Truth007: If mp needs galaxy then that is drm since you rely on it to play that mode.
I am no fan of Galaxy, lets be clear about that.
But does Galaxy need to be connected to the web to play the single player element of a game?
I'm talking about for 99.99% of games sold at GOG.
If not, then it is hardly DRM ... not in the single player context. See the 4th etc paragraph below for my MP perspective.
You could claim its launcher is an added non necessity, and while I would agree with that, it is just another layer on top of the game's own launcher, so doesn't qualify for DRM on that basis, especially as every game I know of on GOG can be started independently of Galaxy anyway, from an EXE file in the game folder.
The way I see it, Galaxy is just a facilitator ... albeit a bloated one.
Even if Galaxy no longer works in Windows Z in ten years time, so long as you downloaded and archived your games, no problem. Only problem is if you rely on Galaxy to get your games and install them, rather than get the Offline Installer alternatives. This is presuming GOG isn't around in 10 years, so no updated Galaxy for Windows Z.
Yes, you could call having to use Galaxy to play MP, as a kind of DRM, but honestly, unless you are playing offline (LAN) then you already have an Online requirement, so what's the big deal? It's almost like saying GOG has DRM, because you need to login to your account to download your games.
I'm not a person who does multiplayer, so I guess my perspective is different.
All that concerns me, is that I can play my games in 10 years time, on a PC that supports them, and don't require some online requirement to do so in single player mode. As most of us know, many games no longer have servers to play them 10 years down the track, so whether you need Galaxy for MP or not in those instances, is not going to help.
Plus I care that GOG gets good games here, even if that means tolerating no MP aspect or that aspect requires Galaxy. MP for me and certainly many others is just a secondary consideration.
In all reality, GOG probably have little say over the MP aspect of a game, and they just go with whatever the DEV or PUB wants. They know most of us want the game and don't really care about DRM MP, so that would certainly figure in the deals they make with DEVs/PUBs, and it would hardly be wise for them to avoid a popular game, just because it has a MP DRM aspect that some of their customers don't care for.
When you consider the likely numbers, many customers here also use Steam and are unlikely to care about any DRM Galaxy requirement. Then the old brigade who mostly don't use Galaxy and just download Offline Installers, don't even bother with or care for MP. So that leaves very few here who actually care about MP DRM ... at least in my estimation.