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Bookwyrm627: And now I'm wondering if YOU are baiting ME. *squinty eyed look*
Isn't that the point of the game.

I mean, we aren't talking about sushi, are we?


Great, now I am hungry.
Why can't I post??
cristigale: Besides Kurosawa, I haven't seen many Japanese films, but here's a nice one: Departures (If you're looking for an action film, skip it)
Lots of great Japanese cinema. Perhaps not the 'best' of them, but if I had to pick a favorite it would be Tampopo. Spaghetti Western trappings set to a plot about perfecting the ideal Ramen with bizarrely quirky interludes about people squeezing the mangoes in the supermarket? Yes please. I might even go so far as to say I like Itami's slate of films as much as Kurosawa's. And then, of course there's Miyazaki.

As for me, Ayyyy, I'm so town. I'm so town I'm Townes Van Zandt!

Wait, he's dead? Um....Ayyy, I'm so town I'm Downtown Julie Brown!

How's that? Any better?
bler144: TLDR: If I weren't the newb, I would vote no lynch at this point and stick with it. We don't have a clear candidate, and I'm not of the opinion that lynching randomly really generates anything of use.
So, even though half of the people here explained why not lynching is harmful to us you continue to stick to it? And this time around you even discard the only saving grace there that shielded you to some extent from taking too much heat from the others?

bler144: Heck, for all I know Leonard's absence is staged and he's just lurking.
This I don't like at all. I'm not too keen on the lurker lynching just because, but taking a jab at the only person who isn't around to defend himself looks like a bit too much. Sure, you backed off as soon as someone (Wyrm) scolded you for it, but it doesn't hurt to try, right?

I've made a lot of newbie mistakes when I started to play here (I also play a fair amount of RL Werewolf and I thought I had the game figured out, but it's far from identical) and I saw a lot of them in your actions/posts, so I gave you the benefit of the doubt every time. Because I've been there and people have picked on me for every single misstep I ever made. But this can't go on forever. For how long do you plan to quote your inexperience when you suggest something that end up being frowned upon? Nescience can't be a reason for persisting to what is one of the more devastating things that can happen to us on day 1 (not lynching at all) after so much has been said about it.

I'm sorry to say that I'm no longer as certain as I was until now when it comes your towniness.
flubbucket: Why can't I post??

Krypsyn: I mean, we aren't talking about sushi, are we?
Funny you posted about sushi at the same time I was writing a message about ramen.
yogsloth: So, you won't vote no-lynch. You won't vote for a lurker.
Not at this point. I don't think a no-lynch on Day 1 is a smart play. And I won't vote on someone due to his post count. Give me a reason to vote for a lurker that isn't "He doesn't post", and you may have my vote.

yogsloth: You won't post, won't contribute, won't be pro-active, won't help, won't do anything except vote "present" every once in a while and nitpick me.
I'm sorry I don't have any stories about how I spent my 4th of July long weekend to entertain you. Would you be interested in hearing about my cat's health instead? I'd still rather not discuss chit-chat in a mafia game, though I will poke fun (or attempt to, I usually fail) at the previous game.

yogsloth: Trent accuses me of being a poor player who needs information spoon fed to me. This wounds me, because I think I'm about as pro-active as a player can be. It's you that fits this bill, still hiding behind this wall of expected irresponsibility. You've done diddly squat all game, except pick at me, because you're stuck in the last game.
So, usual Day 1 behavior for me you mean? Do you think I'm scum again then?

yogsloth: So what's your excuse as to why nobody should ask you to participate this time? No night actions? Should we just write you off completely until Day 3 or 4 when there will be enough night actions spoon fed to you that you will deign to participate?
What was that part about me sipping tea and saying "Hm, interesting"? Yes, there have been such things so far, but only small blips. You do not launch a full scale attack for a blip, you just focus your attention on it to see if it evolves into something. Launching everything you have means others know what to expect.

yogsloth: Or is it something else? Some other reason why nobody should dare to ask you to actually contribute anything of value?
Because they like me? Because they know my playstyle? Because I amuse them? Should anyone like to ask me anything, they are free to do so. And if I think town benefits from me answering, I will do so. Same as always.

yogsloth: Of course, you won't give any kind of actual reply. Go ahead and put you snarky retort on record, though, just so everyone can see your brilliant wit.
Nah, I leave the snarky retorts to you. Better yet, I leave the logical reasons as to why I should follow your vote to you, since I do wish to check if your reasoning is true, or if you just got lucky twice.

Then again, nothing beats Vitek posting the full scum team in his first page reads. Got to find that game again, if only for the reactions at the end.

P.S. I do mean the part about me following your vote. Give a logical argument as to why I should vote Wyrm, and I will.
I AM SO POISSED OFFF REIGHT NOW I can't evne see tsttaight!!

I cnant' ge the fuckeing post to go through!11

trentonlf: So because I think you're scum and have placed my vote on you and not someone else you're concerned about me. Noted. I guess you should hope someone else appears scummier than you so I can focus my attention on them and you will no longer be concerned. I suggest Prilosec if the concern is causing ulcers. Meditation can also help.

Also, what does it matter what people found scummy about your posts in previous games? We are playing THIS game not any previous ones. I have not based my vote on any previous games you have played in. Trying to point out previous games where you're posts were taken as scummy when you were town to make any post you've made now that seems scummy to mean you are town is a weak argument.
Bookwyrm627: First, check out the picture. I don't do much with imgur, so you'll have to be content with an attachment.

Next, my concern about you: Noooope. That's not what I said. Ever. What was my concern? Let's see what I've been emphasizing:

Bookwyrm627: [At trent] Right now, the only one I'm really concerned about is Trent, and that is because he doesn't seem to be looking at anyone except me.
Bookwyrm627: Yes, I'm pretty awesome, but try not to let that blind you to everyone else in the game. Even if I am scum, I'm probably not alone.

As for referring to previous games: CSPVG asked for examples of naturally occurring WIFOM circles, so I pulled up two cases where I said something I thought wasn't particularly controversial, and it blew up in my face. The examples were not for you, nor were they meant to be a demonstration of my towniness in this game.

And now I'm wondering if YOU are baiting ME. *squinty eyed look*
So you now deny her you gave links to previous games and saying "I thought I was being logical and people found it scummy". What is the point of bringing up previous games where you were town and perceived as behaving scummy?
I've been trying to make this post for the past hour, I'm not even kidding......GYAAHH!!!!

flubbucket: agentcarr16 - takes both sides on an issue

Haha, yes. I'll admit that I do tend to do that, but that's just the way I play.

Here's the thing.

You claim "inexperienced" and yet you also claim "but that's just the way I play" and I just can't make the two work out clearly.

How can you have a "way I play" if this is your first game??
i"'M CLearly too drunk ot pbe playing. This ofrurum osftware is shittty. I'm gonitng to go to sleoeep.
dedoporno: I'm sorry to say that I'm no longer as certain as I was until now when it comes your towniness.
There's no need to be sorry on my behalf. I'm more amused than perturbed.

1) Yes, lots of people have "explained." And by explained you mean "asserted." The arguments boil down to either "it's bad, trust us" or "that's no fun." The former of which I find unconvincing and the latter at least sympathetic. 'Tis a game, after all.

The third is more challenging and boils down to "if there's no lynch there's no data to analyze later," which I think is a fallacy in multiple ways, some of which I've already covered. But the gambler's fallacy and the Monty Hall problem (which Kryp also linked) is really the core problem with this assertion - people, in general, are terrible at estimating these things. Even a veteran who has played 20 games is making a guesstimate of "what works best" off a very tiny sample for making absolute statements about what works and doesn't as a statistical move. This isn't chess where there's an expansive data set to draw on to support such claims. At best it's an informed guess.

If you have a link to someone's doctoral thesis analyzing outcomes of Day 1 plays in bulk, by all means, I'm happy to take a look and be convinced otherwise. But as is there's no reason for me to think you aren't just all subject to some misperception of actual stats combined with a dose of availability heuristic. I could well be wrong too, but in terms of making a case for 'strategy' I don't buy anything that's been put forward as a logical argument - but sure, the emotional "fun" argument, ok, I'm not here to ruin anyone's fun.

I believe 'no lynch' is a viable strategy, y'all don't. /yawn. If you want to debate theorycraft with me, we should probably take it out of game since we've exhausted whatever it might tell us about this particular game I think.

2) Have I flaunted my newbishness as an expression of my innocence? I don't recall doing so, much less with intent. Though someone can probably find an exception if they dig deep enough. Dig away! Now, have I apologized for certain mistakes that have impacted play or the group? Yes. Several times. But that's not the same thing, and I'd apologize for being out of line if I were guilty or innocent. Whatever side I may be on my intent is not to upset the apple cart.

Though I realize this statement makes me a suspect if anyone turns up dead inside an apple cart.

3) My comment on Leonard was just a thought that had been idling for a while, and perhaps it was a mistake to put it on paper before having thought it through. However even as an introvert, sometimes you have to put an idea on the table and let it breathe to realize that it was a dumb idea.

As for Wyrm, I don't think he was scolding me. I didn't perceive it that way, though perhaps that was his intent, I don't think he'd say it was a scold either. He pointed out why he believed Leonard and I took that as an honest statement. If you want to read into it, by all means.

Practically speaking I'm unlikely to get out of the game alive one way or other. That's not just admitting I'm likely to make some fatal mis-step that will make me a target to one or more factions, but the practical reality that more than half of us probably won't. So even if my odds were average, I probably wouldn't make it out, and they're likely a bit worse than that.

Perhaps the best argument for not lynching me, unless you're wholly convinced, is that, if I were scum, I'd probably mess it up.
bler144: If you have a link to someone's doctoral thesis analyzing outcomes of Day 1 plays in bulk, by all means, I'm happy to take a look and be convinced otherwise.
Mrkgnao found this a while ago. I am not sure that it will convince you of anything, but I found it quite interesting and informative.
Ouch! Who gave Vitek the pointy stick??
Anyway, in town for the day and stopped at good old Tim Hortons for some free wifi.
Anyway I've read up to page 20 now, and I'm gettin nothing. Granted I was skimming, but you guys aren't saying much. Only thing that stands out really is Krypsyn. He has basically said zippo, this whole time. yogsloth called him YouTube Boy, which is a good name I'm thinking.
So, without more to go on I will
Unvote: cristigale (I thought I did this already?)
and then
Vote: YouTube Boy
Leonard03: [Krypsyn] has basically said zippo, this whole time.
flubbucket: I AM SO POISSED OFFF REIGHT NOW I can't evne see tsttaight!!

I cnant' ge the fuckeing post to go through!11

I've seen too many flubbucket fake post-restrictions to buy anymore, thank you. Especially when there is a perfectly lucid post sandwiched in between the fake drunk sputter. Drunk talk is better than song lyrics or zombie grunts, though.

JMich: P.S. I do mean the part about me following your vote. Give a logical argument as to why I should vote Wyrm, and I will.
Well JMich, here’s what will always be the problem. Your playstyle relies entirely on everyone else to do all of the work, while you receive the benefits. I’m the horse in Animal Farm; you’re the pig. You don’t want the help bake the cookies, but you sure want to help eat them. You want me to convince you why you should vote one way or another, while you… sit there passively? Some people work hard to make their own destiny, and some people sit around and wait for it to happen to them.

Can you imagine if everyone played as you did? There would be zero game. Every day would time out and end in no-lynch, and nothing would happen. When you have a group of people that all sit around waiting for life to happen to them, and nobody working hard, you have nothing at all.

Does that make you Scum in this game? I don’t know, but once again, it’s working great for you as you have no votes and no worries. I’m trying not to just regurgitate the last game into this one, but yep, if I can’t have Wyrm today, I’ll take you in a heartbeat.