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You get a white screen that's still in alpha. It burns out the very next day. Oh well, back to the drawing board.

I wish I had a drawing board.
Wish granted, but after drawing once, you can neither delete to make blank again, nor draw anything new.

I wish the trans Atlantic trade agreement to be boycotted and jeopardized by people, heavily and aggressively, at once. I don't want internet dictatorship and market crammed full of bio-engineered crap for food.
low rated
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Wish granted, but after drawing once, you can neither delete to make blank again, nor draw anything new.

I wish the trans Atlantic trade agreement to be boycotted and jeopardized by people, heavily and aggressively, at once. I don't want internet dictatorship and market crammed full of bio-engineered crap for food.
Granted. Unfortunately, with the lack of bio-engineered food, there is no longer enough food to sustain the current population, leading to mass starvation.

I wish that people would not get so upset at the idea of a trans woman using the women's restroom.
Wish granted. Women migrate over to the men's toilet and leave the trans alone in female restroom! Isn't that wonderful; the entire facility just for one person?!

I wish someone to nuke Monsanto, or kamikaze blow it all up to hell!
low rated
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Wish granted. Women migrate over to the men's toilet and leave the trans alone in female restroom! Isn't that wonderful; the entire facility just for one person?!

I wish someone to nuke Monsanto, or kamikaze blow it all up to hell!
Nukes have been sent at everything that contains any IP owned by Monsanto, resulting in a noclear apocalypse, killing all human life on the planet.

I wish the transgender suicide epidemic would end. (I just today learned of another suicide.)
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Wish granted. Women migrate over to the men's toilet and leave the trans alone in female restroom! Isn't that wonderful; the entire facility just for one person?!

I wish someone to nuke Monsanto, or kamikaze blow it all up to hell!
dtgreene: Nukes have been sent at everything that contains any IP owned by Monsanto, resulting in a noclear apocalypse, killing all human life on the planet.

I wish the transgender suicide epidemic would end. (I just today learned of another suicide.)
Wish granted. All trans people suddenly stop being confused on what genre they naturally are and become cis and happy; ergo, no depression, no maltreatment, no suicides, ever again!

I wish Putin to blast the entire battlefield down there to the otherworld, so peace can return.
Post edited October 15, 2015 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
low rated
dtgreene: Nukes have been sent at everything that contains any IP owned by Monsanto, resulting in a noclear apocalypse, killing all human life on the planet.

I wish the transgender suicide epidemic would end. (I just today learned of another suicide.)
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Wish granted. All trans people suddenly stop being confused on what genre they naturally are and become cis and happy; ergo, no depression, no maltreatment, no suicides, ever again!

I wish Putin to blast the entire area there to the otherworld, so peace can return.
Granted: The entire megacontinent containing Europe, Asia, and Africa has been obliterated. In particular, since you are from Greece, your home has been obliterated *with you in it*.

I wish humans (homo sapiens) had evolved 100,000 years earlier.
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Wish granted. All trans people suddenly stop being confused on what genre they naturally are and become cis and happy; ergo, no depression, no maltreatment, no suicides, ever again!

I wish Putin to blast the entire area there to the otherworld, so peace can return.
dtgreene: Granted: The entire megacontinent containing Europe, Asia, and Africa has been obliterated. In particular, since you are from Greece, your home has been obliterated *with you in it*.

I wish humans (homo sapiens) had evolved 100,000 years earlier.
the brits find more older teeth in china which proves that all mankind evolved from chineses 100 000 years earlier than expected, instead of the "out of africa" theory. the CPC of the PRC decides that's a great excuse to claim territorial rights over the whole damn world. WW3 and hijinks ensures.

i wish for 2 ice cream sandwiches.
dick1982: i wish for 2 ice cream sandwiches.
Enjoy your brainfreeze.

I wish I could turn into whatever Halloween costume I decided to put on, and back to myself again once I took it off.
dick1982: i wish for 2 ice cream sandwiches.
TwoHandedSword: Enjoy your brainfreeze.

I wish I could turn into whatever Halloween costume I decided to put on, and back to myself again once I took it off.
Granted, but the wish expired right after you had turned into the Halloween costume you wanted. There's no turning back to your old self now.

I wish time would slow down, but not with everyone in it. Everyone would still be able to do their daily activities at their normal speed, and would accept the fact that 1 day equals to 1000 years of the previous time.
low rated
TwoHandedSword: Enjoy your brainfreeze.

I wish I could turn into whatever Halloween costume I decided to put on, and back to myself again once I took it off.
UniByst: Granted, but the wish expired right after you had turned into the Halloween costume you wanted. There's no turning back to your old self now.

I wish time would slow down, but not with everyone in it. Everyone would still be able to do their daily activities at their normal speed, and would accept the fact that 1 day equals to 1000 years of the previous time.
Granted, but nothing seems to happen. As a result, no one notices that time is flowing at a different rate, because every observable measure of time goes at the new rate, including things like atomic clocks and radioactive decay.

I wish for this wish to be turned into a horse and for a begger [sic] to ride it.
(This is a reference to a typo in Might and Magic 5.)
Ok. This wish becomes one of TInyE's donkeys and instead of a beggar, a King (me! :P ) rides it! Without any ties to any game, lol!

I wish for the "Return of the Snowkatt!" tm !
low rated
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Ok. This wish becomes one of TInyE's donkeys and instead of a beggar, a King (me! :P ) rides it! Without any ties to any game, lol!

I wish for the "Return of the Snowkatt!" tm !
Actually, I wished for a begger, not a beggar. Maybe you should have had a Kimg, rather than a King, ride it when granting the wish.


Granted, but a huge snowstorm comes through the area, followed by intense cold, essentially shutting down all activity. Even worse, the power goes out, so now you can't leave the house, you can't communicate online, and you can't keep the house warm.

I wish that Halloween would come sooner.
Wish granted, but everyone tricks you, no one treats you!!!

I wish the rare species called Snowkatt to return here!
low rated
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Wish granted, but everyone tricks you, no one treats you!!!

I wish the rare species called Snowkatt to return here!
Granted, but the first thing she does is downvote all your posts.

I wish for a game like Freedom Planet, but with shorter levels.