jefequeso: I am still dumbfounded that there are people who think Heavy Rain is any good (including TotalBiscuit of all people!).
F4LL0UT: Frankly I enjoyed it. I mean, it isn't well-written (with the exception of a few decent moments) and in terms of game design it's just wasted potential but still, I didn't get bored till the end which is more than I can say about most other games out there. And I must admit that at least for me it had some pretty strong emotional moments and great atmosphere, especially during the calmer more realistic parts.
Personally, the "emotional moments" are the parts of HR I despise the most. Cage's penchant for hammy emotional manipulation often borders on pornographic. And to make things worse, he loves to throw such scenes in just for the hell of it, using them as cheap shots rather than as anything with narrative importance. And yeah, there are a few parts of HR that have potential. Probably the most infuriating part about Cage is that he does come up with genuinely good ideas sometimes, and just can't seem to make them work. But in a sense, those moments just make HR even worse, as you get little glimpses of what could have been, had the story been in the hands of another writer.
I will grant that HR isn't nearly as bad in this regard as Beyond Two Souls. And it's got a better story than a lot of videogames. But that's not saying much, since the garbage known as the Left Behind remake also has a better story than a lot of videogames. And sure, none of this means that you can't have a good time with HR, or any of his games.
I just don't think Cage is a good writer or storyteller. And his games rely completely on writing and storytelling.
Lugamo: I thought the main reason why Fahrenheit was not available on Steam was because they don't accept AO-rated games.
I might be wrong, but isn't there a M-rated censored version of the game?