yogsloth: Every time I want to come back in here and contribute, I am feeling overwhelmed and aggravated.
I'm forced into blindly following the Serial Killer, or blindly following bler, who has "evidence" on RW but won't say what it is.
The more I think about it, the more I hate everything.
Right now my vote is on Trent - and his day 3 behavior and role reveal make it hard to move - but If I do that, then I am following the Serial Killer myself. It's pretty clear this game was designed, intentionally, from the ground up, to lead directly to Serial Killer victory. There's no other conclusion to draw. And guess who has been saying for a long time how badly he wants to win as a SK? That it's the only trophy not in his case? This all was done on purpose, and it stinks.
I think you are overplaying your "discontent". I have a feeling it is just a smokescreen you are putting up. You have moaned and groaned in the past when a game is not to your liking, but now it feels like you are just doing it so you can avoid having to post anything relevant.
You want Bler to reveal all he has, yet you have only hinted at your role. Even trying to play it so that CSPVG is discreted by your vague hints of what your role is.
I also don't like your statement earlier about lynching RWarehall. You said "Let's say we lynch RWarehall, and he flips Scum. Is it game over? You think the Arsonist is going to die overnight? And what message is he going to bring Tomorrow, after he french-fries one of us? "Oh gee, guys, how did that happen? Let's keep looking for Scum, don't mind me as I barbecue somebody else, toodles!"
Your justification for not lynching RWarehall, even if he is scum, is because the arsonist would still be alive to kill someone. Yet you don't even vote for the arsonist. You try to spin it that it wouldn't matter if we lynch RW because the game would not be over. If he flips scum then he'll yes we did the right thing, the whole object for town is to remove the scum. What does it matter if the game is not over after we lynch a scum? The fact that we lynched a scum is what is important.
You keep flailing around and digging a deeper hole, all you're doing is making it more clear they you are scum. I don't care if we lynch you or RWarehall, I am pretty sure both of you are scum.