joppo: Lastly I wanna point out that on the scumchat there was a lot of back-and-forth whether Flub or Catte should do the kill on N3. Had they went with Flub Dedo would have half the game won for Town. He would have prevented a kill, get Flub lynched and confirmed himself all in one go.
Bookwyrm627: Hm. It might have worked out, but it might not have. I'd still be alive, and thus suspected, and I might have gotten credit for saving ZFR instead of Dedo saving [someone]. The lynch might have gone my direction, but I'd have been after Catte and Dedo, and I might very well have stayed on Dedo.
It would have been a different game, certainly. I'm not sure we'd have gotten Cadaver by the end, and I don't think he'd have been a block target. If we lynched Catte as a compromise on D4, then it might have come down to who targets whom. If we didn't lynch Catte on Day 4, then I suspect it would still have been a Mafia sweep.
It definitely would be different. I think there would be a lot more pressure on Catte and Flub and they probably would not get out unscathed. At the very least it would get one of them lynched, prolong the game and the pressure could cause them to make mistakes. It would still be completely impossible to predict what would it take to find Cadaver, tho.
Bookwyrm627: If you want real chaos, toss in a bus driver. If you want lots of Night Actions but no one having any idea what the heck actually happened at Night, toss in two of them. Then even you won't be sure what happened with the targeting.
Two bus drivers looks like hilarious fun. For extra fun you could add a modifier I can't remember right now that sends the cop or other investigative role's results to a random player instead of the investigator.
Last, I just realized one thing. In the Observer thread I commented how Micro withholding his Macho modifier at first looked bad for Town, when it was actually good. But ultimately it was bad after all because not only it didn't help in the way it could, it also caused the doctor to be found that way.
Not that Micro could have any way of knowing that at the time. Even Pooka who knew which roles the scum had available couldn't predict that. It goes to show how small actions can have major consequences in this game.