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OK, some notes about game overall first.
I'll add my overview of players later (please don't be mad) and tehn list of all roles and night actions.

Thing that needs to be said first: Arsonist just is serisl killer with different way of killing. There is no other way for me. You can't think he could be town. You can't let him live and trust every word he says. That's just dumb play. You can perhaps allow it to live for short time if you need to kill mafia, but certainly not over several Days.

Overall town was just too willing to accept any bullshit they were fed by scum.
It is funny that the most doubted claim was the Leonard's truthful one.
If you think of flub's claim, it just can't work. Mod can't just feed him mafia nbame every night. In few nights he would know all team. And if he was even town how he claimed than the game would be completely broken. It is just not possible to give town mafia name every night, even if it is hidden among two towns as flub tried to sell it.

This game looked like mafia have little chance after their firefighter got killed N1 and even smaller after you lynched RWarehall. Considering CSPVG had info that dedo, flipped firefighter visited yog, should also hint you the third player but nobody really cared.
Mafia had no right to win from situation when 1 was shot by SK D1, other was investigated by cop N2 and the third one was fuming most of that time and also watcher knew he was visited by his protective buddy, but town just handed them the win.

I think town played incredibly bad game this time overall. Mafia and serial killer could do better too, but their opponent were just too weak. So it sufficed most of time.
Flub's claim was hilarious and kind of made sense in boundaries of what you knew but as everyone who observed wanted him to succeed, it just shouldn't be possible.
Heck, look at it, do you think, mod would really feed him name of 1 mafia each night? That makes no sense, even less if he really was town.

If town tried to actually look at players instead of fumbling around, following SK and coming up with various flavour and roles ideas, they could fare much better.

As for setup, this game was centered around random chances and around lot of kills and lot of ways to prevent them. So it could be obviously very swingy and I was quite afraid it will be lopsided too much but in the end there were 2 town, 1 sk and 1 mafia alive so it somewhat worked, I guess. Not sure if becuase of luck or other reasons.

I think it worked „fairly“ well but I also feel it was perhaps too complicated and people got lost in it.
I think I should have sticked with 4 vanillas instead of one but I also think the game is mainly about having fun and I don't personally need every game to be perfectly balanced and reasonable. I am sure some of you will disagree (hello yog) and probably see it as excuse but I feel it that way.
I know a lot of you heavily dislike town guard of arsonist and I see some of your points (although I disagree with most). I am sorry for it and I'll try to fare better next time. There was objection raised that naming him town made it confusing and was attempt to intentionally mislead town. That was not my intent. I just felt it would be nice if some townie had to protect SK in order to win and put his life over himself.
Nowhere during setup creation I thought of how it would be nice if the guard died first, flipped town, then SK claimed town willingly and everyone buy it because of my evil schemes.
I made guard town for flavour reason, for investigation purposes and because I intended him to win only if SK gets to endgame with town, not mafia, which was not thought through enough and would be almost impossible in other way.
I also know some of you dislike mafia firefighter but there I see no problem and am not sorry at all. :-p
I really would like to hear your honest opinion. I need reasons to cry.

I personally am satisfied with how the game progressed in the way of tempo and length and would like to thank you all for that, even though I personally feel that if I was in game I would need bit more time to think some things through so I wonder if I perhaps made you to rush too much?
I have never threatened with deadlines and imposing pressure beyond D1 but perhaps I was too harsh and made you hurry bit too much?
Would like to hear opinions again.
Tell us more, Vítek.
Thnak you, you handsome person.

Now for my view of individual players (I really hope I won't make many enemies here. If I am criticizing it's because I love you and want you to do better.:-)):

Also, almost all of this (previous post too) was written on Sunday when I thought the outcome is clear so I wrote it in advance. Some of it may probably be bit off about living players.

flubbucket – I liked his play, he did good enough job and his claim was funny as heck and for some strange reason fooled many people but if you look at his actual play closer you will also see that he voted on every wagon, often with little reasoning and didn't care who dies at all. Is there bigger indication of SK?
Overall good performance, though, and got really close to winning as SK.

Dedoporno – From what he has shown on D1 he would likely be best scum (and most likely best overall) player in this game. Unfortunately for him, he died too soon.

RWarehall – Not the best performance ever. As soon as he posted some people suspected him and even yog said he would probably vote him for it. Wishy-washy posts. He also posted too little to make me really happy.

Yogsloth – OK, he won and he was quite good on D1 but since then all he did was ramble about everything and complain how the game is stacked against him. But most of the time it helped him to obfuscate things and not to get himself lynched. I suppose he screams loud enough to ever let more people focus on him (in any game). I also highly doubted his no-NK play but it worked in the end so I suppose it was not that bad.
He also got better in last game when he realized he actually can win this one
Also on personal note, I was not corroborating with flub to screw you and make him win and I wasn't telling him he should kill you, you fucking idiot! And to threaten to copy past PM is not too cool even if you are bluffing.
This might be too harsh because of him nagging me all game and me being little bit annoyed , so sorry if it's the case.

Trentonlf – Well, I am not really sure what to say here. I think he started in quite promising way but then he got lost in his hardcore tunneling on yogsloth. He was right this time about yog, but also did little else and believed arsonist too much without any questions. Also his defense of undefendable (claims are not neede pre-lynch) made him target for many and it distracted people.
I am also sorry you felt like I was trying to screw the town over, trenton. That was not my intention.

Bookwyrm – Lived too shortly to properly judge but I said before that I like his play. He doesn't really care much what people think of him and what looks weird and is able to generate discussion. I think he overdid it a bit this time becuase people here are jsut not much accepting of out-of-ordinary behaviour and are more than willing to lynch for it so they don't have to look for actually scummy things. But I enjoyed his play and personally wouldn't lynch him for it. If people looked at his lynch later, they would be probably later to learn some things. He had 3 scum on his wagon and some of them in fairly unconvincing way.
I'll say that could handle his own lynch better, though. He accepted it too quickly and got too resigned and it could encourage people to go with his lynch. I think it was his first lynch ever, right? So it is not really surprising.

JMich – I think he played well. He started with telling me his role is not thought out as well as it could and he was right because he needed town to get into endgame with town instead of mafia and win but there is actually no other way as otherwise SK wouldn't be able to win.
He did good job in looking towny and if not NK'ed he would likely last much longer.
Good performance overall.

CSPVG – Not too bad game either. He still had quite few posts but in my eyes he contributed better than he usually does. Once again he accepted any outlandish claim too easily. He also managed to target 3 scum from 3 attempts with his night action, so he showed very good reads this time.

Sage – I fairly liked her early played but then she blew it all away by blindly following SK with little own contribution and thinking. She also made few quite scummy posts in my eyes even when I knew she is town. :-)

Agentcarr – Started really strongly as well. Many people thought he is not even new player. Tried to approach thigns with level head and analyse everything. It was quite good and contributive but over time I feel like he started overanalyzing things and got lost in the game over time and faded a bit. Also I have the feeling that his analysis rarely led to real accusation and thus people could pay little attention to it and it wasn't really dangerous. I am looking forward to seeing him play more.

Cristigale – Honestly, she slipped under my radar and I have little idea what she did this game. I suppose it means she never did anything suspicious but also not contributed much. I am sorry if I am wrong here, feel freee to diagree (everyone can of course but here it's extra).

Leonard – He did little this game. His unfortunate absence set the tone and lasted all his game. No one made a read on him D1 and later all he was regarded as was lurker which was mostly true as he indeed brought a little of his own unless when directly confronted. Seemed a bit uninterested. His best contribution could be his lynch. Once again loking at lynch would be helpful a lot again. I noted it in observers chat already. If you look at the time after his claim most scum-sided players (including Jmich) handled it in quite anti-town manner and only cared for lynching him.

Krypsyn – It showed he was one of the most experienced players in this game. His read were quite good. He was not on either of D1 and D2 mislynches. He listed 2 mafia in his list at the end of the D1 and got killed for it. (Again, everyone wondered why the youtube boy and no one bothered to check his reads). Also tried to shoot mafia at night. If it worked the N1 would be deciamting for mafia.
He was ignored and considered unhelpful by most players because of his youtube links, though, and thus make poeple ignore his reads. One can have the best reads in the world but if he isn't able to convince people to listen to him then they are of little use.

Bler – Started badly with a little idea what is going on in this game. At that time he was of little help and more of hindrance and I felt as he will be one of those people who replace out quickly from their first game and we don't see them ever again. Luckily I was wrong and over time he got progressively better and it showed that he is getting idea how to play the game. Then he was not really worse than any other players. More of better than some because he was very active and tried to actively solve the game. Still focused on setup and flavour too much for my liking but also investigated mafia and SK as well. Unfortunately for him too late to make them win. Would love to see him play in another game when he understands how it works from the go.

Last and least Vítek – Did some mistakes like mising description in Rwarehall's PM, Jmich's wincon problems, mafia wincon was not worded in the best way as well, forgot to leave out the last sentence from Leonard's post and he tried to be not so serious and people tried to find more in his words than he expected so it was mistake. Also I should have named Jmich Towny than Town but it just felt wrong. He was town mostly for investigation purposes but it confused people too much. On the other hand he was quite active, managed to dish out some flavour even though he dislikes it personally, posted regular votecounts and managed to host game that was quick. Also he managed to handle all PM in role madness game using only 2 files. That's more than I expected.
Still, if the setup is not done wrong then teh mod can mod as best as he can after that and ot won'T help much.
Far from perfect mod and needs to improve a lot for his next game.

I welcome if you argue with this or at least add your own comments.
Please do.
Post edited July 29, 2015 by Vitek
What about roles? Can you tell us something about them too?
I aim to please TheGOGFather.

Here is list of all roles as I rolled them:

1. Arsonist – empty spot
2. Mafia RB - RWarehall
3. Maf Firef - dedoporno
4. Maf Fight - yogsloth
5. Guard - JMich
6. Doctor - cristigale
7. Vig - Krypsyn
8. Bomber - trentonlf
9. Vanilla - agentcarr
10. Nexus - Leonard
11. Tracker - CSPVG
12. Parity Cop - bler
13. Zombie Maker - Sage
14. Trainee Doctor – Bookwyrm

Now for roles themselves:


You are
Arsonist – You don't really care about this town. You care only about exploiting everyone around here. It doesn't amtter if it drives them away. In fact you won't mind if everyone gets driven away. You can always move as well and exploit another naive population. Nobody around here likes you anyway but you are good in avoiding their wrath and you also have that gullible person who always apologies you and offer you alibi. You are thankful to that sucker and maybe you will keep him around longer than others.

Scorching - You can perform kill at night. Each night you can send me PM with name of person you want to use your fire ability on at they will be burned to death.
Bomb Shelter – You have 1-time protection against explosive kills
Naive Friend – You are protected by x (Town Guard of Aronist). As long as he lives you are protected from 1 shot per day. He is useful to you but you have no obligation to him and one day he will become your victim as well.

You win when everyone but you is dead.

You are
Mafia Roleblocker – You love this place. You take every opportunity to tell people how great it is, how nearby big city sucks, how they should never visit it as it is den of vilainy, should be burned down and people should only stay here, in this small town forever. Yes, maybe sometimes your preaching drives some people away and actually hurts your town but it doesn't matter, it will all work in the long run and those people were unworthy anyway. You find yourself some companions and even if their convictions are different they can be helpful in your goal.

You are mafia together with x (Mafia Compulsive Firefighter) and y (Mafia Fighter) and you can talk with them here:


You win when your team overpower other factions in numbers or votes.

You are
Mafia Compulsive Firefighter – You were always the quiet person in the back, not minding others much and only sticking to your small community of like-minded people. You are quite known among them but barely noticable by others in town. You never cared for big time politics but lately you got fed up with people and you wouldn't mind if most of them just went away. Somehow you ended up with those other dorks. You don't like them but for now you are going to stick with them. You were always willing to help people and this haven't changed even when you became evil but you are only willing to give people one chance. You can také care of those babies forever.

You are mafia together with RWarehall (Mafia Roleblocker) and yoglsoth (Mafia Fighter) and you can talk with them here:
Fire protection – You can protect people at night from fire based damage. Each night you can tell me name of one person and they will be immune to fire for that night. You can't protect person twice so choose carefully. You also can't target yourself. You must perform your ability every night and as long as your „allies“ live you won't bother to get tired too much so you will refuse to perform night kill. If they both die, though and you are the only remaining team member you will overcome your laziness and do both kill and protection action at night.

You win when your team overpower other factions in numbers or votes.

You are
Mafia Fighter – You quite like this place but you like the nearby big city much more. You never hesitate to tell people how great it is and why they should move there and be happy forever even though it's city with heavy police control and restricted human rights. You think you should drive people away from here and make them live there instead and alliance with these 2 people (who unfortunately don't share your view but luckily share your agenda) is great opportunity to achieve your goal. You also like Japan. If you had cat you would name it Miyagi and you even once thought about buying bonsai. Nothings says Japan like bonsai tree.

You are mafia together with RWarehall (Mafia Roleblocker) and dedoporno (Mafia Compulsive Firefighter) and you can talk with them here:
Ninja – Once per game you can channel your inner ninja and when you perform kill for your team, you can't be followed by any means. Not by tracker, not by watcher, not by anyone else.
Sumo – Once per game you can channel your inner sumo warrior and your can't be stopped by any means of protection. Not by doctor, not by blocker, not by anyone else.
Samurai – Once per game you can channel your inner samurai and because everybody likes samurai nobody would believe you are evil. Thereforeit will make your alignment read as town for one night by cop or similar roles. Don't question it, it works.
Repeater Gun – You can choose to use one of these abilities again. It is entirely up to you to decide which one.
You can only use one of your abilities per night.

You win when your team overpower other factions in numbers or votes.
Post edited July 29, 2015 by Vitek
Town had roles, mr. Mod?
Of course they had, Timmy.
You need to be patient.


You are
Town Guard of Arsonist – Why are people so mean sometimes? You would just want everyone in this town to be happy and not to be mean to each other. But some fucking idiots can't just understand that people shouldn't insult others. Like here. Even if you like this place, for some reason a lot of people dislike that fire guy. He might have done some things someone could find doubtful but you know he means well and would never harm anyone. He is also possibly woman wo you know he needs to be saved. Streets are dangerous around here.

Guardian Spirit – You provide vest to the Arsonist. As long as you live he is able to withstand 1 shot per night.

You win if Arsonist survives until end of game and mafia is eliminated. You don't have to stay alive yourself.

You are
Town Watching Tracker – You used to live in this town in the past but you moved out quite a long time ago. Recently you decided to visit your old home and see how it has changed. You left because you disliked direction it was going but maybe it got better? Not really you see but you will give it a chance. It's like not you don't care even if you moved out. You still like it and want best for this town. So you are willing to help in any way you can. You are not as sharp as you used to be with you skills but you can still do something, although not in the most reliable fashion anymore.

Watching Guard – Each night you can send me name of player. That player will then be your target. It will be randomly decided whether you track him or watch. You can't influence it yourself.
Tracking means you will follow that player at night and you will learn who he visited that night.
By watching player you will learn who visited that particular player at night.

You win when all threats to town are destroyed.

You are
Town Parity Cop – You used to be just ordinary town person but one day you got elected into city council. You do everything you can to help people and your town as you always did but you are also some sort of idol to common folks as you are regarded as one of them. Because of that they are often asking you for help and want you to share secret informations from council meetings and you are often forced to disappoint them and tell them nothing. Yet people still love you and you will do everything you can to keep them safe.

Parity Check – Every night you can send me name of one player. You will be then told if its alignment match the alignment of player you checked previous night or if it is different. You can select your first person before the game start.

You win when all threats to town are destroyed.

You are
Town Not-Almighty Doctor – You are fairly quiet person living off main streets, mostly moving through side streets and dark alleys. That doesn't mean you are some sort of lowly person or wicked man. You are there to help the less fortunates and to do everything you can to make this town better place. People can always rely on you and if those, living only for the fame of boulevards barely know you, you are revered by many people around here.

Shot Protection – Each night you can send me name of one player. For that night the player will be protected against 1 shot-based kills. You can't target yourself.

You win when all threats to town are destroyed.

You are
Town Mad Bomber – This is awesome town. Everyone is great here and they actually like you. You enjoy everyone around here. You love discussions, people and services around here. You try to never miss any event around here and always have things to talk about. That's one of the reason you even opened tavern here.
You would never want anyone here to get hurt and you will do everything you can to prevent the town from any harm. You might be little unstable sometimes and your work with dangerous substances can be sometimes seen as bad thing but all you do is to help and get rid of naughty people.

Bombing Attack – Once per game at night you can use your ability to use bomb. You are not really stable enough to pick your target directly but you can select group consisting of half of remaining players (rounded up) and the target will be selected from them. If you won't use it until night 4 you won't be able to stand it anymore and you will detonate your bomb immediately, killing yourself and one other random player in the process.

You win when all threats to town are destroyed.

You are
Town Nexus – You are fairly ordinary person but when needed you are always around to explain why is someone wrong and you have your carefully managed statistics nearby to show people why they are wrong and why this place is actually great place for life. You never miss any council meeting and always have something to say there. Yet you are always able to escape ire of people who could feel wronged and when someone tries similar thing at you, you are always able to avoid it and reflect it to someone else.It's also the stupidest flavour in existence.

Reflection – Any time you are targeted by non-killing ability at night you will redirect it to random player instead.

You win when all threats to town are destroyed.

You are
Town Incompetent Vigilante – This is your town. You lived here for your entire life and you don't plan on leaving. You sued to be here when it was small village and you plan to stay even when those anyoing young newcomers find something more fancy and move out again. You won't, you got over worse things. And you are going to make sure no ones ruins this place. You may not seem like it but you have some tricks up your sleeves and few times you were already able to get rid of vermin polluting this town. It doesn't work all time but you learnt to be patient.

Lazy Eye Shot – At night you can send me name of person you wish to shoot. You will have 33% chance that they will die. You can also try to improve your shot to 66% but it will force you to rest and you can't use your ability next 2 nights.

You win when all threats to town are destroyed.

You are
Town Zombie Maker - You know this town has problems but you always liked it and do everything you can to make it better place for living. A lot of people don't even know you but without you, this town would probably crumble. Thanks to that you are able to persuade people to give this town other chance after moving out.

Create Zombie - Once per game you can bring back someone who was already killed. That player will become alive for next one day and can do everything he could before, including using abilities, posting and voting. It is only temporary solution and he will still die for good after that day. You can only use it on person that died 1 or 2 cycles ago.

You win when all threats to town are destroyed.

You are
Town Vanilla – You came to visit this town only recently. Bussiness deal brought you here and you took quite a liking in this place. Sure, it is not as good as the big metorpolis you live in but it is neat and has some entertaining establishments your city doesn't. You know what would be cool? If this town joined your city and became part of it. Sure, they are both on the other side of state and have different political stances but does it really matter? You sure think it doesn't. But for some reason people were not as keen on the idea when you brought it up on recent council meeting. Some of them were even mean to you. Can you imagine? But you are not giving up. You will stick around and try to change people minds. One day, they will sure see the light.

Knowledge is Power – Although you have no ability you can use or special power that could help you, you have one information about this game. You are the only true vanilla town in this game.

You win when all threats to town are destroyed.

You are
Town Trainee Doctor (Naive Encryptor) – You are new to this town but you already like it. You visted it only because you inherited someproperty here from your lost uncle and you didn't plan to stay here for long but it entranced you at first sight. Unlike the hectic life in the big city you live in everything is so calm and tranquil in here. It's like paradise. You are already considering to move here for good. You won't allow anyone to ruin this place and you swear to do anything possible to help protect this town. People might see you like useless outsider but you have your enthusiasm and are ready to step up if the need arises.

Trainee Doctor – If town doctor dies, you will get doctor abilities, allowing you to protect other players at night from shot-based kills.
Property Owner – You own empty warehouse down in the docks (have you ever wondered why this town has docks why it isn't even close to any water, not even river or pond?). You don't use it and don't care for it but it is there. Mod note: Mafia can post during they as long as Bookwyrm owns this warehouse/ lives.

You win when all threats to town are destroyed.
Post edited July 29, 2015 by Vitek
I bet you are going to share night actions with us now.
You betcha, Timmy.

(Bah, I forgot to login first time I posted this. :-))



1. agentcarr – no action /
2. bler – investigate cristigale (was RWarehall before)/
3. Bookwyrm - not alive
4. cristigale - protect dedo / investigated by bler
5. CSPVG – trackwatch yogsloth (roll 4) /
6. dedoporno – protects yogsloth / protected by cristi + burned by flub
7. flubbucket - burn dedo /
8. JMich – no action /
9. Krypsyn – 33% kill Rwarehall (roll 3)/ ninja killed by yogsloth
10. Leonard – no action /
11. RWarehall - block Sage / 33% kill by Krypsyn
12. Sage – no action / blocked by RWarehall
13. trentonlf – no action /
14. yogsloth - ninja kill Krypsyn / trackwatched by CSPVG + protected by dedo

RWarehall: You have blocked Sage.

Cristigale: You have protected dedoporno. He is immune against 1 shot for tonight.

Bler: You have investigated cristigale. You found out she is of the same alignment as Krypsyn.

Krypsyn: You have failed to kill Rwarehall. Also you don't feel as well when you are returning home. Almost as if someone has killed you. Yep, that's exactly what happened. Someone shot you. You are dead now.
(In case you want behind the scene shot stuff: I rolled 1-6 and 1-2 would be success. You got 3.)

CSPVG: You watched yogsloth. You saw he was visited by 2 people. You and dedoporno.

Flub: You have spread your burning love to dedoporno. He is as dead as he can be.

Yogsloth: You have ninjakilled Krypsyn. You shot him as true ninja.

Dedoporno: People hate fire but you like it. No fire can stand against you. You can save anyone from its hot clutches. You are almost like god of fire. Tonight you decided to spread your gift to other people and choose you buddy yoglosth to bask in your grace. After your visit him, it is not possible for him to get hurt by fire tonight. That was such a good night. You return to bed happy.
You have protected yogsloth.

But maybe next time it would be wiser to take better care of yourself as well. You wake up at night feeling not so well. You feel bit hot, maybe you are coming down with flu? Hmm, perhaps. Or it has something to do with the fact your whole body is on fire. Literally. It kind of hurts. A lot. You don't like fire so much anymore. It is a bit bad for your health. In fact it is making you dead. It already did.
You have been killed.


agentcarr - no action/
2. bler - investigate RWarehall/
4. cristigale - protects Jmich/ burned by flubbucket + blocked by Rwarehall
5. CSPVG - trackwatch Rwarehall/ (rolled 5)
7. empty spot – burn cristigale/ bombed by trentonlf
8. JMich - no action/ protected by cristigale + strongman killed by yoglsoth
11. RWarehall - block cristigale/ investigated by bler + trackwatched by CSPVG
12. Sage - no action/
13. trentonlf - bomb JMich, CSPVG, flubbucket, RWarehall, and agentcarr (rolled 3)/
14. yogsloth – strongman kill Jmich/

RWarehall: You have blocked cristigale.

cristigale: You attempted to protect Jmich but you were stopped in your attempt. You feel hungry from your failed attempt. As Louisiana girl you think about some blackened food. You head over to local bistro to have one but unfortunately for you instead of having it you get turned into one. You were burned to death.

Yogsloth: No one is able to stop you from killing Jmich tonight and you succeed in shooting him dead.

JMich: Unfortunately for you, you were shot dead at night.

Trentonlf: You tried to bomb flubbucket but it failed and he is still alive.

flubbucket: Your first attempt as amatuer chef was very successful and cristigale is now only part of menu instead of living person. Also, your bomb shelter is now destroyed and nothing remains of it. Your bomb protection has been used up.

Bler: You investigated Rwarehall. You found out that he is of different alignment than cristigale.

CSPVG: You watched Rwarehall. Besides you he was visited by bler at night.


1. agentcarr – no action / investigated by bler + burned by flub
2. bler – investigate agentcarr /
3. CSPVG – trackwatch flubbucket (rolled 6)
4. flubbucket – burn agentcarr / trackwatched by CSPVG
5. Sage – no action /
6. trentonlf – no action (toilet yogsloth's house) (IT WAS TRENTON'S IDEA!)/
7. yogsloth – use Samurai + no NK /

bler – You investigated agentcarr. You learnt that he is of the different alignment than Rwarehall.

CSPVG – You watched flubbucket. He was visited by no one but you.
I could just make you watcher and it wouldn't matter. :-)

yogsloth – You stayed at your house and looked as innocent as possible.

Trentonlf – Busy night for you. You stayed up for most of it and commited your evil act of vandalism. You have slight feelling you perhaps overdid it but you feel really good now so it doesn't matter.

Flubbucket – You feel like you are getting better at it. You burned agentcarr and he kind of liked it. Must have been the rosemary you used.

agentcarr – You went to visit the new restaurant again but unfortunately you learnt its dark secret. They are making tasty dishes from their customers. You got roasted with some herbs and butter.
You have been burned to death. It wasn't as bad as one would expect but you have died.


2. bler – investigate flub/
7. flubbucket - burn trentonlf / investigated by bler
12. Sage – no action /
13. trentonlf – no action / burned by flubbucket
14. yogsloth – no action /

bler – You have investigated flubbucket. You found out that he is of different alignment than agentcarr.

Flubbucket – You incinerated trentonlf.

trentonlf – Ouch, you were transformed into a pile of ash. You have been killed.
Post edited July 29, 2015 by Vitek
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz... Oh I am sorry Mister. It's all really interesting.

But is that all, Sir?
I think it is, Timmy.

ReCaptcha started to ask me about waterfalls so it has to be.

I can only offer links to quicktopics:
Observer's thread.
Mafia chat.


You can go home now, Timmy.
Goodbye, Mister.

But who is that ReCaptcha you speak of?

I want to talk about waterfalls with him. I like waterfalls.
Thank you very much for hosting an engaging and fun game, Vitek.

Congratulations to yog and the rest of the scum team (although I was cheering on flub at the end).

Lastly, as many others have said, even though real life intervened and the game dragged for you at the end, bler, I really do hope you come back in future and have another game with us.
Vitek: He had 3 scum on his wagon and some of them in fairly unconvincing way.
Lies! I already said this in the dead thread - I wouldn't have voted for Wyrm as Town and I wouldn't have done it as Mafia, either (they hammered him while I was out of town but I stated I won't take part in it anyway).
dedoporno: Lies! I already said this in the dead thread - I wouldn't have voted for Wyrm as Town and I wouldn't have done it as Mafia, either (they hammered him while I was out of town but I stated I won't take part in it anyway).
Flubbucket was filthy scum too. ;-)
So flubbucket, RWarehall, yoglsoth. And JMich on top of that, who was SK-sided.

One more thing:
I would like to hear any comment about game any of you have.
Also I would like to hear how votecounts and other mod posts worked. Do you find the form good? Would you change something?