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snowkatt: im hoping for involvement from marvel or dc but that probably wont happen
here is hoping for a gijoe bundle next
pakopakojr: Nope. They want ad revenue from their stuff more. Which brings to question who owns G.I. Joe at the moment (I hear they did another reboot?) -- IDW or DDP or UDON or what?
hasbro still owns and has always owned gi joe

the comic book liscence is currently in the hands of IDW

who continued the marvel comics continuity with issue 156 and with larry hama who wrote all of them
they are around issue 200 now

and off course their own reboot but i dont know much about that
snowkatt: the (G.I. Joe) comic book liscence is currently in the hands of IDW

who continued the marvel comics continuity with issue 156 and with larry hama who wrote all of them
they are around issue 200 now
They're still doing it? I thought I heard (probably back in January) that Larry had ended/was ending his run?
snowkatt: the (G.I. Joe) comic book liscence is currently in the hands of IDW

who continued the marvel comics continuity with issue 156 and with larry hama who wrote all of them
they are around issue 200 now
pakopakojr: They're still doing it? I thought I heard (probably back in January) that Larry had ended/was ending his run?
yeah its stil running
this page is out of date though

a short interview with hama in feb says nothing about him stopping

and the review for 200

and previews for 202-204

so yeah its still an on going thing

and idw's output is as usual ridicilous prodigious
just look at this

surley they can nibble a few offa those for a humble bundle

2 rah classics book 2 special edition books
a hearts an minds colllection
a origins collection ( 6 issues)
a cobra collection ( 6 issues)
a cobra civil war collection ) 6 issues)

that would be a good start
snowkatt: if this happens every month i might get more comics then i can read ( i already have a huge amount of comics )
I know. That's the reason I skipped Dr Who, Transformers and Star Trek. I've never picked any of those series and I rather finish reading the ones I do read than starting new franchises.

I don't see Marvel or DC going DRM-Free anytime soon but other smaller imprints might be persuaded.
snowkatt: if this happens every month i might get more comics then i can read ( i already have a huge amount of comics )
madth3: I know. That's the reason I skipped Dr Who, Transformers and Star Trek. I've never picked any of those series and I rather finish reading the ones I do read than starting new franchises.

I don't see Marvel or DC going DRM-Free anytime soon but other smaller imprints might be persuaded.
damn it i missed doctor who

i am a transformers fan though so that is what got me interested
Technically Marvel or DC could be featured as a humble bundle even with DRM provided they have a key redemption system similar to the Steam keys with games; not that I'd want Humble to embrace DRMed book.
undeadcow: Technically Marvel or DC could be featured as a humble bundle even with DRM provided they have a key redemption system similar to the Steam keys with games; not that I'd want Humble to embrace DRMed book.
Yeah, Comixology codes.
undeadcow: Technically Marvel or DC could be featured as a humble bundle even with DRM provided they have a key redemption system similar to the Steam keys with games; not that I'd want Humble to embrace DRMed book.
madth3: Yeah, Comixology codes.
where you rent comics instead of download them

i prefer to own my comics
madth3: Yeah, Comixology codes.
snowkatt: where you rent comics instead of download them

i prefer to own my comics
They have a download system now.
theslitherydeee: They have a download system now.
Only for some publishers and even then not for all the comics. Marvel and DC are not included.
The Humble Valiant Bundle

PWYW for:
- X-O Manowar Vol 1 & 2 (8 issues)
- Archer & Armstrong Vol 1 & 2 (9 issues)
- Quantum and Woody Vol 1 & 2 (8 issues)
- Harbinger Vol 1 & 2 (10 issues)
- Unity Vol 1 & 2 (8 issues)

$1 for:
- GAME: Shadow Man (Steam / Windows, Mac)

BTA for:
- Rai #1-#4
- Shadowman Vol 1 & 2 (9 issues)
- Eternal Warrior Vol 1 & 2 (8 issues)
- Harbinger Wars Vol 1 (4 issues)
- Bloodshot Vol 1 & 2 (9 issues)
- Archer & Armstrong Classics Vol. 3 (5 issues)
- Bloodshot Vol. 3 (4 issues)
- Harbinger Vol. 3 (4 issues)
- Quantum & Woody Vol. 3 (4 issues)
- Shadowman Vol. 3 (4 issues)
- X-O Manowar Vol. 3 (6 issues)

$15 or more for
- Valiant Masters Collection (Shadowman, Ninjak, H.A.R.D. CORPS, Rai, Bloodshot) (40 issues)
- Valiant Masters X-O Manowar (7 issues)

CBZ, PDF and ePub.
Post edited September 24, 2014 by madth3
madth3: $1 for:
- GAME: Shadow Man (Steam / Windows, Mac)
A game in a book bundle?! That's madness!
madth3: $1 for:
- GAME: Shadow Man (Steam / Windows, Mac)
Grargar: A game in a book bundle?! That's madness!
Understandable, since the game is based on the Shadowman books in the bta tier.
Aniki: Understandable, since the game is based on the Shadowman books in the bta tier.
I guess, but it's still weird.
Grargar: I guess, but it's still weird.
Well, the Witcher 2 and 3 include comics...

I think it's a fine idea to bring comic fans to gaming. Shame is not a GOG key, of course.