Posted September 21, 2016

Think Different.
Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada

Play with me
Registered: Dec 2011
From Spain
Posted September 24, 2016
The Eternaut (included in the Humble Book Bundle Forbidden Books) is amazing. Although it shows its age in certain aspects (it just won an Eisner Award, but it was first published in the 50s in Argentina), it is quite powerful and disturbing. It is the story of an alien invasion. The weapons of the invaders are so powerful that the Earth is lost almost from the very beginning; at the same time, those weapons are poorly adapted to the physical conditions of our planet, so there is a group of survivors who manage to escape now and again from apparently inescapable dangers. When I first read it, I wondered if it had influenced Kirkman when writing The Walking Dead, but the first English version was publised last year, so I guess that wasn't the case. Highly recommended, especially for those of you who are interested in Latinoamerican culture.

Registered: Nov 2012
From Mexico
Posted September 28, 2016
The Humble Book Bundle: <span class="bold">Fan Faves + Digital Debuts presented by Make</span>
(Yet another Make bundle)
$1, $8 and $15 tiers
PDF, ePUB and MOBI available.
(Yet another Make bundle)
$1, $8 and $15 tiers
PDF, ePUB and MOBI available.

Newt abUser
Registered: Sep 2014
From Sweden
Posted October 21, 2016
There have been two more book bundles since this thread was last active:
Cosplay Book Bundle
Make: Getting Started with Adafruit FLORA
Make: Wearable Electronics: Design, Prototype, and Wear Your Own Interactive Garments
Make: Design for 3D Printing
Kitchen Floor Vacuum Former
Adam Savage Moldmaking Primer
The Book of Cosplay Painting
The Book of Prop Making
A Beginner's Guide to Making Mind Blowing Props
Painting and Weathering for Props and Replicas
The Book of Cosplay Armor Making
Make: Props and Costume Armor
Cosplay in America Vol 1
Foamsmith: How to Create Foam Armor Costumes
Make: Special Halloween Issue 2016
"Cosplay Life" Lapel Pin Set
Hacking Capitalism
Agenda for a New Economy
This Changes Everything
The Gift of Anger: Use Passion to Build, Not Destroy
Corporations are Not People
When Corporations Rule The World
The Reunited States of America: How We Can Bridge the Partisan Divide
Affluenza: How Overconsumption Is Killing Us
Locked Down, Locked Out: Why Prison Doesn't Work and How We Can Do Better
From Crisis to Calling
Screwed: The Undeclared War Against the Middle Class
The New Confessions of an Economic Hitman
How the Poor Can Save Capitalism
Rebalancing Society: Radical Renewal Beyond Left, Right and Center
The Shareholder Value Myth: How Putting Shareholders First Harms Investors, Corporations and the Public
Change The Story, Change the Future
Cosplay Book Bundle
Make: Getting Started with Adafruit FLORA
Make: Wearable Electronics: Design, Prototype, and Wear Your Own Interactive Garments
Make: Design for 3D Printing
Kitchen Floor Vacuum Former
Adam Savage Moldmaking Primer
The Book of Cosplay Painting
The Book of Prop Making
A Beginner's Guide to Making Mind Blowing Props
Painting and Weathering for Props and Replicas
The Book of Cosplay Armor Making
Make: Props and Costume Armor
Cosplay in America Vol 1
Foamsmith: How to Create Foam Armor Costumes
Make: Special Halloween Issue 2016
"Cosplay Life" Lapel Pin Set
Hacking Capitalism
Agenda for a New Economy
This Changes Everything
The Gift of Anger: Use Passion to Build, Not Destroy
Corporations are Not People
When Corporations Rule The World
The Reunited States of America: How We Can Bridge the Partisan Divide
Affluenza: How Overconsumption Is Killing Us
Locked Down, Locked Out: Why Prison Doesn't Work and How We Can Do Better
From Crisis to Calling
Screwed: The Undeclared War Against the Middle Class
The New Confessions of an Economic Hitman
How the Poor Can Save Capitalism
Rebalancing Society: Radical Renewal Beyond Left, Right and Center
The Shareholder Value Myth: How Putting Shareholders First Harms Investors, Corporations and the Public
Change The Story, Change the Future

Registered: Nov 2012
From Mexico
Posted October 26, 2016
<span class="bold">The Humble Comics Bundle: Doctor Who</span>
$1 for
- Doctor Who: Agent Provocateur #1-6
- Doctor Who: Rippers Curse #1-3
- Doctor Who: When Worlds Collide #1-3
- Doctor Who: As Time Goes By #1-4
- Doctor Who: Fugitive #1-4
- Doctor Who: Through Time and Space #1-6
- Doctor Who: Body Snatched #1-2
$8 for
- Doctor Who: The Forgotten #1-6
- The Girl Who Loved Doctor Who
- Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Vol 1
- Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Vol 1
- Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor #1 (mini-series)
- Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor #1
- Doctor Who: The Fourth Doctor #1
- Doctor Who: SDCC Exclusive 2015
- Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #16
$15 for
- Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Vol 2
- Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Vol 2
- Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor Vol 1
- Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor #1 (ongoing series)
- Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #11
- Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #11
- Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #6
- Doctor Who: The Third Doctor #1
CBZ, PDF and ePub available
$1 for
- Doctor Who: Agent Provocateur #1-6
- Doctor Who: Rippers Curse #1-3
- Doctor Who: When Worlds Collide #1-3
- Doctor Who: As Time Goes By #1-4
- Doctor Who: Fugitive #1-4
- Doctor Who: Through Time and Space #1-6
- Doctor Who: Body Snatched #1-2
$8 for
- Doctor Who: The Forgotten #1-6
- The Girl Who Loved Doctor Who
- Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Vol 1
- Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Vol 1
- Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor #1 (mini-series)
- Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor #1
- Doctor Who: The Fourth Doctor #1
- Doctor Who: SDCC Exclusive 2015
- Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #16
$15 for
- Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Vol 2
- Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Vol 2
- Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor Vol 1
- Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor #1 (ongoing series)
- Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #11
- Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #11
- Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #6
- Doctor Who: The Third Doctor #1
CBZ, PDF and ePub available

Registered: Nov 2012
From Mexico
Posted November 02, 2016
<span class="bold">Humble RPG Book Bundle: Fiction Faves</span>
$1 for
- A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying Core Rulebook
- The Atomic Robo RPG
- Laundry RPG Rulebook
$8 for
- Mistborn Adventure Game
- The Dresden Files RPG: Your Story
- A Song of Ice and Fire Chronicle Starter
- Laundry Files: Black Bag Jobs
$15 for
- Alloy of Law: Mistborn Campaign Setting & Game Setting
- Terris: Wrought of Copper Player’s Guide & Mistborn World Resource
- A Song of Ice and Fire Campaign Guide
- The Dresden Files RPG: Our World
- Laundry Files: Agent's Handbook
$1 for
- A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying Core Rulebook
- The Atomic Robo RPG
- Laundry RPG Rulebook
$8 for
- Mistborn Adventure Game
- The Dresden Files RPG: Your Story
- A Song of Ice and Fire Chronicle Starter
- Laundry Files: Black Bag Jobs
$15 for
- Alloy of Law: Mistborn Campaign Setting & Game Setting
- Terris: Wrought of Copper Player’s Guide & Mistborn World Resource
- A Song of Ice and Fire Campaign Guide
- The Dresden Files RPG: Our World
- Laundry Files: Agent's Handbook

Registered: Nov 2012
From Mexico
Posted November 09, 2016
<span class="bold">The Humble Book Bundle: LEGO</span>
- The LEGO Adventure Book, Volume 1
- Medieval LEGO
- The LEGO Build-It Book, Volume 1
- Beautiful LEGO
- The LEGO Build-It Book, Vol.2: More Amazing Vehicles
- The Cult of LEGO
- LEGO Space
- The LEGO Technic Idea Book: Fantastic Contraptions
- Incredible Technic
- Forbidden LEGO
- The LEGO Architec
- The LEGO Christmas Ornaments Book
- The LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Discovery Book
- The LEGO Power Functions Idea Book, Vol.1: Machines and Mechanisms
- The LEGO Neighborhood Book
- Steampunk LEGO
PDF and ePUB available
- The LEGO Adventure Book, Volume 1
- Medieval LEGO
- The LEGO Build-It Book, Volume 1
- Beautiful LEGO
- The LEGO Build-It Book, Vol.2: More Amazing Vehicles
- The Cult of LEGO
- LEGO Space
- The LEGO Technic Idea Book: Fantastic Contraptions
- Incredible Technic
- Forbidden LEGO
- The LEGO Architec
- The LEGO Christmas Ornaments Book
- The LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Discovery Book
- The LEGO Power Functions Idea Book, Vol.1: Machines and Mechanisms
- The LEGO Neighborhood Book
- Steampunk LEGO
PDF and ePUB available

Registered: Nov 2012
From Mexico
Posted November 16, 2016

Easily Bored
Registered: Oct 2010
From Netherlands
Posted November 16, 2016
another bundle i can skip
another bundle i can skip

You're in my spot
Registered: Apr 2012
From Poland
Posted November 16, 2016
I picked up the 1$ tier from that RPG bundle. Might be usefull if I ever get a game going again and we'll be looking for something different than the usual D&D/Warhammer fantasy flavor.
Post edited November 16, 2016 by Breja

Cartoony Corsair
Registered: May 2013
From Cyprus
Posted November 24, 2016
Humble Book Bundle: Unix (presented by O'Reilly)
$1 tier
-Unix in a Nutshell, 4th Edition
-sed & awk, 2nd Edition
-lex and yacc, 2nd Edition
-Learning the bash Shell, 3rd Edition
-Linux Pocket Guide, 3rd Edition
$8 tier
- bash Cookbook
-Classic Shell Scripting
- Learning GNU Emacs, 3rd Edition
-Unix Power Tools
-Learning the vi and Vim Editors, 7th Edition
-Bash Pocket Reference, 2nd Edition
- Learning Unix for OS X, 2nd Edition
$15 tier
-Essential System Administration, 3rd Edition
- TCP/IP Network Administration, 3rd Edition
-DNS and BIND, 5th Edition
- Network Troubleshooting Tools
Ten Steps to Linux Survival Excerpt
Check out "Ten Steps to Linux Survival" by Jim Lehmer right now! Just enter your email address to immediately receive the report full of tips for Linux diagnostic and recovery tasks.
My personal opinion: It looks interesting for people interested in Linux (such as me) but there's one slight problem: There is a huge lack of variety in these book bundles. It's either tech stuff or RPG Books. Where is my Humble Books Bundle: Military History (presented by Osprey), Humble? Gimme that and then I'll throw my $15 your way!
$1 tier
-Unix in a Nutshell, 4th Edition
-sed & awk, 2nd Edition
-lex and yacc, 2nd Edition
-Learning the bash Shell, 3rd Edition
-Linux Pocket Guide, 3rd Edition
$8 tier
- bash Cookbook
-Classic Shell Scripting
- Learning GNU Emacs, 3rd Edition
-Unix Power Tools
-Learning the vi and Vim Editors, 7th Edition
-Bash Pocket Reference, 2nd Edition
- Learning Unix for OS X, 2nd Edition
$15 tier
-Essential System Administration, 3rd Edition
- TCP/IP Network Administration, 3rd Edition
-DNS and BIND, 5th Edition
- Network Troubleshooting Tools
Ten Steps to Linux Survival Excerpt
Check out "Ten Steps to Linux Survival" by Jim Lehmer right now! Just enter your email address to immediately receive the report full of tips for Linux diagnostic and recovery tasks.
My personal opinion: It looks interesting for people interested in Linux (such as me) but there's one slight problem: There is a huge lack of variety in these book bundles. It's either tech stuff or RPG Books. Where is my Humble Books Bundle: Military History (presented by Osprey), Humble? Gimme that and then I'll throw my $15 your way!

Registered: Sep 2008
From Poland
Posted November 24, 2016
Are any of those books a must-have? I noticed that almost all of them are over 10 years old...

go Clarice!
Registered: Sep 2010
From Russian Federation
Posted November 24, 2016

Q: Is the Unix Power Tools book still relevant today?
A: Absolutely. I find it useful for learning key concepts in Unix that may not be that obvious when you're first starting out.
[list of concepts]
When first starting out with Unix most of these are pretty foreign and a book like this is invaluable. I've had mine since the 2nd edition and it's pretty worn out at this point.
The 3rd edition is the latest one of this book it's circa 2002 but it's still completely relevant. Browse through the Amazon comments if you need more proof.
I got the whole bundle and donated the money to Doctors Without Borders, so even if I end up having "wasted" it, I really didn't.

Registered: Aug 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted December 15, 2016
Humble Book Bundle {Code your own Games}
Pay $1 (about £0.79) or more!
Learn Unity3D Programming with UnityScript: Unity's JavaScript for Beginners
Swift Game Programming for Absolute Beginners
Android Studio Game Development: Concepts and Design
Irresistible Apps: Motivational Design Patterns for Apps, Games, and Web-based Communities
Learn Pixi.js: Create Great Interactive Graphics for Games and the Web
Pay more than the average of $8 (about £6.31) to also unlock!
Beginning RPG Maker MV
Make a 2D Arcade Game in a Weekend: With Unity
Build your own 2D Game Engine and Create Great Web Games: Using HTML5, JavaScript, and WebGL
Beginning Swift Games Development for iOS
The Business of iOS App Development: For iPhone, iPad and iPod touch
More in 6 days.....
Pay $15 (about £11.83) or more to also unlock!
Beginning RPG Maker VX Ace
The Game Maker's Apprentice: Game Development for Beginners
Pro HTML5 Games
Polished Game Development: From First Steps to Final Release
Program Arcade Games: With Python and Pygame
Beginning Java Game Development with LibGDX
These Books come in PDF, ePUB, and MOBI file types to support many devices including Kindle, iPad, Kobo, and Nook.
All the best
Pay $1 (about £0.79) or more!
Learn Unity3D Programming with UnityScript: Unity's JavaScript for Beginners
Swift Game Programming for Absolute Beginners
Android Studio Game Development: Concepts and Design
Irresistible Apps: Motivational Design Patterns for Apps, Games, and Web-based Communities
Learn Pixi.js: Create Great Interactive Graphics for Games and the Web
Pay more than the average of $8 (about £6.31) to also unlock!
Beginning RPG Maker MV
Make a 2D Arcade Game in a Weekend: With Unity
Build your own 2D Game Engine and Create Great Web Games: Using HTML5, JavaScript, and WebGL
Beginning Swift Games Development for iOS
The Business of iOS App Development: For iPhone, iPad and iPod touch
More in 6 days.....
Pay $15 (about £11.83) or more to also unlock!
Beginning RPG Maker VX Ace
The Game Maker's Apprentice: Game Development for Beginners
Pro HTML5 Games
Polished Game Development: From First Steps to Final Release
Program Arcade Games: With Python and Pygame
Beginning Java Game Development with LibGDX
These Books come in PDF, ePUB, and MOBI file types to support many devices including Kindle, iPad, Kobo, and Nook.
All the best
Post edited December 15, 2016 by Cavenagh

Insert cat to continue
Registered: Aug 2012
From Greece
Posted January 11, 2017
New year bump!
<span class="bold">The Humble RPG Book Bundle: Pathfinder Worldscape presented by Paizo and Dynamite</span>
Iron Gods Player's Guide
Pathfinder Worldscape #1
Pathfinder RPG Digital Beginner Box
Pathfinder RPG Game Core Rulebook
Pathfinder Adventure Path: Fires of Creation (Iron Gods 1)
Pathfinder Adventure Path: Lords of Rust (Iron Gods 2)
Pathfinder #1-12 plus comic maps
Pathfinder: Goblins #1-5
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Strategy Guide
Pathfinder Adventure Path: The Choking Tower (Iron Gods 3)
Pathfinder Adventure Path: Valley of Brain Collectors (Iron Gods 4)
Pathfinder Adventure Path: Palace of Fallen Stars (Iron Gods 5)
Pathfinder Player Companion: People of the Stars
Pathfinder: Worldscape #2 plus comic maps
"Comic Store Invasion" Dynamic Forces exclusive map
Humble Bundle exclusive map "Infernal Sanctuary"
Humble Bundle exclusive map "Feast Halls"
Pathfinder Society: Year of the Demon Scenario Mega-Pack (27 adventures!)
Pathfinder Adventure Path: The Divinity Drive (Iron Gods 6)
Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Campaign
Pathfinder RPG Bestiary
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Technology Guide
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Distant Worlds
Red Sonja Volume 2 #1-6 (Gail Simone)
Thun'Da #1-5
Warlord of Mars #1-9
Lords of the Jungle #1-15 plus Annual
Pathfinder: Hollow Mountain #1-6 plus maps
26 assorted unique posters showcasing various Pathfinder characters
4 Physical Comics - Red Sonja, John Carter of Mars, Tarzan, & Pathfinder Worldscape Specials
NOTE: Shipping and Handling is not included for this purchase. Must purchase this tier by 2/8/2017 @ 11AM Pacific and submit your information by 2/26/2017 @ 11AM Pacific. Estiimated ship date is by Late March 2017.
<span class="bold">The Humble RPG Book Bundle: Pathfinder Worldscape presented by Paizo and Dynamite</span>
Iron Gods Player's Guide
Pathfinder Worldscape #1
Pathfinder RPG Digital Beginner Box
Pathfinder RPG Game Core Rulebook
Pathfinder Adventure Path: Fires of Creation (Iron Gods 1)
Pathfinder Adventure Path: Lords of Rust (Iron Gods 2)
Pathfinder #1-12 plus comic maps
Pathfinder: Goblins #1-5
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Strategy Guide
Pathfinder Adventure Path: The Choking Tower (Iron Gods 3)
Pathfinder Adventure Path: Valley of Brain Collectors (Iron Gods 4)
Pathfinder Adventure Path: Palace of Fallen Stars (Iron Gods 5)
Pathfinder Player Companion: People of the Stars
Pathfinder: Worldscape #2 plus comic maps
"Comic Store Invasion" Dynamic Forces exclusive map
Humble Bundle exclusive map "Infernal Sanctuary"
Humble Bundle exclusive map "Feast Halls"
Pathfinder Society: Year of the Demon Scenario Mega-Pack (27 adventures!)
Pathfinder Adventure Path: The Divinity Drive (Iron Gods 6)
Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Campaign
Pathfinder RPG Bestiary
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Technology Guide
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Distant Worlds
Red Sonja Volume 2 #1-6 (Gail Simone)
Thun'Da #1-5
Warlord of Mars #1-9
Lords of the Jungle #1-15 plus Annual
Pathfinder: Hollow Mountain #1-6 plus maps
26 assorted unique posters showcasing various Pathfinder characters
4 Physical Comics - Red Sonja, John Carter of Mars, Tarzan, & Pathfinder Worldscape Specials
NOTE: Shipping and Handling is not included for this purchase. Must purchase this tier by 2/8/2017 @ 11AM Pacific and submit your information by 2/26/2017 @ 11AM Pacific. Estiimated ship date is by Late March 2017.
Post edited January 11, 2017 by Grargar