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flubbucket: And how many hours were there until End of Day??
Fewer than the remaining hours of D2.
25 "The Faces of Evil" Votecount

dedoporno (2) - ZFR, flubbucket

Not voting: dedoporno, catte, Leoric, Dogmaus, JoeSapphire, Cadaver
It takes 5 votes to reach majority. dedoporno is closest to lynch (L-3).

5 days and 2 hours left

Cadaver747: @Pooka
Please advise on a Countdown. It says 8 hours left but it seems OP was not updated since Phase 3, then the next Phase started 1 day earlier than planned. How much time left exactly?
Don't follow the countdown on the OP post. I've been unable to update the OP post since Phase 3 as you noticed.
PookaMustard: Don't follow the countdown on the OP post. I've been unable to update the OP post since Phase 3 as you noticed.
Can you at least remove the countdown there?
PookaMustard: Don't follow the countdown on the OP post. I've been unable to update the OP post since Phase 3 as you noticed.
ZFR: Can you at least remove the countdown there?

Lesson learned: Make at least three OP posts before starting the Mafia game.
PookaMustard: Don't follow the countdown on the OP post. I've been unable to update the OP post since Phase 3 as you noticed.
I understand (I don't actually), thank you.

/ I'm back again.

Initially Pooka planned 11 player game as follows:
- Roleblocker
- Goon
- Macho Cop
- Doctor
- Commuter (1-Shot)
- Vanilla (6 players)

Then we get another player and Pooka decided to include 3rd Mafia.

Lift's Neutral alignment might mean the change in balance, but let's assume there are 3 Mafia players (to be on a safe side) and that every PR claim is truthful, than we have the following situation:

- NL (12 players left, including 3 Mafia)

- Micro targeted (Alingment Cop) ZFR, he is Town Anything (this we'll know on D2) > Please note that ZFR having Mafia Godfather role is possible yet highly unlikely, Mafia Redirector aiming at Micro on N1 is nearly impossible, there might be some other possibilities which I missed (please let me know if that is the case)
- ZFR targeted (Tracker) Lift and failed (blocked by Dedo) (this we'll know on D4)
- Dedo targeted (Roleblocker) ZFR and blocked him (this we'll know on D4)
- Book targeted (Doctor) ???
- Mafia targeted (NK) Lift and failed, Bulletproof shot spent (this we'll know on D3) (12 players left / 3 Mafia left)

- GH lynched, Town Vanilla (11 players left / 3 Mafia left)
PR claims: Micro - Town Cop, Joe - Town Commuter (with more than 1-Shot)

- ZFR targeted (Tracker) Lift and failed (blocked by Dedo) (this we'll know on D4)
- Dedo targeted (Roleblocker) ZFR and blocked him (this we'll know on D4)
- <we don't know it but it's only logical to assume that> Book targeted (Doctor) Micro and failed (Macho Cop can't be saved that way)
- Mafia targeted (NK) Micro and killed him, Town Macho Cop (10 players left, 3 Mafia left)

- Lift lynched, Neutral Bulletproof (1-Shot) (9 players left / 3 Mafia left)
PR claims: Lift - Neutral Bulletproof (with more than 1-Shot)

- Dedo targeted (Roleblocker) Flub and blocked him (this we'll know on D4)
- ZFR targeted (Tracker) Dedo, Dedo visited Flub (this we'll know on D4)
- Mafia targeted (NK) Book and killed him, Town Doctor (8 players left / 3 Mafia left)
That would mean that any mislynch on D4 is as good as death. No Lynch is the only possibility to live through the Night. There is also a small possibility that there are 2 Mafia instead of 3.

D4(current Day)
PR claims: ZFR - Town Tracker, Dedo - Town Roleblocker.

List of players:
GH - Town Vanilla (deceased)
Micro - Town Macho Cop (deceased)
Lift - Neutral Bulletproof (deceased, that role was not mentioned in Pooka's list)
Book - Town Doctor (deceased)

Joe - Town Commuter (claim which is inline with Pooka's list, no counterclaim, no 2nd Commuter either)
ZFR - Town Tracker (unless he is a Godfather there is no point for ZFR to lie about it, no counterclaim, that role was not mentioned in Pooka's list)
Dedo - Town Roleblocker (role activity is inline with ZFR's claim results, N2 move is irrational and anti-Town in my opinion, no counterclaim, that role was not mentioned in Pooka's list)

If everything above is true then 3 (or 2) Mafia are hiding among the following players:
Cadaver, Catte, Dogmaus, Flub, Leoric.

Mafia might or might not have 1 Roleblocker, that's what worries me the most. Can Town and Mafia have Roleblockers to balance each other, could Pooka just swap Mafia Roleblocker to Town? If yes, Mafia must have even more powerful roles.

Now let's think. Neutral Bulletproof (Lift), Town Tracker (ZFR) and Town Roleblocker (Dedo) were not in Pooka's initial list. Lift attracked both Town and Mafia, so there is no clear understanding whether Neutral role was to counter which alignment.
5 Town PRs and 3 Town Vanilla + 1 Neutral PR + 3 Mafia (2 or 3 PRs) is this setup possible? Could be. Given the crazy amount of Town roles, I think it's either 3 Mafia or less likely 2 Mafia but with at least 1 more Neutral, anyway 3 anti-Town players must be present in game unless Pooka has an unusual sense of humo(u)r.

Now why Dedo targeted ZFR on N2 even after Micro claimed Cop on D2 (there was no counterclaim), ZFR whom Micro named? This doesn't make any sense to me. Could it be a ballsy move on Mafia side? Do we believe in stupid or ballsy Mafia even?
Who else is interested why Mafia NKed Book on N3? (I recon Dedo and Leoric mentioned it after me, I didn't read all the posts yet).

(Give me a few more minutes, I want to think over this situation and read a bit of ZFR and Dedo posts)

P.S. If Dedo is Town and there are 3 Mafia, and ZFR and Flub are Town then Mafia will surely lynch him. Perhaps remove your votes for now?

If I missed anything please let me know.
dedoporno: I think people are misunderstanding what I meant for which I'm probably to blame for. I didn't think I was a Jailer during the whole game. Only on D1 when I chose my target. On the next Morning I realized what I was. As a matter of fact I've been talking to Pooka about what my thoughts are and why I'm doing what I'm planning to do. That also includes the bit about the Jailer. I can post them for you if you think that would be helpful although I'm likely going to be accused of forging them so probably not worth it.
Ok, but I still don't think town!Dedo forgets the difference between a roleblocker and a jailer for even one day. You could post your thoughts to Pooka if you want, but as you say you could just be making them up on the spot so they won't carry any weight.

dedoporno: Also, let me spin your question the other way. Does an experienced player like Dedo goes for this type of claim if he doesn't need to? Goes both ways, doesn't it? If you're going to present my alleged strengths against me don't make it a double standard and consider the opposite option as well.
Scum!dedo might, if he felt trapped. Your exchange with ZFR at the start of toDay was kind of strange.

If you were worried someone knew something about you and your actions I can see how you could feel the need to partially tell the truth in your claim. i.e. In other words you really are a roleblocker and you really blocked ZFR two nights in a row. You then need to construct a narrative that explains your choices from a town perspective.

I don't believe that, as an experienced player, town!dedo could really mix up roleblocker and jailer but I absolutely believe that scum!dedo might lie about mixing them up.

PookaMustard: Don't follow the countdown on the OP post. I've been unable to update the OP post since Phase 3 as you noticed.
Has the edit button disappeared?
JoeSapphire: I'm a commuter.

I have a certain amount of shots.
Joe, were you lying about certain amount of shots?
Cadaver747: Joe, were you lying about certain amount of shots?
You think he has an uncertain number of shots?
my name is supyreor catte: You think he has an uncertain number of shots?
No, I don't think so.
my name is supyreor catte: Ok, but I still don't think town!Dedo forgets the difference between a roleblocker and a jailer for even one day. You could post your thoughts to Pooka if you want, but as you say you could just be making them up on the spot so they won't carry any weight.
You can think whatever you like, I suppose. I asked Pooka and he said it's fine to paste my stuff but there is no point I guess.

my name is supyreor catte: If you were worried someone knew something about you and your actions I can see how you could feel the need to partially tell the truth in your claim. i.e. In other words you really are a roleblocker and you really blocked ZFR two nights in a row. You then need to construct a narrative that explains your choices from a town perspective.
OK but I still fail to find scum's logic where we decide I'm going to block ZFR twice and then leave him alone and risk tracking us. If we don't know he's something important why do I wasted 2 blocks on him? If we do know why did I stop there? Obviously we've been killing the important roles we know about, right? So how does that happen that I we let this happen and at the end we figure out I got outed so I need to tell the truth about everything? How does even make sense to you?

my name is supyreor catte: I don't believe that, as an experienced player, town!dedo could really mix up roleblocker and jailer but I absolutely believe that scum!dedo might lie about mixing them up.
Why is that so important to you though? Why does it matter if I did or did not mix them?
By the way, did both Flub and Catte forgot to claim even though pretty much everyone else who made an appearance and is familiar with the situation did?

Maybe they are protecting powerful Town roles to counter the scum Roleblocker.
dedoporno: OK but I still fail to find scum's logic where we decide I'm going to block ZFR twice and then leave him alone and risk tracking us. If we don't know he's something important why do I wasted 2 blocks on him? If we do know why did I stop there? Obviously we've been killing the important roles we know about, right? So how does that happen that I we let this happen and at the end we figure out I got outed so I need to tell the truth about everything? How does even make sense to you?

Why is that so important to you though? Why does it matter if I did or did not mix them?
At best your block choices are NAI. You argue they make little sense for scum, but they don't exactly make sense for town either. At least, I haven't been overtly convinced by your explanations.

It matters because it sounds more like an excuse made up by scum!dedo than a real thing that town!dedo could do.

dedoporno: By the way, did both Flub and Catte forgot to claim even though pretty much everyone else who made an appearance and is familiar with the situation did?

Maybe they are protecting powerful Town roles to counter the scum Roleblocker.
Uhhh, I've already claimed.
my name is supyreor catte: It matters because it sounds more like an excuse made up by scum!dedo than a real thing that town!dedo could do.
What am I making an excuse for exactly?

my name is supyreor catte: Uhhh, I've already claimed.
You did? Sorry, I missed it then. Do you mind pointing me to it?
dedoporno: What am I making an excuse for exactly?

You did? Sorry, I missed it then. Do you mind pointing me to it?
Your N1 block choice of course. Your argument was "I thought I was protecting him and blocking him!". It makes it a lot easier to justify that way.