: Nearly my neighborhood and a case that is happening again at times.
"Honour"killings by muslim men towards women (some muslim, some not) are well known here and happening now and then. Doesn't prevent anyone in or outside the media to bash on Pegida as some kind of deluded "hate-movement" though (which is bollocks).
Last time I remember before this case, the muslim guy has cut off the head of his girl, took it outside, raised it high and called "Allahu Akhbar!".
Sure, we desperately need even more of this in Europe...
Since Germany is our next door neighbor, I follow German politics to some degree but it's really hard for me to watch because in German political discourse, people always attack the -person- instead of calmly dealing with the issues. It's quite appalling to see politicians on TV shoot below the belt line all the time, the very favorite move being to swing the Nazikeule (drawing the ever convenient nazi card no matter how absurd the context) each and every time anyone has any view that isn't far left and self-hating and politically correct to the degree of neurosis. It's hard to watch because I must facepalm so much that I visually miss out half the program.
The same problem exists here in Switzerland too but it hasn't descended to quite the same depths of what one has to suffer while watching a German political debate. They even have the ever inane audiences that clap at the most absurd statements as long as it's politically correct and sufficiently useless. Addressing problems and solving issues seems near impossible.
Strijkbout: Correction, your friend never gave you the middlefinger because you have never said or done anything to him that mattered, just treat him like you would treat muslims and he sure will get the message.
Since you don't know what I've said to my friend and what not, this is a perfect example of argument from ignorance.
But I find it oddly flattering that you seem so bent on having my friend cut off my head so you'll no longer have to deal with me.