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"Hey, what're ya praying for exactly now, Miriam?" Manny seemed unamused. First Karen's sudden lewdness, and now Miriam.

"Shhh." Miriam let go of her cross for a moment. "I'm praying to the Lord, can't you see that?" She seemed unamused by being pulled right out of it.

"Hmm, you know, Manny's right." Karen followed. "We're just having some fun. I know it's way too religious where you're from, but come on. It's fun to talk about weird stuff out of the blue."

"Sorry," Miriam looked even more concerned, "but I don't think we should talk about... those kinds of things that openly. Please keep it with your spouses at least, I- sorry, most of us don't need to know."

Franco was still petting his pets when he noticed Miriam in a sort of defensive position. It didn't take long for him to start speaking. "I'm not sure it's you, but you don't seem to be helping."

"Help with what exactly? A witch hunt? Come on guys, we're better than this." Most of you couldn't see her face slightly twitching from the sudden attention. "So what if there's two anime girls making unsubstantiated claims about Stuart blackmailing us? Is it worth all that attention?"

"Why do you make me want to THINK? Stay in your lane, nun!" Sam interrupted.

"Miriam, is something up?" Johan chimed in. "You seem woefully nervous. Are you hiding something? Perhaps, you're one of these two girls? I won't hold it against you if you just admit it, but this isn't you."

" are you doing this?" Miriam seemed almost on the verge of a breakdown, and Johan's remarks were enough to put her on the edge. Hiding? This isn't her? Seeing her react to these words by clutching her head, Johan had a hunch he's right.

"Oh, right. I remember." Nikolay's thick accent boomed through the chat. "I don't know how I forgot, but I remember now. Sam's wrong, you're not a nun."

Miriam loosened up for a second. "Huh? Why, yes, I never said I'm a nun or anything."

"You're right. I remember that time I went to the nightclub." Nikolay crossed his arms behind his head. "I drank too much vodka that night, I know I know, that's so Russian of me. But then I saw someone I knew too well."

"Aha...ahahahahaha-" Miriam nervously laughed. It felt as if she kept up a facade, and it was about to shatter. "A nightclub!? Are you crazy? I've never been to one!" The twitching on her face was becoming a little too visible.

"Yes you have!" Nikolay shouted. "In a succubus getup, no less!"

"What the hell...? A succubus?" Stuart opened his eyes wide. "Isn't that one of these demons? I've kinda had the feeling something's off about you, but I never knew what."

"Does anyone seriously believe that guy!? Ahahaha, that's what happens when you drink too much vodka!" Miriam's crazed expression gave the impression that she was trying too hard to prove her innocence, and failing at it subsequently.

"Well, you're not giving me much reason to believe YOU, Miriam." Karen retorted.

"Yes," Joey shrugged, "you're making his story sound more believable by the second, vodka aside."

"Oh, and you tried to sweettalk me into spending a night with you." Nikolay continued. "I still remember the scent of your perfumes, the way and tone you spoke with. But I was too drunk to understand what you were trying."

"That must've been..." Miriam stammered, unable to find anything to retort with. "I... you're wrong."

"It's fine." Nikolay smiled. "You can drop the act now. It's okay to be who you really are."

Miriam broke into tears, as she lightly banged her head on the desk.. "I'm not your shitty anime accounts! Leave me the fuck alone you assholes!"

Nearly the whole group was shocked to see Miriam swearing with her own tongue, and that's without even accounting for the fact her facade has shattered in ways she never expected. She never expected it to break... by doing literally nothing. Yet she attracted attention for that specific reason.

"Well, fuck yourself first." Natsuko chimed in, seemingly unamused as always. "But I bet you do that every night anyway." Natsuko grinned.

"Uhh, Natsuko, poor girl doesn't need you putting your brand of salt on the wound, you know." Joey glared at the hotheaded Americanified Japanese.

"Grrrr... fine, sorry." Natsuko turned her head away, as if to keep her pride from being hurt (it was never at stake).




Later that day, Miriam handed her resignation letter to Stuart's assistant, Price Terrance. For Price, it was a first for her - seeing the Egyptian lady named after Virgin Mary without the cross she never took off. "Did something happen?"

Miriam turned her head towards the window, looking sorrowfully at the sky. "I decided I'm gonna live in another state and move on from life here."

"Well," Price picked up the resignation letter, "good luck. Just be careful, okay?" It seemed as if Price intuitively understood what Miriam was up to.

Miriam turned back to Price, with a soft, forced giggle. "I can only hope for the best now."



maxleod (6) - yogsloth, trentonlf, Microfish, Lifthrasil, Catventurer, supplementscene
supplementscene (1) - GamezRanker (MrKrabsWallet)
yogsloth (1) - maxleod
Catventurer (1) - Atlo
trentonlf (1) - joppo

Miriam Sabry (maxleod) has resigned!
She was a Town Jailkeeper.

(yes I wrote all that for a town role flipping, kind of anti-climactic isn't it? lol)

Nobody can post in this thread until Monday. Just enjoy your Saturday and Sunday, jeez.
If you have an action during the weekend, please send it to me.
Maxleod can post his bah post.
Well done Town!
It is now Monday, and as I said I would do,

vote Christmas
or, alternatively, make Day 3 last until suspend the 5th.

Max, if you had spoken up, you could have avoided being the lunch.
OK. I'm back and I feel a bit better. We had time to talk over the weekend and I had time to process the RL stuff. So maybe I can be a bit more useful now.

Mislynching a PR on D1 is obviously bad for us. It's a shame that maxleod didn't participate more and didn't even bother to claim when the pressure rose. Even though it is doubtful if he had been believed. Considering how little time we had. In any case, his train needs to be analyzed and i'll try to find the time to do so.

Meanwhile, there is one thing that strikes me as odd, on re-reading.

yogsloth: OK but we got only a few hours bruh

what is you suggesting
Catventurer: Exactly what I said. There's no time to be making campaigns against someone who has no votes against them already. He should be checked out more overnight though.
How exactly did you suggest here that Atlo should be checked out overnight? The only ones who have an investigative role in this game are scum. So, if you did read the rules, this suggestion can only be directed to scum. Care to explain?
Ugh. It's Monday. Another week of surviving the usual bullshit. Well, this time you're all one person short.

Stuart started the proceedings. "Well, it looks like we don't have those anime girls, or whatchmacallthem." He crossed his hands. I guess we're... Huh."

Joey noticed what was it that made Stuart go "huh". Instead of Sailor Moon and Madoka... This time, there were two new users named after more non-sensical stuff: F-16 and Spitfire.

Spitfire: "We got some explosive news for you!"
F-16: "I hope you're ready for the reveal."

Karen sighed. "What is it, again?"

"Don't think about it," Sam followed up. "Just let this happen."

"I'm dead curious though." Amanda put her head on her hand.

It took Manny a bit of time to actually react to any of that. "What the hell? They're planes today!?"

F-16 started typing again...

"Anyway, Karen is a piece of shit."

The person in question stared at the message for one too many seconds. She pulled her body back, looking annoyed.

"What did I ever do to any of you? You know what, that's it for me." She got up from her chair. "I'm going to submit my resignation too. Before it gets worse."

"Wait!" Stuart pleaded. "I'll get whoever's doing this!"

"If it makes you feel any better, I'm not one of those planes. See you guys later." She left the Zoom meeting just like that.

"Ah, well, we'll get these assholes soon." Natsuko commented, though unlike what her profanity would imply, she looked bored.

"Yeah, we need to work harder to stop these two fellows." Johan added.

With that, Karen proceeded to bring her resignation to Price the same day.


Karen (trentonlf) has resigned!
She was Town Vanilla.

The game RESUMES for just another MONDAY! Ugh, Mondays!

I'll do all the neat formatting stuff and other things later. I'm literally on vacation.
monday.jpg (31 Kb)
Post edited December 19, 2023 by PookaMustard
Catventurer: Exactly what I said. There's no time to be making campaigns against someone who has no votes against them already. He should be checked out more overnight though.
Lifthrasil: How exactly did you suggest here that Atlo should be checked out overnight? The only ones who have an investigative role in this game are scum. So, if you did read the rules, this suggestion can only be directed to scum. Care to explain?
If you're one of those people that likes to back read the thread during the night phase, does it seem like to you that Alto isn't actually playing the game?
PookaMustard: Miriam Sabry (maxleod) has resigned!
She was a Town Jailkeeper.
So Trent has been killed by mafia, a shame as I had him as the most surefire town player this game. So why was Trent killed?

A) Trent is 1 of the better more experienced players. His reads are very good as Town

B) Trent suspected someone as Scum, and they needed to get rid of him

If it's A it's probably a player that has played a few games with Trent to know this. Is there anyone not experienced if to not realise this? Looking at the player list I think most will have played with him. I think Lift has probably played most with Trent most, so that maybe a viable vote just on the 'who would kill Trent basis'. Not that I find Lift as scummy, it's simply a theory. Microfish has also played a shedload of games with Trent. But then again maybe everyone has played enough to recognise he's a good player. But in the last game he managed to stay alive very late, I think until the last round. None of the current players were the Scum in that game though.

As for B without re-reading I think Lift only found myself and Maxleod as viable lynches. So I'll discount B from my POV
I don't remember how to embed links, but you guys got the point I think

Now that our only useful power role two-posted and died, we've unfortunately got almost nothing to work with

Still, zero regrets, you refuse to play, you get what you get

I think I'll honor trent by starting some pressure here

Vote GamezRanker
maxleod: Well done Town!
I begged of you to post something! You had a Power Role! All you had to is type: ''I'm jailkeeper.''
And... that's it! Everyone would have removed their votes!!

For what it's worth I would also like to clarify this:
maxleod: Mmmm.... The guy on a cross next to Jesus was named Barrabas, not Barnabas...
Atlo: You have your Theology a little mixed up.
Barnabas was an apostle. Not one of the 12, but still called one due to tehnicalities.
Barrabas was some scum whom a crowd chose to pardon, instead of Jesus.
The 2 thieves on the cross have no names but are commonly known as Dismas (Greek:sunset) ''The wise thief'' and Gestas (Greek:moan/complain) [i]''The bad thief''.


Catventurer: does it seem like to you that Alto isn't actually playing the game?
We have different approaches.
For what it's worth I would also like to clarify one thing:

Catventurer: 3> If you're voting on the basis that you can't read someone, you're not actually playing the game.
That is only a half-truth. Yes, I do find you hard to read, but that was not the sole reason I voted for you.


yogsloth: Since Pooka made it so utterly obvious in the flavor text that I have a thing - who wants to start guessing what my thing does?
Now that Day 2 has started and it's time to get serious -- would you mind now revealing what this was all about ??
yogsloth: Since Pooka made it so utterly obvious in the flavor text that I have a thing - who wants to start guessing what my thing does?
Atlo: Now that Day 2 has started and it's time to get serious -- would you mind now revealing what this was all about ??
I'm guessing that he was trying to role claim on Day 1 that he has a power role without actually claiming a specific power role. I have a feeling that there is something to ponder, but I'm not even sure what that even is at the moment... and that does bother me a bit. (Not your post, but Yog)

Later tonight when it's mostly just me online, I'll go do a re-read of Yog's posts.

Catventurer: 3> If you're voting on the basis that you can't read someone, you're not actually playing the game.
Atlo: That is only a half-truth. Yes, I do find you hard to read, but that was not the sole reason I voted for you.
Please accept my apology then because you really did give me the impression that this was the sole and only reason you want to vote for me was because you find me hard to read.


Side-Comment: Since I'm in the minority on wanting Christmas off, I'm still taking Christmas off and will accept whatever punishment Pooka wants to throw at me for going over 24 hours without posting. In the spirit of the holiday, I really do hope it's something like post links to YouTube videos that are bad covers of Christmas songs.
Atlo: Now that Day 2 has started and it's time to get serious -- would you mind now revealing what this was all about ??
I could reply to cat or to anybody else that's asked the question, but it was just me Day 1 trying to start conversation. Was it a role claim? Was it some other kind of shenanigans? What was I doing?

Just trying to get people to out of RVS and start asking questions.

Also, I posted it before I read/realized this was a rare GOG open setup.
@scene I expected trent to be player best suited to winning the 3rd party survivor. Not to be removed on N1. Idr if Pooka stacks the deck (putting players in specific roles as he wants to see things play out) or if it is random.

yogsloth: I could reply to cat or to anybody else that's asked the question, but it was just me Day 1 trying to start conversation. Was it a role claim? Was it some other kind of shenanigans? What was I doing?

Just trying to get people to out of RVS and start asking questions.

Also, I posted it before I read/realized this was a rare GOG open setup.
i find this hard to believe, tbh.
Answering questions with questions is hardly answering the question, when you just said you "could answer it."

Had you read your PM before posting
yogsloth: "Since Pooka made it so utterly obvious in the flavor text that I have a thing - who wants to start guessing what my thing does?"

You should have done remove the spaces
Well if we had to lose a townie why not our best PR? *rolleyes*
I guess this would be the most adequate occasion to roleplay my pottymouth japanese chick character.
"WTF everyone! And Stuart! "

Atlo: I begged of you to post something! You had a Power Role! All you had to is type: ''I'm jailkeeper.''
And... that's it! Everyone would have removed their votes!!
To be fair that wouldn't really have saved him from the NK*... we just wouldn't have lost Trent in the aftermath. Also, we would probably NoLynch if he had claimed too late.

* Technically Maxleod would have a chance of guessing who was going to perform the NK and blocking that person, but it would be a 1 in 9 shot. That's 11% chance.

Microfish_1: @scene I expected trent to be player best suited to winning the 3rd party survivor. Not to be removed on N1. Idr if Pooka stacks the deck (putting players in specific roles as he wants to see things play out) or if it is random.
In my experience Pooka never did it, despite admitting at least once feeling tempted to reroll when he saw how NRGesus had made the scumteam MUCH stronger than what one should expect from the average of the players.

yogsloth: I could reply to cat or to anybody else that's asked the question, but it was just me Day 1 trying to start conversation. Was it a role claim? Was it some other kind of shenanigans? What was I doing?

Just trying to get people to out of RVS and start asking questions.

Also, I posted it before I read/realized this was a rare GOG open setup.
Microfish_1: i find this hard to believe, tbh.
Answering questions with questions is hardly answering the question, when you just said you "could answer it."

Had you read your PM before posting
yogsloth: "Since Pooka made it so utterly obvious in the flavor text that I have a thing - who wants to start guessing what my thing does?"
Microfish_1: ?
Yep I find that really hard to believe too. It looked more like he was planting the seeds for a PR claim... which I would find weird coming from Yog TBH.
Which is why I also prodded him about it in my EoD1 Wall-o-text.
"hard to believe" or no, that's what it was.

What kind of role would a flight simulator machine have provided? Commuter? I don't know either, but I wanted to find out! I never like early Day 1 blah blah blah and I would always rather kick over a table and make a scene.

Wanna know something EVEN WORSE?

If I were mafia here, you know who I would prioritize as my #1 NK right out of the gate? Especially with the only quality PR already bing-bonged Day 1?