Gonchi: Last 33% of the game? That's generous of you.
jefequeso: This.
At least the setup was semi-promising :P
Soccorro: You mean the ultra-realistic part, where homeless people tell you, they are "the invisibles", an underground rebel group? Or the part where the protagonist is being chased by an ancient aztec priest? OR! The part where the protagonist fights a cyborg by pulling moves, that put the movie "the matrix" to shame?
jefequeso: At least Indigo Prophecy has a little bit of "so bad it's good" appeal. Unlike Cage's other games, which are just b-grade schlock dressed up as "art."
I am still dumbfounded that there are people who think Heavy Rain is any good (including TotalBiscuit of all people!).
What about the one before - Omikron - Nomad Soul? A bit of a flawed diamond but pretty cool none the less..