Tallima: P.S. That makes 3 VX Aces I own. :)
That's only my second. I thought at first that I might give it away, then figured it might be good to own it on two Steam accounts, so I could run it on two PC's. Ah, the wonders of DRM.
babark: I very much appreciate the list as well! Would it be ungrateful to ask for a tier by tier breakdown? :D
I could probably cross-reference this with the tier descriptions and come up with something, but that's a bit of work. I also wanted to list what's in the various DLC packs, but unfortunately I don't think I'll have the spare time to do this justice until sometimes next week.
Anyway, from my look at the DLC so far, it's some art and some music. Some of the art looks RPG Maker specific, but a lot of it is just generic art that's not aimed at anything in particular.