bler144: I have a 5 day business trip, plus a job application, plus a laundry list of one horrible thing after another
Here's how I see it, bler.
The world only has two types of people in it.
The first group is those for whom, when real life gets difficult, lose all thrill for Forum Mafia and become unable to maintain their effort level and interest. They lose the spark, sometimes to the point of actually totally abandoning the game without another word. We'll call these kinds of people Telikans.
The other group, however, views Forum Mafia as an enjoyable - possibly even necessary - distraction, and even if lacking in time, still find a way to contribute in order to not be overwhelmed by what's happening in "real" life. I'm pegging you pretty firmly in this group, so I'm going to go ahead and call them Blerbians.
Of course, I've heard there's a third group of people in the world who don't actually
play Forum Mafia, but I highly doubt they exist.
bler144: And yog, sorry about the rotator cuff. Did they say which muscle(s) in particular or how bad? There's 4 tucked in there. Not a doctor, just an amateur anatomist. Anyway, hopefully you get some good pain meds and PT and don't need surgery!
Psssht, that would require an MRI. And
that would require time and money. No, it was bend this way, bend that way, bend the other way, congrats you've torn your cuff. Here's some smack, and come see us in a month and if it hasn't magically healed, we'll look at it again. At that time I will demand the MRI and we'll see what happens.