.Keys: To play online games, without any Legal-DRM intervention, we would need our own servers that need, well, Electricity providers ("EP"RM - Electricity Providers Rights Management...?)... and so on.
I understand that necessity of Galaxy to use online features in multiplayer games.
Lifthrasil: I don't. To play multiplayer games online you just need an internet connection and a PC. One player acts as server and invites the others, who join the game via IP. That works, if the programmers include the option to set up a server. No need for any client or third party server.
Now, I get the advantage of having a third party server with accounts for anti cheat measures and of a client, if one belongs to the kind of players who want online achievements. But for a DRM-free game, those modes should always only be an option. Never mandatory. DRM-free multiplayer via direct IP or LAN should always be possible.
Agreed. But to imply one company
should do that for their game is one thing, they doing it - out of our hands. P2P server is a good solution when it comes to this, but it's like someone said, they're rarely doing this for new games.
So "I understand" their necessity of Galaxy - even if disagreeing and don't playing anything that uses it.
KetobaK: I don't think they will add a a Steam Like DRM, I mean, GOG Galaxy 2.0 is more DRM Free than before, I know people is upset because they have to use a launcher to play a MP online, but what they don't understand is that there is a big difference between have MP through a launcher and a DRM.
Developers often use launchers because they adapt their games for the Steam users, many user don't even know how to connect a game or creat a server (yes, I have witness that kind of things) so, make it through a launcher is way more easy for a developer, like, save you a toon of work, so they prefer it that way, so, when it comes to GOG they have two options: 1- Remove it; 2- Adapt it to Galaxy Client (this requires work but is much less work than implement a new MP system).
But here is the question, Galaxy doesn't implement the same DRM measures that Steam does, you can perfectly launch a game offline, without a previous connection to the servers, allow you to add third party games without account sync, and other features that make it DRM Free... Yes, you still have to log in to play a multiplayer game, but is to make a connection with the server, not to validate that you own the game, and that is the tremendous difference between one thing and the other, you can hate Galaxy or hate launchers in general but that doesn't make it a DRM measure like Steam, I hope my point is clear.
I got your point. Thanks for explaining it!
But I must say it's subjective. You're actually
hoping they will not develop Galaxy to become a Steam-like DRM.
I hope your hope is right, but what if it isn't?
And we don't need exactly a third party program to run a game into a server. It's just like @Lifthrasil said. We can use P2P connections. For example, I can use my Steam Terraria copy to play with someone that uses GOG's Terraria through IP using Hamachi or even without it. It's not that hard to do that.
Some say that it is kinda obvious now what way GOG is turning to. Im just observing.
amok: No, it is not. DRM still (I hope) means Digital Rights Managements. If the galaxy client do not check fi you are allowed to play the game (the managment of your rights to play this game....), but rather just provide a framework for online conection, then it is not DRM.
Many games in this world have various dependdencies or requierments they relay on the be able to run, be this needing Windows, or Linux, or Direct X, or a certain graphics cards, or amount of RAM or indeed electricity. if you put one type of dependencies as DRM, then by the same logic all this becomes DRM as well. This turns the term DRM meaningless, as it removes every single letter of the term exept Digital..... and instead it turns into: DRM=Things I do not like.
edit - I have not idea how galaxy works, I do not play MP. The point being that requier it, or if a game requiers an online conncetion, does not autmatically make it DRM. Yes, I think it is bad planning and coding if a SP games needs online conncetion, but this is stupidity - not DRM

Magnitus: I think people get attached to narrow terms like DRM and we can get very lawyer like about a precise definition, but for me, it boils down to a fundamental principle:
You are selling me a copy of a product (they'll try to finagle their way out of this with unreadable license agreements that nobody can read, but from a common sense perspective, its what most people will perceive they are doing and this is what they should be held accountable to).
Now, given the above, are you doing all you can to ensure I can keep enjoying my purchase without hindrances (including if you going under) for the remainder of my life or are you being a selfish control-freak about it (I understand the motivation behind wanting to fully cash in an ip without dilluting its value, I'm just not very sympathetic toward the idea)?
Because if you are gonna be a control-freak about it, then at least be honest and shift your business model to something that is openly rental (like Netflix is doing). From there, people will look at it for what it is and adjust how much they are willing to spend accordingly (spoiler alert: You'll be making a lot less per game produced).
Honestly, I'm mostly tired of all the BS and dishonesty at this point.
Also, this^.
Many companies think clients are idiots that can't understand what's going on. They're tightening the space of 'client freedom' more and more until we will need to rent everything and the "Buy" word won't exist anymore.