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RWarehall: Trenton's quick hammering does seem scummy, but so far that is all I have on him. What bothered me the most is that its also possible, given the game start delay, that someone somewhere might have had a Day 0 action. And hammering so quick prevented that. But is this one thing enough for this many votes? Besides the quick hammer, are there any other reasons people are so strong on him?
cristigale: My vote is based mostly on trent’s reaction and a couple of slips since being questioned about the hammer, I would not vote for him based just on the hammer.
Can you elaborate on these slips? Preferably with post numbers. That's why I was asking. With so many votes, seemed I might have missed something but I wasn't just going to assume that.
I was being polite, I really meant "skimming" and not "power reading" btw.

So let's not bother with good analysis at all, let's just be lazy. I don't have adalia's script on my work comp, so lazy is perfect anyway. Why did flub jump on Sage's wagon in day 1? IDK, but it was convenient in that she had just enough to seem suspicious to not seem scummy voting for her, but not so much that anyone would blink if you jumped off her either.

Jumps on to Wyrm with this gem to make L-1 - "I have no solid reason other than avoiding a No Lynch. (and I'm wary of Vitek's deadline)." Some brilliant analysis there. Good work.

Day 2: Votes for agentcarr, because of formatting or something. (778)
Switches to Trent because, hey, a wagon's forming and variant of reasons already pointed out by others. (819)
Switches to bler (995) because, hey, a wagon's forming. Also, vacillation is clearly scummier than activately vote-hopping somehow.

Eff it.

Unvote Trent
Vote Flub

Is that serious? I have no idea. I mean, that is what flub's voting shows, isn't it?

I'd like to propose that Vitek at least consider letting me and Kryp swap places. I haven't full decided, but I'm leaning toward stepping out to deal with more important RL shit.

Presumably Kryp doesn't know anything in his current role outside of what's in game thread and available to him anyway, and it would speed any transition in keeping the game going rather than waiting for an outside sub to catch up. Plus hey, same faction already LAMIST WIFOMG.
Hi all-

Just back from the hospital – It seems I’ve torn my rotator cuff improperly lifting weights. It’s quite exquisite. I highly recommend it if you have the means. I’ll be reading more on what this all means than playing Mafia today, most likely, but trying to comment some to stay abreast of the news. Slightly out of order, then:

bler144: Perhaps inappropriate to say, but I'm tempted to ask for a sub. It seems like this game is dominated by people who don't want to read/process and just randomly pick out tidbits while power-reading to catch up. To some extent I think the blowback is people who just don't want to deal with thinking deeper than "seems scummy to me."
Oh good, you’ve finally been properly welcomed to the game! Yes, yes, welcome to the “Fuck this shit! I QUIT!” club. I think you’re going to like it here. We’re not a terribly exclusive organization, I’m afraid, but we do have punch and pie.

agentcarr16: Help!!! I'm trapped in my own head...
I’ll keep the box of weasels warm then, shall I?

Leonard03: That's weird.
Another valuable contribution. Elegant, and well-reasoned. Perhaps over-full of alliteration and the prose could use a little mechanical work, but overall, I feel the sonorous qualities of the wordplay outweigh any potential drawbacks of the slightly questionable grammatical irregularities. I give it a 9½/10, and would read again.
bler144: ..................<Whining>...............
Krypsyn: Other people here just take this game way too dang seriously.
btw, you're doing a great job. Keep your chin up, bucko, you've made a great showing for your first game. Sometimes you're going to catch some heat, and you just have to learn how to deal with it without losing your excrement. You can play in my mafia game anytime. Agent, too.

I'm not really sure what you're mad about exactly since I barely skimmed what you were saying, but just don't want you to feel discouraged, and I'm sure that whole elevator repair thing will work out in the long run. Whatever.
Attributed this quote to cristigale by mistake in post 1001. When I refreshed the page, I noticed it. so, here it is again, with a copypasta of my reply for good measure (not that it was that impor)tant, but still...

Leonard03: Nobody was very suspicious of dedo as scum right?
He was second or third on my Day 1 scum list. I might have attempted to kill him instead of RWarehall on Night 1, if not for me telling flubbucket, in no uncertain terms, that I would attempt to kill the person my vote was on if given the opportunity.
yogsloth: Hi all-

Just back from the hospital – It seems I’ve torn my rotator cuff improperly lifting weights. It’s quite exquisite. I highly recommend it if you have the means. I’ll be reading more on what this all means than playing Mafia today, most likely, but trying to comment some to stay abreast of the news. Slightly out of order, then:

bler144: Perhaps inappropriate to say, but I'm tempted to ask for a sub. It seems like this game is dominated by people who don't want to read/process and just randomly pick out tidbits while power-reading to catch up. To some extent I think the blowback is people who just don't want to deal with thinking deeper than "seems scummy to me."
yogsloth: Oh good, you’ve finally been properly welcomed to the game! Yes, yes, welcome to the “Fuck this shit! I QUIT!” club. I think you’re going to like it here. We’re not a terribly exclusive organization, I’m afraid, but we do have punch and pie.

agentcarr16: Help!!! I'm trapped in my own head...
yogsloth: I’ll keep the box of weasels warm then, shall I?

Leonard03: That's weird.
yogsloth: Another valuable contribution. Elegant, and well-reasoned. Perhaps over-full of alliteration and the prose could use a little mechanical work, but overall, I feel the sonorous qualities of the wordplay outweigh any potential drawbacks of the slightly questionable grammatical irregularities. I give it a 9½/10, and would read again.
Yogs you really make me laugh, we need the funny Yogs more often. Sorry to hear about the rotator problems, that had to be extremely painful. I hope all goes well with it.

@bler144 don't give up, you are playing a great game. You have given very insightful thoughts and comments and have made the game a better one. There often does seem to be people who post not to find scum but to just post, but don't let that make you think game is a bad one. You keep playing the game the way you are, you are a facet the game needs.
trentonlf: Yogs you really make me laugh, we need the funny Yogs more often. Sorry to hear about the rotator problems, that had to be extremely painful. I hope all goes well with it.
Ah, thanks Joe! :)

lol, I do try to be the funny yogs all the time, but sometimes I just seem to be the only one laughing.

Right now my biggest problem is going to be figuring out how to wipe my ass left-handed.
trentonlf: Yogs you really make me laugh, we need the funny Yogs more often. Sorry to hear about the rotator problems, that had to be extremely painful. I hope all goes well with it.
yogsloth: Ah, thanks Joe! :)

lol, I do try to be the funny yogs all the time, but sometimes I just seem to be the only one laughing.

Right now my biggest problem is going to be figuring out how to wipe my ass left-handed.
I would suggest very carefully ;-)
yogsloth: Hi all-

Just back from the hospital – It seems I’ve torn my rotator cuff improperly lifting weights. It’s quite exquisite. I highly recommend it if you have the means.
Ugh, rotator cuff injury... unpleasant. :(

Why do I feel the nearly irrepressible urge to link to a Ferris Bueller clip? Or, at least, drive choice vintage sports cars of cliffs...
Krypsyn: Why do I feel the nearly irrepressible urge to link to a Ferris Bueller clip? Or, at least, drive choice vintage sports cars of cliffs...
It was my obligatory once-per-game Ferris Bueller reference. I rely on you to catch them, you realize.
trentonlf: @bler144 don't give up, you are playing a great game. You have given very insightful thoughts and comments and have made the game a better one. There often does seem to be people who post not to find scum but to just post, but don't let that make you think game is a bad one. You keep playing the game the way you are, you are a facet the game needs.
Thanks. Normally I'd be pissed and bounce back, but really, the next 7 days are going to be hell.

I have a 5 day business trip, plus a job application due Monday where someone on the committee is telling me I need to read and cite a 150 page federal grant document in my application, which I'm only partway through, and a skype interview next Thur that requires reading an entirely different set of federal regs. Only found out about the interview (and the timing) in the past few days, so sure, had I known about that a week ago I could have maybe procrastinated less this past weekend on the application.

Normally I wouldn't sweat it too much, especially the skype since it's a total longshot, but I've been going through a separation and both jobs are attempts to move closer to where my daughter is currently. So even a longshot is important.

So if I am going to be the one on the hotseat now, it's really not fair to the game, and of course, being really town, particularly not fair to town. At least for a week I have to put that shit first. I was going to need to dial back my contributions significantly at least through next Thur (though I would be able to check in every day, so I was assuming it wasn't a problem if I was just half-assing for a week in a multi-month game).

And yog, sorry about the rotator cuff. Did they say which muscle(s) in particular or how bad? There's 4 tucked in there. Not a doctor, just an amateur anatomist. Anyway, hopefully you get some good pain meds and PT and don't need surgery!

Can we get an AMEN please?

No, actually, a vote count. Vote count please.
bler144: I have a 5 day business trip, plus a job application, plus a laundry list of one horrible thing after another
Here's how I see it, bler.

The world only has two types of people in it.

The first group is those for whom, when real life gets difficult, lose all thrill for Forum Mafia and become unable to maintain their effort level and interest. They lose the spark, sometimes to the point of actually totally abandoning the game without another word. We'll call these kinds of people Telikans.

The other group, however, views Forum Mafia as an enjoyable - possibly even necessary - distraction, and even if lacking in time, still find a way to contribute in order to not be overwhelmed by what's happening in "real" life. I'm pegging you pretty firmly in this group, so I'm going to go ahead and call them Blerbians.

Of course, I've heard there's a third group of people in the world who don't actually play Forum Mafia, but I highly doubt they exist.

bler144: And yog, sorry about the rotator cuff. Did they say which muscle(s) in particular or how bad? There's 4 tucked in there. Not a doctor, just an amateur anatomist. Anyway, hopefully you get some good pain meds and PT and don't need surgery!
Psssht, that would require an MRI. And that would require time and money. No, it was bend this way, bend that way, bend the other way, congrats you've torn your cuff. Here's some smack, and come see us in a month and if it hasn't magically healed, we'll look at it again. At that time I will demand the MRI and we'll see what happens.
I had to go to the PT for a shoulder injury. He was working out some issues with his daddy apparently.


