yogsloth: Leonard is #2 scum candidate
Ok, so apparently a whole bunch of people are think I'm super lurky and not contributing. Well maybe they are right, but I am trying to do my best. I have been trying to figure out what is happening with the roles. In terms of the other discussion that had been going on, I haven't said anything as I have nothing to contribute. Does it really help anyone if I say "JMIch seems spot on here, the trentonlf's vehement argument against waiting for a claim just seems like an over reaction to me."
You say I'm doing "jack squat" well, if I have nothing new I won't say anything. I'm not finding it hard to post, just hard to add anything.
I have already said this was an honest mistake. I would consider what you are suggesting cheating, and I would not do that. It was not a business trip, it was a holiday, at a cottage. I didn't get confused what month it was, I knew it was very soon, otherwise I would have been of the same mind as Vitek, I would probably already be dead by the beginning of August. I already said I was sorry for this, you could have kicked me out if you all wanted.
Ok so you all want me to contribute something more, but on what? We basically didn't learn anything from last night's lynch. Bookwyrm was town (role being a trainee doctor/property owner), so apparently he was just trying out some different style of play. It might have been in the hopes of getting more info for later, but I don't see that it did give us anything. I thought he was scummy, so how can I be suspicious of someone else who did the same? I don't see what we can learn.
The only other solid information we have to go on was last nights two kills, one of town Krypsyn (who has since come back to life, and was an incompetent vigilante) and one of scum dedoporno (who was a compulsive firefighter). The odd thing about this is the way dedo died, by fire. This has suggested an arsonist. Since this is usually not a town role it raises some interesting questions about who the arsonist actually is. It obviously cannot be scum, that would make absolutely no sense. So my suggestion about the third party arsonist, as well as the town firefighter.
What about Krypsyn coming back to life? Is this maybe a balancing mechanic to help out town? This might indicate we are up against some tough stuff, which backs up the third-party arsonists. It could also mean we have a larger than usual number of scum.
Sharing PM flavour? I did what I could, I can't really share anymore as it has to do with my role (yes, I have some sort of role) which I don't really feel like sharing right now. Another interesting thing about flavour is that we did not actually hang Bookwyrm, we just kicked him out. So wouldn't it make more sense for him to be able to come back? Not sure if there are any clues there.
It will be interesting to see if there are two kill on N2 as well. This high mortality rate would back up Vitek's comment that I would be dead by August.
What and how did JMich know about the arsonist. He obviously had some info, he could be a firefight (town or even scum, though I think that's pretty darn unlikely), or he could be an arsonist himself. Or maybe a role cop? Some people have noted that the game took a little while to start, possible because some people had N0 actions. Maybe JMich was one of them.
What is bler's idea on trentonlf? He apparently is fairly convinced that trent had some other reason for hammering quickly. What could that be? He was trying to avoid a claim? How does that make sense, as there are flips. Maybe he wanted discussion to finish quickly. Why would that be? Had one of his scum buddies (or himself) made a slip and he didn't want it to be noticed? Maybe he just wanted to get a lynch done so he could use a night action. Maybe he thought Bookwyrm had something coming that might convince people to get off him, and trentonlf is an arsonist who somehow knew that Bookwyrm was a property owner and had to be killed. It is interesting that in the lynch flavour it is obvious that Bookwyrm had a store in town, there is nothing of the sort for Krypsyn or dedo, they weren't property owners. None of these strike me as particularly likely, so maybe bler has something else.
Anyway, I think that's enough for now.