Posted July 16, 2015

The Anti-Hippie
Registered: Oct 2008
From United States

Yip Yip
Registered: Apr 2012
From United States
Posted July 16, 2015
Yes, the comment was made to Krypsyn. Krypsyn has thought RWarehall is scum most of the game.
Sage103082: cristigale - I can not in good graces call you scum on dedos glowing review of your posting and me not seeing it at that time. However, I do not trust you. I do not like the fact when we came back you seemed to care a bit to much about how the mafia member died and not the town member. I do feel you maybe scum however, I do not have any hard evidence on that. I am going to watching you and each and every one of your posts. Let’s recap, when we came back from N1, Krypsyn had been shot and dedo seemed to have met some fiery death. I didn’t expect Krypsyn to be the scum NK, but I did expect a scum NK. Given that Krypsyn flipped town, his death seemed pretty clear. However, we also had dedo, who flipped Firefighter scum and apparently burned to death. Did you expect that? I didn’t. He had a role that the mafiawiki associated with town. So yes, I focused on that, it was out of the ordinary. Kryspyn’s death was not. How does that make me scum?
It’s fine that you don’t trust me. I would hope that you watch everyone’s posts, not just mine. I don’t care for you admitting you have no “hard evidence” on me and yet vote for me anyway. To each his own.
I find it ironic that you make a big deal over what dedo says about me in his post when he says the same thing about you in the exact same post: (emphasis added)
dedoporno: Some player views so far:
- Trent looks like usual town allied Trent. Leaning Town. Will see what will happen with his feud against Wyrm.
- bler was looking like an eager new townie until that vote swing towards Sage. A little less townie now, but still more than others, I guess. We'll see what's up.
- cristigale is bringing in good content so far, I really like her posts and her thoughts. Leaning Town.
- Sage made shared some nice thoughts initially, so I have her as leaning Town Should I or anyone else think you are scum because dedo made town comments about you?

It’s fine that you don’t trust me. I would hope that you watch everyone’s posts, not just mine. I don’t care for you admitting you have no “hard evidence” on me and yet vote for me anyway. To each his own.
I find it ironic that you make a big deal over what dedo says about me in his post when he says the same thing about you in the exact same post: (emphasis added)

- Trent looks like usual town allied Trent. Leaning Town. Will see what will happen with his feud against Wyrm.
- bler was looking like an eager new townie until that vote swing towards Sage. A little less townie now, but still more than others, I guess. We'll see what's up.
- cristigale is bringing in good content so far, I really like her posts and her thoughts. Leaning Town.
- Sage made shared some nice thoughts initially, so I have her as leaning Town

Yip Yip
Registered: Apr 2012
From United States

A Horrible Human Person. If you need me, chat.
Registered: Apr 2011
From Greece

Registered: Dec 2012
From Micronesia
Posted July 16, 2015

Flub - Where are you? 8 posts since coming back. It is hard to get a read off some one who is not posting and talking.
So I'm reading/catching up, here's the thing:
Post #851 - Leonard03 has many questions Mr. Sparkle, but not really. I see mostly confusion sown.
#854 - Krypsyn wasn't aware he'd be back - Noted
#856 - bler144 - most of WHAT roles??? How do you know such things???
#873 - agree with Krypsyn. I don't like to lynch new players Day One. But now I'd be okay with it.
#875 - agentcarr16's wagon analysis is something without being anything
#884 - agentcarr16's number thing..........sorry I meant to say arbitrary number thing =)
#890 - Leonard06 challenges merit of the number thing
#893 - agentcarr16's "gut" is a convenient way out if needed.
#900 - cristigale - like this post
#913 - bler144 - keeping trentonlf wagon going while giving yourself an out
#951 - Vitek - THANK YOU!!!
#954 - bler144 - trentonlf okay maybe - maybe not - Leave Vote on trrentonlf
#955 - yogsloth - like this post - too friggin' long tho'
#967 - bler144 - looks like something but is nothing
#971 bler144 - treatise or scum chat excerpt???
#979 - trentonlf - Theory?? - LAMIS Bookwyrm627
#982 - bler144 - trentonlf maybe okay - others are bad - still voting trentonlf
#989 - bler144 - you've read many games and yet you are unable to discern CSPVG trolling thing??? That's unpossible!!
Players I think are town - Krypsyn
Players I think are more town than scum - JMich
Players I think are scum - bler144, agentcarr16
I have an eye on trentonlf but I'm going with bler144's slip up in post #856, #989, and the vacillation regarding trentonlf Vote, and of course bler144's Gut...
Unvote: trentonlf
Vote: bler144

Registered: Jan 2013
From South Africa
Posted July 16, 2015
This is one of those,"Sorry, I'm doing this to avoid a prod posts," that yogsloth hates so much. I'll be back later, after I've actually read the last page or so of contributions, to contribute something of my own.

Prepare For Descent
Registered: Mar 2014
From Canada
Posted July 16, 2015

So why should we hold you to a lower standard than we hold ourselves? Some of us are trying like hell. Why should we give you a free pass, and not expect you to help?
One thing I have been wondering about is agent's apparent familiarity with all the players and the game. He says he's a newbie. It might explain it if he was being coached. If you think about it, say that scum were talking during the day, and they realized that they needed to take out a third party. They would then be looking for players who are not acting as towny as they should. Agent gets suspicious of trentonlf or somebody, and asks about it in the scum chat. His experienced scum buddies inform him that its just hiw that particular person plays. Which he later echos in his posts.
Sage wants to know my top scum picks, I'm not sure who they would be, but here's a couple reads for now.
JMich: I don't think he's scum. So wait, why is he on this list? Because I'm suspicious he is third party. His seeming extra info, he might also have been breadcrumbing the third party team earlier when accused of breadcrumbing the arsonist. He should be watched closely.
bler: Not sure exactly what to think. He has been one of the more active players and contributing more. Considering it's his first game, it seems hard to believe he could keep it up if he was scum. What about the day chat thing? It does not seem unreasonable that from looking at the past game he assumed they could, I probably would have. Still bears watching.
trentonlf: So he tried not posting for 24 hours to see if that would stop us all hounding him. Looks like it worked well. Is he perhaps scum wishing that that is what he did in the first place? Maybe, I think I'm leaning a little toward this opinion. I do not suspect him enough to vote right now, but if the deadline was closing in I would.
Something else interesting. In my last post I did what I think is called a soft claim? Saying I had a role, but not what it was. And nobody jumped on me. I'm not sure why. Last game HypersonmniacLive was the one most interested in soft claims. But I would have thought somebody would comment on it. I'm thinking no one did, because everyone has a role of some sort. I don't think that helps us make any helpful conclusion however.
Something else just came to me. Nobody was very suspicious of dedo as scum right? So that means that whoever killed him was probably looking to take out a towny. I wonder why? Would you be trying to thin the scum ranks first? Not sure what to make of it.

Kitten Tamer: 8
Registered: Mar 2014
From United States
Posted July 16, 2015

I find it ironic that you make a big deal over what dedo says about me in his post when he says the same thing about you in the exact same post: (emphasis added)

- Trent looks like usual town allied Trent. Leaning Town. Will see what will happen with his feud against Wyrm.
- bler was looking like an eager new townie until that vote swing towards Sage. A little less townie now, but still more than others, I guess. We'll see what's up.
- cristigale is bringing in good content so far, I really like her posts and her thoughts. Leaning Town.
- Sage made shared some nice thoughts initially, so I have her as leaning Town

You are seeing that I voted soully on Dedo saying he thought you were town. I am not. I thought your contributions to the game so far were well below your other games. You are a strong player and I felt something was off. You were not making the posts I have come to expect from you. Dedo mention of you was only something that did not feel right during day one because I did not feel it was correct at that time. When we came back from night and Dedo flipped mafia - that is when I went back and looked at all of Dedo posts and decided to go over your posts before Dedo post. That is when I went over each and every post and felt there might be something to it. Could I be seeing things because I feel you are hiding something and that might be you are scum. Maybe. But I would not be playing the game if I did not point out something that bothered me. Dedos lack of posting was something I was keeping an eye on but it did not scream scum but something to keep an eye on. I was thinking he had a role and was keeping a lower profile because of it.
As for hard evidence I do not think there is ever going to be hard evidence unless someone comes out saying hey I give up I am scum or we have a 100 percent town investigative role saying I looked at person 1 and they are scum. But even with that we do not know what others roles are in the game that may be able to redirect or change the appearance of someone or hell even a godfather that reads town. This game is a ton of what if and small slips. Which slips can even be debated as it was just a miss-wording or you are taking it the wrong way.
I can see your reasoning on dedo however that does not change my feeling on you being scum - it does move you down the list just a bit. I want to go over everyone with fresh eyes today and I missed Bler last night so I want to look over all his posts and give my opinions on him. I can not leave my vote on you right now with out making sure I go over everyone. However, once I do if I feel you are the scummiest I will be re-voting you.
Unvote cristigale
for the moment

Master of Karate and friendship for everyone
Registered: Apr 2009
From British Indian Ocean Territory
Posted July 16, 2015
Agentcarr seems to be unable to post.
He is not deliberately lurking, he can't post at all, so excuse him and take it into consideration. I am aware of it and so are you now.
Also if you have any suggestions, you can PM them to him.
He is not deliberately lurking, he can't post at all, so excuse him and take it into consideration. I am aware of it and so are you now.
Also if you have any suggestions, you can PM them to him.

Prepare For Descent
Registered: Mar 2014
From Canada
Posted July 16, 2015
That's weird.

The Anti-Hippie
Registered: Oct 2008
From United States
Posted July 16, 2015
Well, being present at my own funeral was always a recurring dream of mine. In it I came back with ghostly Playboy Playmates on each arm and haunted everyone with old man sexy time noises during the service. This is decidedly less fun, sadly. Not only did i not return with a hot dates, I am not sure I would even be able to perform my function ... things keep falling off if I move too quickly, if you know what I mean. Even when I am dead, it seems reality pales in comparison to reality :P.
He was second or third on my Day 1 scum list. I might have attempted to kill him instead of RWarehall on Night 1, if not for me telling flubbucket, in no uncertain terms, that I would attempt to kill the person my vote was on if given the opportunity.
He was second or third on my Day 1 scum list. I might have attempted to kill him instead of RWarehall on Night 1, if not for me telling flubbucket, in no uncertain terms, that I would attempt to kill the person my vote was on if given the opportunity.

The Anti-Hippie
Registered: Oct 2008
From United States
Posted July 16, 2015
Oh, in case anyone wondered about my mindset for attempting to kill RWarehall. I flipped a coin for either 33% chance or 66% chance, then sent my PM to Vitek to try for a 33% chance kill within 5 or 10 minutes of Vitek starting Night. I don't waffle on these things at all. ;)
So much easier than having to discuss NKs with scum-teams. So freeing, so liberating; never played a Vig, or even an SK, before this.
So much easier than having to discuss NKs with scum-teams. So freeing, so liberating; never played a Vig, or even an SK, before this.

Registered: Mar 2014
From Canada
Posted July 16, 2015
Help!!! I'm trapped in my own head...

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted July 16, 2015

Players I think are more town than scum - JMich
Players I think are scum - bler144, agentcarr16
I have an eye on trentonlf but I'm going with bler144's slip up in post #856, #989, and the vacillation regarding trentonlf Vote, and of course bler144's Gut...
Unvote: trentonlf
Vote: bler144
Where the hell is the slip in 989? Go back and read my response to CSP's post (#14) and it's pretty clear I took his post seriously. So even if I had read multiple games, which I haven't, there's no slip in that post. I have no idea what you think the slip in 856 is, though you're welcome to explain.
Perhaps inappropriate to say, but I'm tempted to ask for a sub. It seems like this game is dominated by people who don't want to read/process and just randomly pick out tidbits while power-reading to catch up. To some extent I think the blowback is people who just don't want to deal with thinking deeper than "seems scummy to me."
If this were Cristi/JMich/Kryp/Trent piling on, admittedly I'd feel differently. But RW/Flub have been indifferent participants at best. Yog has been active, but is pretty much established he goes off on wild theories (which in general I tend to admire) and he hasn't responded to me factually addressing each of his points.
I think I've made clear why I vacillated on Trent, which is reasoned analysis of a particular gambit that increasingly held less water when looked at from other angles. I hardly just jumped on/off for no reason, and am wary of lynching town especially in a scenario where we don't need to lynch out of desperation.
I'm going to be less able to participate over the next 6-7 days anyway, and I don't know that it's fair for town if the primary wagon is on someone (town, btw) who's being run. Frankly, with everything else going on IRL, it's frustrating to come on and rebut points with actual reason to people who don't care about logical arguments or are barely making an effort to be involved.
I'm going to follow yog's footsteps and rant about a pet peeve, but it seems open sign-up basically brings in two groups of people - the group who wants to play, and some who are just content to be there. I don't think it works. You can't get a sense of who's lurking b/c scum, and who's doing just enough to keep from getting mod-killed. /rant

Registered: Dec 2012
From Micronesia
Posted July 16, 2015
Content to be here...CONTENT TO BE HERE?!?!?
I've not been so insulted since earlier this morning when the .....never you mind.
Perhaps a game of Candyland would calm your nerves....I'm sure we could scrounge up yogsloth and trentonlf to have a foursome.
My secret (I'm never content).
I've not been so insulted since earlier this morning when the .....never you mind.
Perhaps a game of Candyland would calm your nerves....I'm sure we could scrounge up yogsloth and trentonlf to have a foursome.
My secret (I'm never content).