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PookaMustard: Strongman - To counter Bulletproof and Doctor, but not Roleblocker and Commuter
ZFR: Please be aware that normally Strongarm trumps Roleblocker. Was yours different?
You are a Mafia Strongman. {snip!}
- You can vote.
- You can use the Mafia factional night kill.
- When executing the factional night kill, you can bypass most (but not all) protections and successfully kill your target.
Had dedo roleblocked catte, he wouldn't have carried out any kills. It would've been only effective on Lifthrasil and anyone protected by Bookwyrm.

You are a Mafia Strongman. {snip!}
- You can vote.
- You can use the Mafia factional night kill.
- When executing the factional night kill, you can bypass most (but not all) protections and successfully kill your target.
PookaMustard: Had dedo roleblocked catte, he wouldn't have carried out any kills. It would've been only effective on Lifthrasil and anyone protected by Bookwyrm.
Yes, ZFR's just pointing out that it's unusual. Normally they can't be blocked.
my name is supyreor catte: Oh yeah, what actually became of Mango? Did they formally drop out or just completely forget about us? I wonder if they're going to come back in a month or two and make another "Oh, I forgot about the game again!" post.
I'll discord him.

I didn't want to contact him midgame so as not to accidentally learn his role.
my name is supyreor catte: Oh yeah, what actually became of Mango? Did they formally drop out or just completely forget about us? I wonder if they're going to come back in a month or two and make another "Oh, I forgot about the game again!" post.
ZFR: I'll discord him.

I didn't want to contact him midgame so as not to accidentally learn his role.
That was probably sensible. He did show up in scumchat at one point, but given he never registered his name I half suspected it was Flub messing around.
joppo: Not that Micro could have any way of knowing that at the time. Even Pooka who knew which roles the scum had available couldn't predict that. It goes to show how small actions can have major consequences in this game.
That actually does explain why Pooka was surprised that Micro didn't claim the Macho modifier. In Micro's place, I know I wouldn't have claimed it since it's a death sentence, but Pooka may have had a different expectation about how the claim would go. Macho would have kept me from bothering to protect him, but I'd have also known that it meant Micro was an expected dead man; I might not have bothered visiting anyone on N2 and wouldn't THAT have changed the game?

my name is supyreor catte: Yeah, I would tend to agree. While the town had multiple kill-prevention roles and a tracker, we had a strongarman and a ninja so we could pretty effectively combat those. It's a good thing that not only did I forget the role list suggesting a macho cop, but so did Bookwyrm. ;)
While I admit I didn't even think about possible cop modifiers, I don't think it would have made a difference in my action if I did consider the possibility since I had no way to check whether he had one. Closed setup is closed, and I was still operating under "It's closed" on Night 2. Cop + Doctor isn't unusual, and a Commuter doesn't make a difference in reading the setup either. *shrug*

dedoporno: Cadaver did the best job in appearing Townie and he was the one I least suspected of you three, and has once again proved that effort shouldn't be mistaken with innocence.
One of my mistakes that I'm hoping to learn from. :)
PookaMustard: Just imagine if this happened. Scum ... had the Ninja go. Would've been a vastly different endgame.
Waht? ninja would have hidden from a watcher and the town tracker would have gotten nothing, right?
Dogmaus: Have I been the only one suspecting Mang/Cadaver and ever voting for him? Well played. 8)
I finally suspected him and investigate him on the final Night (Pooka allowed me to continue investigating after death, so long as I told no one the results.)
But very well played on your part all the way around, Dogmaus! It was great having you here and I hope you enjoyed the game and will play this with us again in the future!!! :D Also, congratulations on living to the end!

@Bookwyrm: @Catte got me in case you missed it which is why i said in observer that we both knew one person. However, N2 I investigated Flubb and was prepared to "holler from the housetops" on D3. Sorry I forgot I was macho; I didn't recall it. Would I have claimed it if I had recalled? I don't know. SIde A) says to keep the scum guessing and maybe go for another player (expecting a PR would defend the cop means another player is wide-open.) Side B) (Hindsight) says it dragged you over fruitlessly (well, you blocked, I just jumped in front of you or something.)

@Scum. i wouldn't ever have expected (or thought of) sending the Scum!Watcher to watch the NK in case something went wrong.
ZFR: snip
why did you clear Flubb? I never followed that, i was too busy screaming my head off in my head and moaning in Observer
Post edited August 24, 2021 by Microfish_1
Microfish_1: why did you clear Flubb? I never followed that, i was too busy screaming my head off in my head and moaning in Observer
He knew for a fact I was scum therefore Flub had to be Town. Quick mafs.
Post edited August 24, 2021 by dedoporno
PookaMustard: Just imagine if this happened. Scum ... had the Ninja go. Would've been a vastly different endgame.
Microfish_1: Waht? ninja would have hidden from a watcher and the town tracker would have gotten nothing, right?
Dedo was blocking flub. If flub carried out the kill, he wouldn't be able to and N4 ends kill-less, resulting in maybe scum finally getting lynched.

EDIT: Wait I'm getting my events mixed up. Sounds like an excuse to release that damn admin thread.
Post edited August 24, 2021 by PookaMustard
ZFR: snip
Microfish_1: why did you clear Flubb? I never followed that, i was too busy screaming my head off in my head and moaning in Observer
I believed dedo to be scum. Scum wouldn't target scum.
ah, thanks all.

dedoporno: Quick mafs.
I see. I prefer New Math, myself.
I did it

Admin file:!Ar6sDvz1zhVkgZZvGrRncrR0y6dcpA?e=JUDzXs

Includes the messages I sent to players, includes unreleased Day 5 messages (that were totally not written post-game), and two extra blurbs Microfish got when he was "ghostvestigating" the players that he did.
PookaMustard: I did it

Admin file:!Ar6sDvz1zhVkgZZvGrRncrR0y6dcpA?e=JUDzXs

Includes the messages I sent to players, includes unreleased Day 5 messages (that were totally not written post-game), and two extra blurbs Microfish got when he was "ghostvestigating" the players that he did.

A few observations:
N1 Micro investigates ZFR and a couple lines later he "cops" ZFR. I hope they at least had a good time.
N2 there's not a kill action but suddenly Micro is dead. He apparently had a cardiac arrest, the poor man.
N4 WTF? Joe doesn't commute? Really?

Oh so ZFR's N4 action was to track Cadaver. If only Town hadn't delivered the game in a silver platter by then...
joppo: N4 WTF? Joe doesn't commute? Really?
Was there really any point? It's not like we were likely to forget he was a commuter. Having said that, it would have been hilarious if we did target him and he didn't commute.
joppo: N4 WTF? Joe doesn't commute? Really?
my name is supyreor catte: Was there really any point? It's not like we were likely to forget he was a commuter. Having said that, it would have been hilarious if we did target him and he didn't commute.
It certainly would.
Well, I still would have commuted, just in case. Joe couldn't know for certain if the scumteam had a few braindead eggplants and the rest of the team was away on vacation.