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dick1982: the snowkatt dishes are sent to you piece by piece via snailmail.

i wish for 4 icecream sandwiches.

dtgreene: Granted, but it is a historical documentary rather than a science fiction film.

I wish people would realize that the term "asexual", when talking about people, refers to a specific sexual (non)orientation, rather than anything related to gender.
dick1982: yeah... it's a non-gender. asexual= no sex, no gender. OR no sexual feelings, which is not what you're referring to.
you expect everything to have a male/female gender???
[i]2 . Biology (Of reproduction) not involving the fusion of gametes.

2.1. Without sex or sexual organs:
‘asexual parasites'[/i]
The icecream sandwiches all contain a salmiakki filling. Mmhm, tasty! Unless, of course, you like the taste of ammonium chloride. ;-)

I wish my partner was not allergic to dogs and all cute fluffy animals.
Post edited October 25, 2015 by shadowmirage
Granted, but the wish got corrupted, causing your partner to become allergic to everything in this universe except dogs and all cute fluffy animals.

I wish the new Star Wars: Battlefront 2 mod that I installed today were to be fixed by its own, removing all the bugs that the mod has inflicted to my game.
low rated
Abovet: Granted, but the wish got corrupted, causing your partner to become allergic to everything in this universe except dogs and all cute fluffy animals.

I wish the new Star Wars: Battlefront 2 mod that I installed today were to be fixed by its own, removing all the bugs that the mod has inflicted to my game.
Granted, but it introduced other bugs, including a gamebreaker that makes the game unwinnable.

I wish that Wizardry 8 had better balanced difficulty and waited until higher levels to throw challenging encounters at you.
dtgreene: I wish that Wizardry 8 had better balanced difficulty and waited until higher levels to throw challenging encounters at you.
Granted, but the balancing is part of a new Addon for the game that also introduced microtransactions as the new and only way to proceed in the game and it has a new form of DRM with always online and smartphone Co.App.

I wish I had a teleporter, so I can get everwhere without timeloss.
Post edited October 26, 2015 by HanselPete
HanselPete: I wish I had a teleporter, so I can get everwhere without timeloss.
Wish granted! Unfortunately the teleporter tends to rearrange you body part in random order upon arrival.

I wish it was much earlier in the evening...
Post edited October 26, 2015 by toxicTom
Wish granted, but tomorrow goes twice as fast as normal speed. (next day flies by with great speed as a tradeoff).

I wish to be able to alter my predetermined fate, by the blackguards and criminals who crafted it and wish to seal it. This year i won't be able to avoid going somewhere and in most probability, i will have to face dangerous people (again). At least this time they won't have the element of surprise (drug in my food) and i am pumped up and battle ready (in the most literal sense). I wish my training to be enough to let me keep my hide intact and defend myself effectively, plus if i manage to do so to not be persecuted by law, since those people have already entangled me in a conspiracy already (both harmed me and framed me).
Post edited October 26, 2015 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
low rated
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Wish granted, but tomorrow goes twice as fast as normal speed. (next day flies by with great speed as a tradeoff).

I wish to be able to alter my predetermined fate, by the blackguards and criminals who crafted it and wish to seal it. This year i won't be able to avoid going somewhere and in most probability, i will have to face dangerous people (again). At least this time they won't have the element of surprise (drug in my food) and i am pumped up and battle ready (in the most literal sense). I wish my training to be enough to let me keep my hide intact and defend myself effectively, plus if i manage to do so to not be persecuted by law, since those people have already entangled me in a conspiracy already (both harmed me and framed me).
Granted, but you then perish in a natural disaster.

I wish that people would not use pictures of cats or dogs as forum avatars.
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Wish granted, but tomorrow goes twice as fast as normal speed. (next day flies by with great speed as a tradeoff).

I wish to be able to alter my predetermined fate, by the blackguards and criminals who crafted it and wish to seal it. This year i won't be able to avoid going somewhere and in most probability, i will have to face dangerous people (again). At least this time they won't have the element of surprise (drug in my food) and i am pumped up and battle ready (in the most literal sense). I wish my training to be enough to let me keep my hide intact and defend myself effectively, plus if i manage to do so to not be persecuted by law, since those people have already entangled me in a conspiracy already (both harmed me and framed me).
dtgreene: Granted, but you then perish in a natural disaster.

I wish that people would not use pictures of cats or dogs as forum avatars.
Granted, but as the wish got corrupted, all the dogs and cats on this Earth have the ability to use gadgets and are able to access the mass media. They now use their previous owners' pictures as their profile pictures.

I wish my crush would forget that I had ever liked her.
dtgreene: Granted, but you then perish in a natural disaster.

I wish that people would not use pictures of cats or dogs as forum avatars.
Abovet: Granted, but as the wish got corrupted, all the dogs and cats on this Earth have the ability to use gadgets and are able to access the mass media. They now use their previous owners' pictures as their profile pictures.

I wish my crush would forget that I had ever liked her.
WIsh granted, your crush has forgotten for 3 seconds, and remembers again

I wish everyone's farts were a visible purple mist
IwubCheeze: I wish everyone's farts were a visible purple mist
Granted, though the mist never dissipates. Ew.

I wish I could summon the Spam truck like the guy did in those old Spam commercials.
IwubCheeze: WIsh granted, your crush has forgotten for 3 seconds, and remembers again

I wish everyone's farts were a visible purple mist
Granted, but since farts are flammable, these purple mists are causing bad people to ignite other people's farts for their own pleasure.

I wish that the Galactic Empire would invade Earth and recruit some of the Earth's population for new storm troopers that could actually shoot heads.
IwubCheeze: I wish everyone's farts were a visible purple mist
Bookwyrm627: Granted, though the mist never dissipates. Ew.

I wish I could summon the Spam truck like the guy did in those old Spam commercials.
Granted, but the Spam truck always appears at your neighbor's lawn whenever you try to summon it. This causes the supplies stored inside the truck to always appear empty every time you check the container, as your neighbor has always been the first to search the truck for spam.

(My wish remains the same with the one above. Bookwyrm627 replied to IwubCheeze's wish faster than me.)
low rated
Abovet: I wish that the Galactic Empire would invade Earth and recruit some of the Earth's population for new storm troopers that could actually shoot heads.
Granted, but the Galactic Empire then decided that Earth is not needed and blows up the planet to make room for an interspace highway.

I wish for an uncorruptable wish.
Abovet: I wish that the Galactic Empire would invade Earth and recruit some of the Earth's population for new storm troopers that could actually shoot heads.
dtgreene: Granted, but the Galactic Empire then decided that Earth is not needed and blows up the planet to make room for an interspace highway.

I wish for an uncorruptable wish.
Granted, but In order for that to be accomplished, you must spend the rest of your life writing down all the clauses of your wish in order for it to be incorruptible in various bureaucratic forms, then bring them to an office only open from 1pm-4pm, except on odd days and obscure religious holidays (found in form 13b2), signed, in triplicate, including papers A-Z, according to clause 312ab and 666ab... *goes on for about a trillion pages*

Speaking of which, I wish Finland would be a less bureaucratic nation.
Wish granted, but now people exploit the system for various nefarious reasons.

I wish that stupid government (here) to get down and go to hell, before every civilian gets to do that first.
Post edited October 27, 2015 by KiNgBrAdLeY7