flubbucket: Oh, did I say scummy??
I assume that when you find something 'troubling' and 'needing further explanation' enough to vote for the something, that means that it's scummy.
yogsloth: Lots of
true stuff
Wow... It really looks pretty bad when you put it like that. Although you are ignoring a few of my posts, but anyway. I'll get around to it :P
Krypsyn: There is another name I left off that list: Agentcarr16. I left him of the list because I just don't like to vote for new players on the first Day (or NK them at Night as scum, if it can be helped). However, he also seemed rather scummy to me on Day 1. He just struck me as a little to pro-active (possibly 'jumpy' is a better word?). He stretched quotes and such just a tad too much to make points, and dismissed certain other posts a little too quickly. It could just be first time jitters/excitement, but it pinged my scumdar a bit.
Hmmm... This is not looking good. I'm trying to be as even-handed as possible, but I do tend to read a lot into posts. Maybe too much.
Oh, and welcome back Krypsyn. Please, just don't come too close. The blood makes me a little queasy :)
Alrighty... The Bookwyrm627 Wagon. Let's see what WIFOM we can draw from this :)
Our first vote for Bookwyrm is trentonlf, in
Post 10 . This is an RVS vote.
However, trent switches his vote to yogsloth in
Post 53 for, what else, role-talk.
Then, in
Post 106 , he switches back to Bookwyrm, because of his 'a townie and me' phrase.
Next vote is yogsloth, in
Post 193 . Unfortunately, yogsloth doesn't use the 'standard' reason, of Bookwyrm's bizarre posting, but pulls out three other reasons, none of which hold water. This is a little strange, and something that sets of little flashing red lights for yogsloth.
Third vote was me, just before my vacation. I really just wanted to place a vote, anywhere, so I felt OK about being gone for two days. Bookwyrm was the most suspicious player.
Fourth vote is JMich, and this vote caused a bit of an uproar. As I read it, he placed it to 'test' yogsloth's intuition. Several people found it a sneakily scummy way to place a vote without any fanfare. Now, we see how yogsloth's intuition paid off, so it will be interesting to see how JMich reacts.
Now we have trentonlf jumping off the wagon, and attacking JMich for his flimsy reasoning, bringing us back to three votes.
Second fourth vote placed was cristigale, with her primary reasoning being that Bookwyrm's play seemed to be like that of a first-time scum. Her second reason was that even if Bookwyrm WAS town, his play wasn't being helpful. Bookwyrm flipped town, but with hindsight I'm starting to see that his play may have been very useful.
CSPVG was the fifth vote, and he gives no reasons for switching from Sage. I would assume it's just because of the wagon forming.
Now, I come back from vacation, and unvote Bookwyrm, because, as stated above, I placed my vote in a hurry and hadn't made a thorough analysis.
Sage comes onto the wagon for the second fifth vote, because of the confusion that his plan caused. *Standard Reason*
RWarehall makes the sixth vote, on the reasoning that he thinks Bookwyrm slipped and is now trying to cover. Problem is that Bookwyrm hasn't actually been trying to cover all that much, he's really been sitting back and letting this go where it will.
Flubbucket brings the seventh vote, with the stated reason of avoiding No-Lynch.
And trentonlf returns to hammer, missing JMich's request for a claim before the hammer. He was on the wagon earlier, and returns because he's 'still not sold on you being town Bookwyrm'.
We had a several weak votes, mine included, and a few votes that appear scummy, but Bookwyrm definitely created a problem with his badly scummy play. I do have some ideas as to who might be scum, and I will be exploring those a bit further in my next post.
lol, I'm doing it again.