RWarehall: Of course I check my chat and Vitek apologizes for forgetting to detail how my role worked and then told me I was confusing roleblocker with Jailkeeper.
I almost missed my plane - last one on. Whoops!
I'd prefer to focus on you (even you vs. me if you prefer) and leave the yog/trent debate off to the side. However, I do find it interesting that both you and yog have pointed the finger at Vitek as a linchpin of your respective defenses. You claim Vitek "forgot to describe your role to you" while yog claims Vitek screwed him over on his night action.
I mean, I don't know Vitek outside this game, and maybe he's a completely disorganized incompetent, and they just willy nilly let any fool run these games. I'll let the vets judge that as I really have no idea. He's seemed on top of things to me. I just find it...remarkable.
As for why I've been reading the wiki, it's because this is my first time playing mafia. Similar to what Sage noted, if I encounter something I don't understand, I take the time to learn it, such as my own role. This isn't putting words in my mouth, but if I got "handy man" I'd try and research it, and if I didn't understand I would have asked, not wait for Vitek to hopefully correct me somewhere in Day 3.
You do raise an interesting question about balance. And counter-claiming that I'm really scum role cop is a very nice play. Well done! Because a parity cop, of course, would be nigh useless to scum.
14 players. If you really believe there would be only 3 scum vs. 11 town...
And the town has an arsonist, a bodyguard for the arsonist, a doctor, a backup doctor, a watcher/tracker, and a cop among other roles...
The scum would have to be seriously powerful right?
So far, we have a firefighter?
Your theory has a giant hole in it.
Town isn't nearly so strong as you are trying to suggest. CSP as watcher/tracker can control who he follows, but not what action he takes. So 50/50 chance that even if he picks a meaningful target, he gets nothing.
Second, your theory presumes a town cop, and now you're saying the one person who's claimed cop isn't even town? /headdesk But skip over that glaring logic-hole. Parity cop is a pretty dang weak cop, even after accounting for having to rule out some sort of mental affliction. And yes, sage is describing the mechanics correctly. I'm just comparing two people day to day and get a "same" or "different" answer.
I did actually leave a breadcrumb about my role, however. In post 847 I said this about Cristi: "Unless I'm crazy, I think she probably is town." Now, I assumed if I were to flip parity cop that people might put 469 and 572 together, but using the word "insane" would be too obvious. So I went with crazy.
Given the reaction to my claim, however, I could have been far more brash and that breadcrumb still never would have been found. But that post was a breadcrumb after seeing Kryp flip town, and having the read that Cristi was "same." If I was sane, she was town, if I was insane, she was not. Thus the breadcrumb.
Third, on the town side, if flub is town, yes, he has a chance to see a pool with scum in it, and even can in theory investigate. But he also has a 2/3 chance of killing town every night. Which among other effects, shortens the game. In a game where the two other investigators are a parity cop, and a tracker/watcher who can't control his actual action, it could well have taken 5 days for town to know anything of use. And as Yog's response shows, there's going to be at least some hesitance on peoples' part to fall in on an arsonist's claim.
My theory is that flub actually has a weakness even he doesn't know about. So I think the role is weaker still than what you're seeing. But I'll address that later.
Two, you're deliberately understating the strength of scum. Say, hypothetically, that RW is scum. Now scum has a firefighter (in an arson game) and a role blocker. Neither of whom seems to have any significant limitations, and both provide solid counters to what town can do. And most importantly, they can actually coordinate their night action, while town runs around like chickens.
I think you're saying scum is weak because you're sitting as scum, and it feels weak because you lost your firefighter on N1, largely on the luck of the draw of JMich being in flub's pool rather than say, Sage. A 1/3 shot for flub became a 1/2 shot. That's a big swing.
So sure, it feels a lot weaker now. But look at the starting setup. And recall we don't necessarily even know what the 3rd does. Godfather has been my guess for the last 36 hours or so, as it would counter my role, and would explain why so many other pieces seem to fit. But I could be wrong there, it's just a theory.
For town, the game could have been over in a huge hurry if scum randomly targeted flub on N1. They'd see JMich and be right back for N2. Both sides have some RNG vulnerability, and I think that's where the "imbalance" comes from, whereas I think the roles themselves are actually pretty carefully aligned.