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Day #1 Posts: 6, 7, 14, 42, 43, 44, 45, 61, 63, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77, 85, 87

There is a lot of outright nonsense going on in the bulk of these posts to the extent that it isn't even worth commenting on each and every single one of them. Even though maxleod was lynched for barely participating, the same can be said of yogsloth. He may have a lot of posts, but it's almost all spam. He's just making sure that we see him present, but he says nothing of any substance or value in the majority of them.

So. Let's Talk about Post #14 or at least the important part:

yogsloth: Since Pooka made it so utterly obvious in the flavor text that I have a thing - who wants to start guessing what my thing does?
Because this is an open setup, we know that there are three power roles:
- Town Jailkeeper (maxleod)
- Town Friendly Neighbor
- Mafia Rolecop

Now, I tried to look at this from the point of view of Town!Yog and Mafia!Yog.

Town!Yog - I got nothing.
It isn't even a case of I shouldn't write his excuses for him and while that is true, such a statement would imply that I came up with something that I'm unwilling to share. I factual statement is that I couldn't come up with one good reason to explain why a town-aligned person would make a post implying that they have a power role so early in Day 1 when we have an open setup, nobody was trying to lynch them, and nobody was pushing anyone for a role claim.

FACTS: I even offered Yog an exit ramp back on Day 1 (Post #17) when I said that I thought that Pooka made it so utterly obvious in the flavor text that absolutely none of us is truly on board with returning to the office for different reasons. Did he reply back to take the offered exit? No, he did not. He instead spent the rest of Day 1 mostly making spam posts after that as if he was trying to avoid doing anything meaningful. It is only much later on Day 2 after Alto (in Post #100) reminds him of this role claim that he makes any effort to disavow the prior claim. I think that Yog realized that people are not just letting it go and are not going to just forget about it. (However I will get to that later when I cover Day 2.)

* If maxleod wasn't lynched on Day 1, maxleod might be sitting here wondering if Yog is the Friendly Neighbor.
* The Friendly Neighbor would be wondering if Yog is the Jailkeeper.
* Neither would know for certain that Yog has neither role unless the Friendly Neighbor uses their night action and picks maxleod.
* At this point, maxleod would realize that Yog's Day 1 implied role claim in Post #14 was false.

If at any time, maxleod accused Yog of being mafia out of seemingly nowhere... Mafia would suspect him of being the Jailkeeper because who else would know that Yog's claim is false.

Day #2: 97, 99, 102, 105

In Post #102 and Post #105, it just feels like he's trying to back peddle. Microfish (in Post #103) is entirely right to say that answering questions with questions is not answering them. It's blatant avoidance.

He also pretty much admits in Post #102 that he didn't read Pooka's Post #2. If you are Mafia thus already know who is Mafia Team and who isn't, you might skip out on reading the rules thread because the rules are usually always the same and just spend Day 1 making mostly spam posts to ensure that everyone sees you while avoiding conflict.
yogsloth: Also, I posted it before I read/realized this was a rare GOG open setup.
My takeway from this is that Yog was trying to imply that he was the Jailkeeper without actually claiming Jailkeeper. However because the Jailkeeper is gone from the game, he's now trying to act like there's no power roles worth talking about to the extent that we should all forget about Post #14. Mafia!Yog knows that he cannot fake a claim on the Friendly Neighbor because the Friendly Neighbor role claims itself to someone every night. Also the longer the Friendly Neighbor stays in the game, the more people know who the Friendly Neighbor is and that it isn't Yog.

I am going to go there and say that Yog has confirmed to everyone that he is not the Friendly Neighbor. The fact is that he wants us to just forget that there are any power roles left on the town side and is just in avoidance mode. I think that we're all smart enough to know that if you have been given a role where you role claim as a night action, you don't need to make a post on Day 1 telling everyone that you have a power role.

I think that mafia team was really hoping that Alto and myself would be trying to destroy each other by this point and cause everyone forget about Yog's role claim on Day 1 because if he's not the Jailkeeper or the Friendly Neighbor, the only power role left from him to claim is Mafia Rolecop.

In Post #99, he votes for GamezRanker (who has been replaced with MrKrabsWallet) on the basis of applying pressure, but it feels like he's just going for a low effort vote that isn't likely to result in a lynch at this time. If you want to seriously talk about placing votes to apply pressure, there really is only one option at this time:

VOTE yogsloth

I really do think that Yog has a lot of explaining to do if he doesn't want to be lynched.

Note: It is currently 10:30pm on Monday, and Tuesday will be fluid day for my cat. I don't expect to have time to post anything until that's taken care of. However there really isn't anything else I can add to this post.
Lifthrasil: How exactly did you suggest here that Atlo should be checked out overnight? The only ones who have an investigative role in this game are scum. So, if you did read the rules, this suggestion can only be directed to scum. Care to explain?
Catventurer: If you're one of those people that likes to back read the thread during the night phase, does it seem like to you that Alto isn't actually playing the game?
OK, so you meant reading back. I can accept that. I thought you meant to call for an investigation by a PR.

@yogs: so, after lynching the lurker worked so well in D1, your first move is to do it again? That's ... daring.

@GamezRanker: but I do agree with the sentiment. You need to return to the game and start playing!

@all: I don't like the speculation about a connection between flavour and roles. Or the speculation that Pooka stacked the deck when rolling the roles. Both speculations amount to accusing Pooka of bad modding - without any basis to do so. So the only purpose such speculations can have is to appear active while not contributing anything meaningful to the game.

About the analysis of maxleod's wagon, the one that sticks out is micro. He even stated himself that his vote was going to look opportunistic and so it does. Well, the same is true for me. But I know I'm Town so micro remains.

Other impressions: Scene seems to be quite himself. Neutral for now. Yogs is himself too, but I think I have seen a little Town-tell. I won't discuss that here because it might give Scum ideas. But I won't vote Yogs Today.

So, for now I'll vote for the player that sticks out:

vote microfish

@micro: when you cast your vote, you still had the choice between several candidates. Your vote basically set the train on maxleod in motion. Did you have any other motivation than 'he's a Lurker'. And if so, why maxleod and not GR?
Atlo: That is only a half-truth. Yes, I do find you hard to read, but that was not the sole reason I voted for you.
Catventurer: Please accept my apology then because you really did give me the impression that this was the sole and only reason you want to vote for me was because you find me hard to read.
S'all good. =)
For some odd reason virtually every interaction between us so far has been a misunderstanding. (Even off-game-wise!!)


supplementscene: So Trent has been killed by mafia, a shame as I had him as the most surefire town player this game. So why was Trent killed?

A) Trent is 1 of the better more experienced players. His reads are very good as Town

B) Trent suspected someone as Scum, and they needed to get rid of him

If it's A it's probably a player that has played a few games with Trent to know this. Is there anyone not experienced if to not realise this? Looking at the player list I think most will have played with him. I think Lift has probably played most with Trent most, so that maybe a viable vote just on the 'who would kill Trent basis'. Not that I find Lift as scummy, it's simply a theory. Microfish has also played a shedload of games with Trent. But then again maybe everyone has played enough to recognise he's a good player. But in the last game he managed to stay alive very late, I think until the last round. None of the current players were the Scum in that game though.

As for B without re-reading I think Lift only found myself and Maxleod as viable lynches. So I'll discount B from my POV
Sorry, but just came upon this while re-reading. You'll have to forgive me, but even I couldn't really grasp this thought-train.

supplementscene: As for B without re-reading I think Lift only found myself and Maxleod as viable lynches. So I'll discount B from my POV
Did you mistook Lift for Trentonlf there? Do you hypothesise a trentonlf NK is best explained by a mafi-scum team involving Lift? I'm sorry, but even I cannot explain how you went from Trent was NK'ed... because Lift found me and maxloed as viable lynches. ;(


joppo: BIG WALL OF TEXT [#90]
Something about this entire post just seems scummy/weird to me.
Why post all that big wall of text on the twilight?
The only merit I could find in doing so would be to pass on info before night begins. And, truth be told, that post does contain some interesting points. But... for some reason it feels as though the main point is the vote maxloed at the bottom.


Several people have been asked several questions now -- unless I notice something -- most probably I will only post again after answers have come through.


Emmm.... since KrabsWallets is someone whom I have never seen before -- does he/she know that Day 2 has started ?
I'm very interested in a fresh perspective.
"So what do you do with your flight sims anyway, huh?" Joey started. "I get that it's fun, but a whole machine for it? Sounds too dedicated for me. And those plane alts, can't stop thinking about them.

Amanda sipped a glass of orange juice. "I think its a little bit too much on the nose, too. F-16s we know about, but Spitfires?"

"Who cares about the Spitwhatevers," Natsuko smoked a cigarette on stream. "Franco's a bit awfully quiet. Too quiet if you ask me."

The proceedings sure are heating up.

"I hope we get somewhere." Stuart leaned back.



yogsloth (3) - , [url=]GamezRanker (MrKrabsWallet), Atlo
Microfish (2) - , [url=]joppo
GameszRanker (1) - yogsloth

yogsloth is closest to lynch at L-2

Not voting:
- Microfish
- supplementscene
Post edited December 20, 2023 by PookaMustard
Catventurer: Note: It is currently 10:30pm on Monday, and Tuesday will be fluid day for my cat. I don't expect to have time to post anything until that's taken care of. However there really isn't anything else I can add to this post.
What the hell is "fluid day" and why does it take all day
Okay. I've been thinking a lot on this, primarily because while I got online fairly early - I kept having to go AFK for various things.

Lifthrasil: @all: I don't like the speculation about a connection between flavour and roles. Or the speculation that Pooka stacked the deck when rolling the roles. Both speculations amount to accusing Pooka of bad modding - without any basis to do so. So the only purpose such speculations can have is to appear active while not contributing anything meaningful to the game.
Micro's post suggest impropriety on the part of Pooka, which I am 100% not okay with.

I think that the goal with Yog's post wasn't to imply any wrong doing on Pooka's part but to set things up for a role claim later without any thought or planning put into it. The way he went about doing it, suggesting that flavor/lore and role powers were connected is not okay though because of the implication of bad modding that comes with it.

While I think that Yog was being truthful when he said in Post #102, "Also, I posted it before I read/realized this was a rare GOG open setup." It still only raises more questions. I can only speak for myself on this but in every single game that I have been I'm town-aligned, I never once get this thought at any point in the game that I need to prepare a fake role claim just in case my town teammates decide that they're going to try to lynch me. That's entirely a mafia team move.

I think that most of us can agree that Yog (Post #14) and Micro (Post #103) have a lot of explaining to do. I also feel like they both owe Pooka apologies.

Since I made the big post about yog's fake role claim setup, it's only appropriate for me to keep my vote on Yog until he is lynched or things take a more serious move against Micro that warrants me changing my vote. I don't see your post/vote as opportunistic because someone needed to make the Micro Behaving Badly Post.

Also my vote against yog isn't a die on this hill vote. I am willing to switch to Micro if more people feel like his behavior was more egregious and/or his explanation is more lacking.

Lifthrasil: OK, so you meant reading back. I can accept that. I thought you meant to call for an investigation by a PR.
Yep. Yep. I just wanted a second opinion, but I'll say that Alto and I are good at the moment.... or at least as good as any of us can be without definitively knowing each other's alignment.

Catventurer: Please accept my apology then because you really did give me the impression that this was the sole and only reason you want to vote for me was because you find me hard to read.
Atlo: S'all good. =)
For some odd reason virtually every interaction between us so far has been a misunderstanding. (Even off-game-wise!!)
Post-Game, I'm going to send you PMs full of love! No more misunderstandings. <3 <3 <3

Catventurer: Note: It is currently 10:30pm on Monday, and Tuesday will be fluid day for my cat. I don't expect to have time to post anything until that's taken care of. However there really isn't anything else I can add to this post.
yogsloth: What the hell is "fluid day" and why does it take all day
Duke Ellington has both diabetes and kidney disease. "Fluid day" means that he's getting subcutaneous fluid injections on top of the twice daily insulin shots. Sometimes he needs hours of cuddles before the fluid injections to get him calm enough to willingly stay in my lap through the whole thing. I also need to give him lots attention after fluids or he'll get upset and go on a hunger strike at dinner time.

More Info on Subcutaneous Fluid Injections:

There's also "Solensia Day" (once a month) where I bring him into the vet office for for a Solensia injection to treat arthritis, which he has in his pelvis. The next Solensia Day is on Boxing Day (December 26th) and will also be a Fluid Day. This is why I anticipate that I won't be on much that day.
First off, sorry to all re: my absence. I've been a wee bit busy over the last few days with thinking about/preparing for the holidays and got a tad distracted(in typical ME fashion) with other things. That said, onto the new day...

I think that's the perfect reply to Maxleod being 'fiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrrd'
(also great movie selection, if I might add)


Did a quick skim of the latest posts....saw Yogs gave me a prod vote, CatV seeming to post as normal(so no real alignment guesses from my initial skim of the most recent posts), etc.

One thing that DID catch my eye, however, were posts like this one

On the one side, it seems a nice post full of feels on the various players, but then comes the end vote for Maxleod....even after they had been lynched. It just seems a bit off to me, like they were trying to be part of the wagon even if their vote didn't really mean anything after hammer. That, combined with the first bit of post 104(might be genuine, but to me it comes off a bit too "twi hard('try hard').
(dunno if these sentiments make any sense to any of y'all...hopefully they do and i'm not just talking to thin airs :))

As such, my vote(for now...might change it later if I pick up on something else or someone else seems more suspect) be:

Vote Joppo
To all: gonna maybe try to go through peoples posts a bit and see if I can
sus out some stuff and get a feel on things. Starting with Yogs, I guess...

yogsloth: So, supplement seems to have stolen my usual "Do something dumb Day 1 and see what happens" thunder.



Enh, I give it a C- for trolling and I'm gonna forget about it.
So we have this post by Yogs. Seems a bit RVS-y as a vote post and normal and all, but could also have been a stealth Mafia Yogs trying to get a wagon going on a low post townie? That combined with this post(after Max posted his return vote for Yogs)....

yogsloth: Just a reminder that we have a deadline rapidly approaching, and this is the SUM TOTAL contribution from max.
....and this post....

yogsloth: Normally in a GOG mafia game, we have tons of time Day 1 to just hang out, shitpost, relax, get to know each other.

But five days is actually quite short by our standards, so we actually have to pick up and do some stuff if we're going to accomplish anything. Please, don't let us no-yeet. Let us not do that.

To that end, I'm back to old old school "STU" yogsloth. Nobody got any kinda time to legitimately find all the woofs on Day 1 here with no information.

So kill the players doing *literally nothing* and move the game state forward. makes me wonder if my "Yogs is mafia and was subtly pushing for Max's wagon quite a bit" theory holds water?
Of course, maybe i'm reading too much into things...What do y'all think?
Now that Yogs is done, next up I choose YOU Atlo!
(to analyze and try to feel a totes platonic and SFW way, o' course)

Atlo: Player analysis: (More like past experience listing)


Still not sure what:

yogsloth: who wants to start guessing what my thing does?
Atlo: this refers to.
Atlo: Tehnically this is also an option.. I'd rather not vote for maxleod - seeing how long we waited for more players - and then to just lynch the one who did finally show up... would feel kinda sorry... but still... both Scene and CatV atleast give information to work with.

In the game where I played with maxleod he also barely participated... I was hoping he would become more active after the first lynch -- but that game ended after the first lynch!

Would he become more active in this game? That is the question...

I don't know how good you can read the room, but I beg of you - for the teams sake, and your own sake - try to give some input!
In both of the above posts Atlo seems to put some effort into getting a feel for other player's posts, and also seemingly tries to get Maxleod to not lurk so much. Yes, could be mafiaAtlo trying to appear town, but for some reason to me it seems genuine.
(maybe it's the overly enthusiastic post formatting...underlining/bolding, etc. It seems to say to me 'I[atlo] am quite concerned about Maxleod's lack of posting, so I forgot to dial back the pist formatting a bit in places)')
(also ppe: I just noticed Atlo seems to have the same feeling on Joppo's twilight vote on Day 1...interesting)

The above all said and done, I am leaning Atlo more town
I guess i'll check out Trent next or some junk....

yogsloth: This was literally the closest thing I could find. Google and Bing image searches, thous hast failed me.
trentonlf: LOL I have so missed playing with you. Dedo always answers that question in the same way, always makes me laugh. What are your thoughts on GamezRanker?
Asks others about lack of posting me...

trentonlf: What needs to happen is more people need to get on and actually VOTE, and vote seriously. The Day ends tomorrow and if we No Lynch because people decided to drag their feet seppuku might be an option just so I can say I'm dying with honor. But, no the wagon has begun and hopping around is just as bad as not voting.
Maybe could be seen as trying to push ANY wagon through and a wee bit scummy seeming? To me it seems a bit more genuine than scummy, though(of course I could be wrong, ymmv, et al).

Not much posting(though more than mine up until lately :D) to analyze and get a feel on, but from what I read/skimmed:
I place Trent as Neutral with slightly more town lean than scummy lean
supplementscene: While my vote is on CatV, I'd also consider players I think have show the least logic and least active:

Maxleod - 1 return vote after Yogs voted for him, little else. But could it be we're almost just coming out of random voting stage? I don't know.

Microfish - put a second vote on Yogs without explaining his reasoning.

MrKrabswallet - It's not that he voted for me, but the manner, in which he did. He could of found my posting scummy earlier, but instead seemed to maybe want to keep my wagon warm after Lift got off it.

I'm interested to see more of Atlo's thoughts.
Did a little analysizing of the less active players.....check
Rightly questioned my vote on them.....check
Defers to Atlo re: their thoughts.....check
All seems somewhat good in my eyes(tho yes, I am aware it could also all be an act).

The above, combined with the pre-hammer post(post 82) and the actual hammer(post 86),
make me apt to place Scene as neutral with slight town lean as well.

(I mean would mafiaScene really want to be in the eye of the storm by hammering Max and all? Hmm....)

ppe: In case ya were wondering, Scene ol' pal ol' buddy, my vote on Day 1 was more
or less a silly RVS vote....done in part to lighten the mood after Lift's IRL news post.
(ppe: I just noticed Trent was 'let go' at the start of Day 2....and I just did an analaysis of them. Derp?)

Lift receives the honor of being my next pick for analysis:

Lifthrasil: The problem with lynching the least active player is that we also get little information from the flip. I know I'm a proponent of lynching a lurker if it is necessary to avoid a no-lynch. Little information is better than none at all. And you might as well lynch me on the same basis.

Plus, maxleod actually has only two posts which made it easy to look at them even in my state of mind. It was one opener without content and an OMGUS vote, without any other motivation than being OMGUS. And if it was a playful RVS-OMGUS, it was never retracted.

The yogs vs. micro thing is something to be analyzed tomorrow. For now, to contribute at all and with maxleod being at L-3, I'll add my vote to the Lynch the lurker train. Just to make a no-lynch less likely.
This entire post seems reasonably towny. Perhaps a bit too towny? Then there's the "near the middle of the wagon" vote for Max....could it be mafiaLift's attempt to blend in while voting for Max?

Then in Post#94, point out an interesting bit said in post 81 by CatV and in Post 107 Lift also points out Yog's seeming starting of another lurker wagon(in this case, mine).

All in all, the above makes me place Lift as neutral leaning slightly town as well
Now onto CatV(prolly gonna be the last one for the time being)...

Catventurer: If you look at the mafia chat thread the one game here where I was mafia-aligned, I really am the most unhappy person when stuck on team mafia and really was starting to loose it when I was the last mafia standing.
To me, this bit of this post seems a bit LAMIST.

Catventurer: My cat is done eating, so this is a continuation of Post #70.....

// Off Topic Comment - And yes, I really do spoon food my cat his wet food. He makes happy purring sounds when I spoon feed him that he doesn't make when he eats off a dish. Since he's an elderly cat at 15, I'm very happy to feed him this way. <3 <3

Catventurer: Day #1 Posts: 6, 7, 14, 42, 43, 44, 45, 61, 63, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77, 85, 87

There is a lot of outright nonsense going on in the bulk of these posts to the extent that it isn't even worth commenting on each and every single one of them. Even though maxleod was lynched for barely participating, the same can be said of yogsloth. He may have a lot of posts, but it's almost all spam. He's just making sure that we see him present, but he says nothing of any substance or value in the majority of them.
This bit(especially the last line) is a very good observation, I feel.

Catventurer: In Post #99, he votes for GamezRanker (who has been replaced with MrKrabsWallet) on the basis of applying pressure, but it feels like he's just going for a low effort vote that isn't likely to result in a lynch at this time.
Ditto to this point as well

Hmm, all the above(minus the bits of those posts I didn't fully read yet due to the usual 'blanking out' my mind does when faced with long posts that aren't my own :D) makes me lean CatV as town.
MrKrabsWallet: I guess i'll check out Trent next or some junk...
... snip...
Not much posting(though more than mine up until lately :D) to analyze and get a feel on, but from what I read/skimmed:
I place Trent as Neutral with slightly more town lean than scummy lean
I think you overdid it a bit with the skimming. Or you might have noticed that Trent is actually dead and flipped Town. There is nothing 'slightly' about it.

But other things, yesterday I had the impression that micro and yogs were at odds with each other. Today not so much.

Also @yogs: Now that GR is active, what are your thoughts on him? Only Lurking is not a sufficient reason to vote and more, I think.
Ok one more....namely Micro:

Microfish_1: I'm sorry to say this, as it will appear low effort, but we are low on time, need a flip, and I'm seriously going to be AFK (got an evening job, which is better than no job, that will occupy most of my waking time tomorrow, especially with the time difference.)


we need a flip. I don't like offing Max out of the blue, when he's barely touched the game, but.... he's our least active player so far. Impossible to read.

vote maxleod
Micro also seemingly 'sneaks' a near middle of the wagon vote in for Max

Microfish_1: (snipped slightly)

i find this hard to believe, tbh.
Answering questions with questions is hardly answering the question, when you just said you "could answer it."

Had you read your PM before posting
yogsloth: "Since Pooka made it so utterly obvious in the flavor text that I have a thing - who wants to start guessing what my thing does?"
Microfish_1: ?

You should have done remove the spaces
This post also seems like it could be mafiaMicro distancing from their scumbuddy Yogs

All the above seems suspect, though of course Micro usually doesn't post as much as the rest of us(and of course they have IRL to think about as well during this game).

That said, I currently place Micro as neutral leaning a tad more scummy than town