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Lifthrasil: I think you overdid it a bit with the skimming. Or you might have noticed that Trent is actually dead and flipped Town. There is nothing 'slightly' about it.
Yeah, I realized that around the time I was writing post 117(check the start of it) :\

(I was trying to post something to get back into the game, and dumbly didn't check 'silly things' like current players.
By the by, i'd love your thoughts on my other leans/feels if you ever have time and would care to check em out)


Current leans list
(town to scum)



yogsloth: "hard to believe" or no, that's what it was.

What kind of role would a flight simulator machine have provided? Commuter? I don't know either, but I wanted to find out! I never like early Day 1 blah blah blah and I would always rather kick over a table and make a scene.

Wanna know something EVEN WORSE?

If I were mafia here, you know who I would prioritize as my #1 NK right out of the gate? Especially with the only quality PR already bing-bonged Day 1?
Okay I'll bite. Who would you have aimed at, and why? Assuming scum!Yog would have no idea who the only remaining Town PR is.

Lifthrasil: Both speculations amount to accusing Pooka of bad modding - without any basis to do so. So the only purpose such speculations can have is to appear active while not contributing anything meaningful to the game.
I agree and just want to make clear that, when I talked about the subject in #104, I meant that Pooka just felt tempted to reroll, but not that he acted on that feeling. In fact I roughly recall that Town was steamrolled by the all-MVP Mafia in that game.

joppo: BIG WALL OF TEXT [#90]
Atlo: Something about this entire post just seems scummy/weird to me.
Why post all that big wall of text on the twilight?
The only merit I could find in doing so would be to pass on info before night begins. And, truth be told, that post does contain some interesting points. But... for some reason it feels as though the main point is the vote maxloed at the bottom.
That's simple. I lent my home to relatives from halfway across the country and thus had the misfortune of being dragged away from any reliable computer for two entire days. (That's not an euphemism, I really did not sleep in my own bed for three nights. Which I had signaled and warned Pooka of.)
What I did not think of, however, was the cleansing of the house that would be requested of me upon my return (My wife, lovely as she is, takes cleanliness and organization very seriously). I HAD a need to make up for lost time in the game, and NEEDED to contribute my own reads and takes on the situation we were in... but I kept being interrupted and couldn't spend more than 15 minutes writing at a time.

By the time I finished the post (that I intended to post with at least 5 hours left til EoD) I refreshed, saw that Maxleod had just been hammered and thought that if my own vote was needed for that hammer I would have cast it if the alternative was a NL. I didn't particularly like that lynch (as you can see by the end of post #90) but felt that I should burden my share of the guilt if we were wrong — and we had 80% chances of being wrong. Thus the post-hammer vote. I knew that it would attract unneeded attention to me. I could have just not placed the vote but still felt it was the right thing to do.

Catventurer: Also my vote against yog isn't a die on this hill vote. I am willing to switch to Micro if more people feel like his behavior was more egregious and/or his explanation is more lacking.
I'm in roughly the same situation... I feel that Micro's posts lack the energy of someone trying to find out anyone's lies. So far he has only coasted through D1 plus a comment to some random wrong theory (Trent the survivor and Pooka the bad mod), without reads. He has posted enough to not be a lurker but has he really contributed?

And then comes Yog with his bizarre roleclaim preparation post. What keeps me from voting him is that that looks so unlike Yog.
In my experience Yog is the player that regularly does crazy shit, yes. But not amateur shit. I would expect that poor fakeclaim from a newbie but not from a semi-pro like him. So it just doesn't fit anyway I look at it.

vote Micro

to put some more pressure. If he is scum he'll feel the heat getting stronger; if he's not now is the time for him to show some pro-Town work. But I can change to Yog if it seems like his wagon is more solid than Micro's and his answers do not satisfy.

Pre-post edit: I saw GR is finally back and attempting to contribute. I guessed even that vote on me was an improvement, misaimed as it is. But now he has a bunch of extra content at last. Will read soon-ish.
joppo: That's simple. I lent my home to relatives from halfway across the country and thus had the misfortune of being dragged away from any reliable computer for two entire days. (That's not an euphemism, I really did not sleep in my own bed for three nights. Which I had signaled and warned Pooka of.)
Crehp, I forgot(when trying my best to skim read and analyze a bunch of posts)
about your IRL stuff. That said, it is making me rethink my lean on you a smidgen.

joppo: What I did not think of, however, was the cleansing of the house that would be requested of me upon my return (My wife, lovely as she is, takes cleanliness and organization very seriously). I HAD a need to make up for lost time in the game, and NEEDED to contribute my own reads and takes on the situation we were in... but I kept being interrupted and couldn't spend more than 15 minutes writing at a time.
I can sorta empathize....I myself have a wee bit of a cleaning issue(i.e. I like to keep stuff orderly....and the main reason I don't overly clean stuff and whatnot is in large part because I can be a tad lazy sometimes).

joppo: By the time I finished the post (that I intended to post with at least 5 hours left til EoD) I refreshed, saw that Maxleod had just been hammered and thought that if my own vote was needed for that hammer I would have cast it if the alternative was a NL. I didn't particularly like that lynch (as you can see by the end of post #90) but felt that I should burden my share of the guilt if we were wrong — and we had 80% chances of being wrong. Thus the post-hammer vote. I knew that it would attract unneeded attention to me. I could have just not placed the vote but still felt it was the right thing to do.
Hmm, is this an attempt to draw some heat off of your wagon after I started it, or more so genuine? I am somewhat torn now.

joppo: I feel that Micro's posts lack the energy of someone trying to find out anyone's lies. So far he has only coasted through D1 plus a comment to some random wrong theory (Trent the survivor and Pooka the bad mod), without reads. He has posted enough to not be a lurker but has he really contributed?
Yeah, as I said earlier in my read of him, he is sorta like this in a number of games(due to IRL and general posting style). That said, I agree somewhat with the gist you write here.

joppo: Pre-post edit: I saw GR is finally back and attempting to contribute. I guessed even that vote on me was an improvement, misaimed as it is. But now he has a bunch of extra content at last. Will read soon-ish.
Oh, you reminded me:

Unvote Joppo

(?for now?)

Vote YogSloth

Of the two of you, I currently find Yogs a tad more suspect(tho I do wonder now, if only a bit, if he's scum or a neutral with a 'only win if ya get voted out win condition :D)
Current Votes:
Micro (2): Lift, Joppo
Yog (2): Catventurer, MrKrabs

Not Voting: Everyone else

MrKrabsWallet: Of the two of you, I currently find Yogs a tad more suspect(tho I do wonder now, if only a bit, if he's scum or a neutral with a 'only win if ya get voted out win condition :D)
You're talking about the Joker, which is a trash role. However it doesn't matter because Pooka did an open setup and listed out all the roles present in the game (Post #2), so there is no Joker. Roles that do something in bold.
A Neutral Vanilla
A Mafia Goon
A Mafia Rolecop
A Town Jailkeeper - max
A Town Friendly Neighbor
+ 5 Town Vanillas

OOC Side Comment: It's nice to meet you, MrKrabsWallet! I really was starting to feel disappointed yesterday when it looked like you abandoned us, so I really am glad that you've returned.
Catventurer: A Mafia Rolecop
Well if anything good came of Max's resignation, I guess this is it....the role cop(if I read the wiki right) is essentially nerfed now.

Catventurer: OOC Side Comment: It's nice to meet you, MrKrabsWallet! I really was starting to feel disappointed yesterday when it looked like you abandoned us, so I really am glad that you've returned.
Thx, and no....didn't abandon the game, just lost track of things for awhile. Back now, tho.
MrKrabsWallet: Hmm, all the above(minus the bits of those posts I didn't fully read yet due to the usual 'blanking out' my mind does when faced with long posts that aren't my own :D) makes me lean CatV as town.
Here's the TL;DR Version of my assessment of Yog's Posts, which largely centers around Post #14 and Post #102:

1> Town Jailkeeper was maxleod, who was the Day 1 lynch.
2> The only power roles left are Town Friendly Neighbor and Mafia Rolecop.

Comments: What makes Yog's Post #14 so dodgy is the fact that the Jailkeeper was eliminated and that the Friendly Neighbor role claims as a night action... More so when you look consider that the two posts that respond to questions (Post #102 and Post #105) don't actually address any of the concerns that multiple people have presented.

Yes, I really could have made Post #106 that short. Whenever I make a post like that one, it really is a brain dump where I just write out my entire train of thought. I'll try to remember in the future to circle back later and make an abridged TL;DR version for people that don't enjoy long posts.
I've changed my mind on CatV. She sounds like the most Town player from her analysis and break down. She also thinks Yogs is scummy - she points to him not reading post 2 - I don't see this as scummy as I never read the rules regardless of alignment. I'm reading it now and it seems Yogs is either lying or he's the friendly neighbour.

Yogs baiting with a roleclaim I did notice but I hadn't read the set up. This is kind of strange anyway, he baits a role and doesn't get lynched. I'd like an explanation @yogsloth Certain posters believe in 'lynch all liars' but I'm willing to listen first.

Yogs was also the first to go for soft touch Maxleod too. Not necessarily scummy but it's an easy target if you are Scum.

Atlo: Did you mistook Lift for Trentonlf there? Do you hypothesise a trentonlf NK is best explained by a mafi-scum team involving Lift? I'm sorry, but even I cannot explain how you went from Trent was NK'ed... because Lift found me and maxloed as viable lynches. ;(
Yes, and you picking up on my deliberate mistake (wasn't really deliberate), show's your reading and studying the game. You're awarded 5 town points

Can I get a bump? I can't promise I'll use it
yogsloth: "hard to believe" or no, that's what it was.

What kind of role would a flight simulator machine have provided? Commuter? I don't know either, but I wanted to find out! I never like early Day 1 blah blah blah and I would always rather kick over a table and make a scene.

Wanna know something EVEN WORSE?

If I were mafia here, you know who I would prioritize as my #1 NK right out of the gate? Especially with the only quality PR already bing-bonged Day 1?
You haven't answered my question so i will ask it again:
Microfish_1: Answering questions with questions is hardly answering the question, when you just said you "could answer it."

Had you read your PM before posting
yogsloth: "Since Pooka made it so utterly obvious in the flavor text that I have a thing - who wants to start guessing what my thing does?"
Microfish_1: ?
Also, to all those who are accusing me of accusing Pooka of "bad modding": Nowhere did I state that he is a bad mod. I stated that I do not recall if he rerolls the assignments or not. That was a passing comment on the fact that I was vaguely surprised that trent was town. And the reason for this pseudo-surprise was just that Trent is so good at being hard to read that I always expect him to be non-town. He's my ideal of the "Ideal Neutral."

FOS Yogsloth
Scene and Atlo seem to be trying to solve the game; leaning them town for now. If they are the scum team, I tip my hat to them.

[As to why I was not online much earlier today: I spent 5 hours at the doctor and getting medicine. Then I had to deal with IRL Christmas stuff. it's now closer to dawn than to midnight, so I'm going to bed after posting this. I'll be AFK tomorrow (Wednesday).]
Catventurer: Now, I tried to look at this from the point of view of Town!Yog and Mafia!Yog.

Town!Yog - I got nothing.
It isn't even a case of I shouldn't write his excuses for him and while that is true, such a statement would imply that I came up with something that I'm unwilling to share. I factual statement is that I couldn't come up with one good reason to explain why a town-aligned person would make a post implying that they have a power role so early in Day 1 when we have an open setup, nobody was trying to lynch them, and nobody was pushing anyone for a role claim.

FACTS: I even offered Yog an exit ramp back on Day 1 (Post #17) when I said that I thought that Pooka made it so utterly obvious in the flavor text that absolutely none of us is truly on board with returning to the office for different reasons. Did he reply back to take the offered exit? No, he did not. He instead spent the rest of Day 1 mostly making spam posts after that as if he was trying to avoid doing anything meaningful. It is only much later on Day 2 after Alto (in Post #100) reminds him of this role claim that he makes any effort to disavow the prior claim. I think that Yog realized that people are not just letting it go and are not going to just forget about it. (However I will get to that later when I cover Day 2.)

* If maxleod wasn't lynched on Day 1, maxleod might be sitting here wondering if Yog is the Friendly Neighbor.
* The Friendly Neighbor would be wondering if Yog is the Jailkeeper.
* Neither would know for certain that Yog has neither role unless the Friendly Neighbor uses their night action and picks maxleod.
* At this point, maxleod would realize that Yog's Day 1 implied role claim in Post #14 was false.

If at any time, maxleod accused Yog of being mafia out of seemingly nowhere... Mafia would suspect him of being the Jailkeeper because who else would know that Yog's claim is false.

Day #2: 97, 99, 102, 105

In Post #102 and Post #105, it just feels like he's trying to back peddle. Microfish (in Post #103) is entirely right to say that answering questions with questions is not answering them. It's blatant avoidance..

My takeway from this is that Yog was trying to imply that he was the Jailkeeper without actually claiming Jailkeeper. However because the Jailkeeper is gone from the game, he's now trying to act like there's no power roles worth talking about to the extent that we should all forget about Post #14. Mafia!Yog knows that he cannot fake a claim on the Friendly Neighbor because the Friendly Neighbor role claims itself to someone every night. Also the longer the Friendly Neighbor stays in the game, the more people know who the Friendly Neighbor is and that it isn't Yog..
I've been thinking about this. It's great analysis and you may have caught mafia trying to role fish.

But consider the town possibilities:

A) Yogs announced he had a role simply because he does and he let it slip.
B) Yogs is vanilla Town and tried to get lynched in order to keep a power role around.

I'd also ask the question 'why hasn't Yogs wagon grown quicker and why are there only 2 votes'. Maybe 1 town player knows Yogs is Town because he is the Friendly Neighbour. I think I might have seen someone hint at that through a subliminal message. But I could be reading too much into that

Also if Yogs is the Friendly Neighbour he almost certainly gets night killed tonight. If he doesn't he becomes a very good Day 3 lynch candidate. If 2 players vouch for him on Day 3 we have 3 Town confirmed players. That's assuming he whispers to Town players on each night ofcourse.

If scenario B is accurate, Mafia lynch a vanilla Town player and we again have 3 Town confirmed players going into Day 3 if they decide to share it.
supplementscene: I've changed my mind on CatV. She sounds like the most Town player from her analysis and break down. She also thinks Yogs is scummy - she points to him not reading post 2 - I don't see this as scummy as I never read the rules regardless of alignment. I'm reading it now and it seems Yogs is either lying or he's the friendly neighbour.

Yogs baiting with a roleclaim I did notice but I hadn't read the set up. This is kind of strange anyway, he baits a role and doesn't get lynched. I'd like an explanation @yogsloth Certain posters believe in 'lynch all liars' but I'm willing to listen first.

Yogs was also the first to go for soft touch Maxleod too. Not necessarily scummy but it's an easy target if you are Scum.
Yeah, this was kinda sorta what I was getting at with bits of this here post of mine :)

That said, if Yogs is our Ned Flanders then why didn't/wouldn't he use his power to PM someone on night 1? And yeah, they could've PMd a scum, but reading the mafia wiki on the role and thinking it through I don't think this is possible....seeing that Yogs is still with us on Day 2 and all(a scum hiding that they received such a PM would of course be more or less a death sentence for said scum if the neighbor was left alive till the next day in game).

Thus my bet is it's more likely the former(Yogs is lying and scum) rather than the latter(friendly neighbor).....if we're choosing which of those two would be more likely.

supplementscene: But consider the town possibilities:

A) Yogs announced he had a role simply because he does and he let it slip.
B) Yogs is vanilla Town and tried to get lynched in order to keep a power role around.
You bring up a good bit here.....imo option B would be more likely of the two.
(also a good thing to think of myself when leaning Yogs in my charts/etc)
Atlo: Several people have been asked several questions now -- unless I notice something -- most probably I will only post again after answers have come through.
Scene, joppo & MrKrabsWallet have all come through with their posts. Going through those soon. Will also probably make judgement call later in the evening. (Dunno if that's the correct word. Decision. I will make decision.)
supplementscene: Also if Yogs is the Friendly Neighbour he almost certainly gets night killed tonight. If he doesn't he becomes a very good Day 3 lynch candidate. If 2 players vouch for him on Day 3 we have 3 Town confirmed players. That's assuming he whispers to Town players on each night ofcourse.
If someone makes a role claim and won't state what their role is, we shouldn't be assigning a role to them. It's going only to create problems if the person who actually has the role tries to make a claim on it. What's going to happen if the actual Friendly Neighbor comes forward to claim their actual role and that person isn't Yog when you've already decided in your mind that Yog is the Friendly Neighbor?

We're halfway through Day 2. Yog has given no explanation for his role claim post except that he didn't know this was an open setup. During this time, there have only been questions and doubts about Yog that is causing a lack of confidence about him being Town aligned.

Where's the person coming forward to vouch for Yog, stating that they are absolutely certain that Yog is town-aligned so that we can focus our attention elsewhere?

Awkward Silence Crickets ->

Sure he could try to claim Friendly Neighbor and that he PMed Trent, but that would be a bit too convenient.... especially because I'm very confident that on Day 3 that he'd just claim that he sent his Friendly Neighbor PM to whoever got night killed.

I am 100% in my belief that Yog is not the Friendly Neighbor. If he has a power role, he's the Mafia Rolecop.

However as I said before, I'm not dying on any hills when it comes to voting and causing a no lynch. If people would prefer to give the Mafia Rolecop a pass and lynch someone else, I will change my vote.
CatVenturer, Lift, SupplementScene - all these seem to have a vested interest in weeding out mafia.
That leaves micro, joppo, yogsloth in my suspect pool.
Out of these I find yogsloth to be scummiest.

By now virtually everyone has commented how's their something scummy about yogsloth. Either what he commented or how he commented it.
The fact most of the playerbase finds one scummy - that, in of itself, should not be a reason for a vote. Mafia are just as likely to amplify or foster accusations. What sticks out to me about these accusations though is his answers to them -- he is evading them. Either outright avoiding, being wacky, answering with counter-questions or variations thereof.
All this raises just too many red flags.
Out of our current options - I think yogsloth is our best shot.

vote yogsloth (Yes, I am aware that is not a real vote.)
If I put a real vote in for him - he is one vote away from being hammered.
I think he should be given the courtesy to try and explain himself one last time. (Even though he passed up previous opportunities.)
But by all rights - you may see him as L-1

You may have noticed I did not put/enter MrKrabsWallet in either pool. Apologies, but I am cautios of strangers. =P
(Leaning town though.)
Screw it, doesn't really matter if it's a make-believe vote, that I'll eventually turn real anyway, or real from the beginning. Yogsloth may still comment. Someone else has to do the hammer.

vote Yogsloth
Atlo: Screw it, doesn't really matter if it's a make-believe vote, that I'll eventually turn real anyway, or real from the beginning. Yogsloth may still comment. Someone else has to do the hammer.
In a hurry then? ;)
I mean, we have some time to spare, so why not give Yogs the 'traditional' 24 hours to respond to everything?

Unvote YogSloth

(in case we are wrong and they are town, and scum try to use this chance to
'accidentally lynch'. In 24 hours or so I will be putting my vote back on Yogs, of course)