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my name is supyreor catte: Your N1 block choice of course. Your argument was "I thought I was protecting him and blocking him!". It makes it a lot easier to justify that way.
I don't lament my N1 block choice one bit. Yes, I thought I was getting more out of it than I actually did but I suspected ZFR on D1 for his abnormal behavior so he was still a legit target.

Apologies, I totally missed that.
That post of ZFR implied (heavily) of having an investigative role.
ZFR: I got some intel this Night that tells me flub is very likely Town.
In no way ZFR should have said that, not before everyone else's claim.

IF Dedo is not Town but Mafia Roleblocker he might have been scared of it. Unlikely ZFR meant that he is a Deputy (Cop sleeping agent), but that who can see others' movements or actions. So there is a possibility that Dedo was telling the truth about his Night activities but not about his alignment or reasons of doing so. If Dedo is Mafia, that's the only option I can see now. If he is Mafia it's a grave mistake.

In any case Dedo first stated that he has no objections to claim first:
dedoporno: Then I don't mind going first before Catte. I just wanted Flub to go before me but that's likely no longer necessary.
But soon after he changed his mind:
dedoporno: Wait! I just realized this makes no sense to me. I want you to claim first or at least tell what do you know about Flub or better yet how and I'll go right behind you. And I'm looking for a very specific type of answer.
And now Dedo's initial explanation:
dedoporno: I'm a Town Roleblocker.

dedoporno: I blocked you on Nights 1 and 2. I chose you on N1 as I originally mistook my role as a Jailer and thought you were a good balance between a N1 victim and potential scum considering the different vibe you had about you during D2. I wasn't sure I was the reason the kill didn't go through so I didn't stand up but I did try to throw a little hints that I didn't trust you in case I got offed before claiming.
Dedo said that he "mistook" Roleblocker with Jailer role (I had to google Jailer) and that IS a very odd explanation. I mean what's the problem with reading your PM just one more time or even ask Pooka in chat during the Night phase in case of any concerns? So Dedo thought of killing ZFR even on N1 (Jailer can execute his prisoner). Is it an odd mistake or a semi-confirmation like explaining that he is Town (since Jailer is always Town). ZFR had scum vibes on D2? Possible yet also odd, since Micro provided his Town-confirmed investigaion on ZFR exactly on D2. Dedo considered that he might be the sole reason for a no NK on N1 (that makes sense, I would thought the same).

dedoporno: Then Micro claimed and said you were Town. That still wasn't good enough for me, I knew for a fact that if we have a Doctor and they stopped the kill it was not you and I thought you might be Vanilla, if Town because of they way you said you believed GH's claim. If the real Doctor blocked the kill you as a Cop-confirmed Godfather would have likely been left alone by any potential follower since they wouldn't know better but with my info I figured my best play is to block you again (by this time I was already aware I'm just blocking and not protecting you) since you'd be the best scum to go about the kill while I wasn't hitting the potential Doctor.
Anyway, Dedo decided to block ZFR on N2 even after Micro's report. I beleive that most of us speculated that a no NK on N1 was a lucky shot from Town Doctor or a Roleblocker, so that might have overcome Dedo's feelings for Micro's report in favor of Godfather, especially after Micro mentioned it. Anyway Dedo considered that a lucky Doctor saved someone on N1, not him and he thought that ZFR might be Town Vanilla because he beleived in GH's claim. (This makes NO SENSE AT ALL to me, anyone could say anything about beleiving or not in something, and only Mafia beleives in Town claims for unspecified reasons). Yet Dedo reconsidered again, ZFR is Godfather and the *best bet* would be to block him again. Later that N2 Dedo realized that he is actually a Roleblocker (and that Dedo-the-Jailer was not *protecting* ZFR but Dedo-Roleblocker was *blocking* him). I don't understand that type of logic (this is insane, Dedo thought he was protecting ZFR after mentioning him as a good N1 victim???). Anyway it's a strange logic (couldn't other Mafia member(s) initiate the NK, if ZFR was Mafia there was literally no point to assign ZFR for a second NK attemp in a row). Dedo explained that targeting ZFR was better that accidentally blocking a potential Doctor (this makes some sense, yes, but I personally would rather risk it and block someone else, yet I can't deny that mishit a Doctor 1/10 chances are so low, or are they?).

dedoporno: Micro got killed and flipped as Macho Cop which effectively confirmed that we do have a Doctor so there was no reason to think I prevented the first kill anymore. Additionally Lift didn't have a reason to lie about soaking the N1 kill so all in all I got a pretty much sure-fire information you're not scum Godfather. If you are, your choices have outsmarted me, good job.

On N3 I thought of blocking Wyrm as he was my main pick for scum but then I considered the fact that he is likely next go after Lift and if he is scum and knows he's suspected he isn't likely to go about the kill and get caught by some follower. My next targets were Catte and Flub. I thought Flub is the less likely to be the Doctor so I went after him.

That's why I said it makes no sense to me that you know he's likely Town but then I remembered you got cleared by Micro and figured out a way how you might know that (which also may work with your last response with slight tuning).
Micro flipped Macho doesn't effectively confirm Town had a Doctor (ZFR could be Mafia NKuing on N1, Mafia's target could be Bulletproof, Doctor's lucky hit chances 1/11 on N1 are too low to effectively confirm his existense or better yet his success at doing his job). If you thought that ZFR is Godfather, blocking him on N2 and getting NK from Mafia would NEVER confirm he no longer Mafia! Lift HAD all the reason to hide his personality, no one likes Bulletproofs (Town or not, especially Neutral). If Lift claimed his role he would helped Mafia to kill another Town PR, moreover Lift would be left alone only raising additional suspicion among Town. In my opinion Lift played a good game until he got really tired in Mountains (perhaps it's air). Your next targets were Catte and Flub so you chose Flub because the latter is less likely to be a Doctor??? Kill me now!

This is a policy lynch. I have no idea what alignment you are, but it's so bad, it's unbelievable. No way Mafia can play that way. No way Town can play that way either. I will consider hammering you, but it's a lazy wagon. I would rather check your other posts first and most importantly hear more from our 2 New Players, Dogmaus and Leoric.
dedoporno: Let me ask you this. Say I'm scum. Why would we kill Micro instead me blocking him and leave both him and you without any sort of confirmation? Also, why would I block you twice and not three times if I'm scum? I know you're not the Doctor, the Cop or whatever else that makes sense for scum to throw away a perfectly good block?
Good point, Mafia Roleblocker blocking Micro on N2/N3 and so on would make more sense (and who would believe in Cop without reports, plus it could also result in auto-lynch of ZFR). Perhaps it was the initial plan but when other Mafia shouted at you about *not taking any chances with Cop*? The problem is I don't get your logic for both Mafia or Town.
The only thing is clear, you said that you blocked ZFR on N1/N2 and ZFR said that he was blocked on N1/N2. If there are 3 Mafia, 2 others did a good job placing us at near MYLO situation. How is 1-Mafia irrational behavior would prove his Town irrational behavior?

dedoporno: If dedo flips Town Blocker I'd like you to publicly say "I thought I was Columbo and I'm just a fucking dumbass."
dedoporno: OK but I still fail to find scum's logic where we decide I'm going to block ZFR twice and then leave him alone and risk tracking us.
I already gave a possible scenario.

N1: You block me because why not, you have to block somebody. You rolecop somebody and possibly learn Vanilla.
N2: You block me N2 because still have to block somebody. You rolecop Bookwrym and learn he's Doctor
N3: You figure best to kill Doctor. You suspect flub is PR (something he said?). You block flub, kill Bookwyrm, rolecop me.
Cadaver747: So Dedo thought of killing ZFR even on N1 (Jailer can execute his prisoner). Is it an odd mistake or a semi-confirmation like explaining that he is Town (since Jailer is always Town).
Huh? This is the first time I hear this. Isn't Jailer someone who takes a person out of the game for the Night preventing them to act and other to act upon them? Jailers can kill people?

Cadaver747: Later that N2 Dedo realized that he is actually a Roleblocker (and that Dedo-the-Jailer was not *protecting* ZFR but Dedo-Roleblocker was *blocking* him).
Once again, I figured out my mistake first thing in the morning of D2. I came into N2 knowing perfectly fine what I was. I was no longer protecting ZFR. I was straight up repeating a block that could have blocked the original kill based on the suspicion ZFR might be a Godfather who has been verified by a Cop and might move again because he doesn't expect another hit from Town anymore.

Cadaver747: Micro flipped Macho doesn't effectively confirm Town had a Doctor (ZFR could be Mafia NKuing on N1, Mafia's target could be Bulletproof, Doctor's lucky hit chances 1/11 on N1 are too low to effectively confirm his existense or better yet his success at doing his job).
It's very likely that there is a Doctor or another sort of protector, otherwise the Macho modifier is a ruse. Also, the sign up post was brought up which at the time seemed to be at least loosely followed. I don't regret assuming we had an active Doctor one bit.

ZFR: N2: You block me N2 because still have to block somebody. You rolecop Bookwrym and learn he's Doctor.
I can keep blocking Micro into oblivion and we can pick the rest. Why would I risk him getting Doctored and yet another kill prevented?

Everyone should consider one more thing. If there are 3 scum in this game right now who are my buddies and why?
Leoric_AKA_Leo: @ZFR so you think it's more like a Goon+Mafia RB + 9 town + 1 neutral? Could it be still possible that we have 5 PR(cop+doc+tracker+skier+RB) (or more???) vs 3 Mafia? That doesn't sound balanced?
It could be possible, also ZFR stated that he thinks it's 3 Mafia players already.
ZFR: PS: the fact that I did get a PR that wasn't in Pooka's original setup makes me think we have 3 Mafiosos and he added my PR to compensate.
Leoric_AKA_Leo: There are 5 almost confirmed PR! I still remember GH said it was odd that 2 PR claimed in a row. I won't even raise my eyebrow if everybody except me claim PR right now. I don't know what's balanced. I'm just a newbie vanilla town with nothing to claim.
Town Vanilla, OK.

Leoric_AKA_Leo: I was completely AFK the whole time from Lift claim to his death. I trusted that he was hiking and he had no time. But I won't help anyway because I was supposed to vote for Bookwyrm! I can't believe Bookwyrm is a doctor! Why he didn't explain for himself?
Bookwyrm was at L-2 (or even at L-1) at some point he would have claimed Doctor and attract attention of Town PRs and Mafia killers. But the Lift descended from the sky and decided to ruin the game with his abysmal, yet truthful claim no one asked for (except for ZFR).
Why can't you believe Book was a Doctor?
Premature claim has less sense, and seeing other Voting him he most probably *wasn't explain* for himself expecting the imminent L-1. Blame Lift if you want.
Also who are we?

Leoric_AKA_Leo: So the scum killed Bookwyrm because he suspected ZFR & Joe? Are they trying to mislead us to suspect ZFR/Joe?
Is it the only reason you can see here?
Cadaver747: How is 1-Mafia irrational behavior would prove his Town irrational behavior?
Just FYI I don't find my behavior irrational at all. I suppose if everyone sees it in that way, then maybe it is for this current group but I had reasoning behind everything I did and I stand by it. The only issue I admit I didn't consider properly is that I definitely expected people will see it through my eyes when the time came but that turned out to be a miscalculation.

ZFR's "trap" also didn't help but I'll throw that particular responsibility on him as he based his whole theory and act Today on assumptions about the game setup and possibly him being thirsty for more "called it" without knowing any better but also not accounting for the other scenarios.
dedoporno: I can keep blocking Micro into oblivion and we can pick the rest. Why would I risk him getting Doctored and yet another kill prevented?
Because from Pooka's setup you knew he was Macho. Why not get rid of him permanently.

dedoporno: Everyone should consider one more thing. If there are 3 scum in this game right now who are my buddies and why?
Literally anyone can be except myself and flub. dogmaus and Leoric have some newbie Town vibes but that makes them less likely to be anyone's scum partner. There is nothing that's sets you apart.
ZFR: Because from Pooka's setup you knew he was Macho.
If I knew that I could have killed him at any point I like (or my mates I if got outed first) and keep both you and him unconfirmed while we were looking for the Doctor we also knew was in the game. You know, from Pooka's setup.

You know what - you have your mind made up already and I don't think there is something that will change it anymore so I'm not going to try and convince you in particular otherwise. If you have question feel free and ask them, I'll answer to the best of my ability but I'm going to stop retorting to you unless you ask for it.
dedoporno: Huh? This is the first time I hear this. Isn't Jailer someone who takes a person out of the game for the Night preventing them to act and other to act upon them? Jailers can kill people?
Perhaps not, I google Jailer and that's what I've found:
"The Jailer may end the meeting by either sparing or executing the jailed player. An execution will make a singular kill attempt against the jailed player that cannot be redirected."

I double checked and found a Jailkeeper role on my usual source:

You posted:
dedoporno: I chose you on N1 as I originally mistook my role as a Jailer and thought you were a good balance between a N1 victim and potential scum considering the different vibe you had about you during D2.
I read it wrongly, that you were going to assassinate (execute) ZFR. For this I kindly ask you to excuse me, that was my mistake.

dedoporno: Once again, I figured out my mistake first thing in the morning of D2. I came into N2 knowing perfectly fine what I was. I was no longer protecting ZFR. I was straight up repeating a block that could have blocked the original kill based on the suspicion ZFR might be a Godfather who has been verified by a Cop and might move again because he doesn't expect another hit from Town anymore.
That wording, it has more sense now.

dedoporno: It's very likely that there is a Doctor or another sort of protector, otherwise the Macho modifier is a ruse. Also, the sign up post was brought up which at the time seemed to be at least loosely followed. I don't regret assuming we had an active Doctor one bit.
This I can't agree, it could mean that you blocked an evil ZFR-Mafia who asked to act his NK ability on N1, yes. But blocking him on N2 because you were afraid to hit Doctor, yet believing ZFR might be a Godfather (or whatever else bad), *saving* him on N1 (ZFR is good) blocking him on N2 (ZFR is bad)? The assumption that ZFR is good or bad is baseless from my perspective. You could have blocked an innocent Town PR from executing his power (which you apparently did) for the very same results! Can't you understand this?

dedoporno: Just FYI I don't find my behavior irrational at all. I suppose if everyone sees it in that way, then maybe it is for this current group but I had reasoning behind everything I did and I stand by it. The only issue I admit I didn't consider properly is that I definitely expected people will see it through my eyes when the time came but that turned out to be a miscalculation.

ZFR's "trap" also didn't help but I'll throw that particular responsibility on him as he based his whole theory and act Today on assumptions about the game setup and possibly him being thirsty for more "called it" without knowing any better but also not accounting for the other scenarios.
OK. Whatever you say, I stated my verdict. Your alignment is unknown, your decision at blocking ZFR on N2 from Town perspective is anti-Town. I would hammer you as policy lynch, I have my doubts that Mafia could play so bad given the results. Your previous posts before D4 were good in a Town way (in my opinion).
If you're Town I can't see Mafia hammering you for GOG knows what reason (maybe there are only 2 Mafia, or maybe they're sleeping, or maybe you're Mafia).

Anyway I want others to contribute before we act.
dedoporno: and possibly him being thirsty for more "called it" without knowing any better but also not accounting for the other scenarios.
I won't deny the possibility that it might have contributed to the way I started toDay, nonetheless right now I'm very open now to alternative scenarios, if they seem plausible. However your TownBlocker scenario isn't one I find more likely than you being Mafia Blocker.

dedoporno: You know what - you have your mind made up already and I don't think there is something that will change it anymore so I'm not going to try and convince you in particular otherwise. If you have question feel free and ask them, I'll answer to the best of my ability but I'm going to stop retorting to you unless you ask for it.
I agree. Unless something extremely original comes up, I think my mind's made up, so it's no use rehashing the same points, especially since both our points seem to be of the type "I would have played this way!" "No, you would have played that way!" People play differently.

Still a decision has to be made, and for me this appears to be the best one. If it turns out wrong, then well... gg see you all next game.

I'll still answer any specific questions if anyone asks something, but my vote is there.
Cadaver747: You could have blocked an innocent Town PR from executing his power (which you apparently did) for the very same results! Can't you understand this?
I do understand it but can't you understand that I did it knowingly well I wasn't blocking what I consider the two most important roles while repeating a choice that might have been correct the first time and there is a chance that he may try it again now that he's been cleared by a Cop? Oh, and one more thing I just remembered. ZFR opened the day with calling out the Town Roleblocker to come out and claim the save. Not the Doctor, not "whomever did it" but the Town Roleblocker specifically. This is straight up role-fishing because he, if Town, at this point wouldn't have known if the Roleblocker was Town or mafia. It appears he based his play on the dangerous assumption the game was a form of the sign-up thread which was poor judgement knowing full well his own role is making that improbable. Still, he decided to do it which to me didn't look good at all but at the time I didn't know his reasoning for it.
dedoporno: ZFR opened the day with calling out the Town Roleblocker to come out and claim the save. Not the Doctor, not "whomever did it" but the Town Roleblocker specifically.
Wait, what?

Of course normal play is only for RoleBlocker to come up if they blocked NK, since it means they found Mafia and 1-for-1 is usually good for Town. Doctors/Jailors... etc should never do it, since they out themselves without identifying a Mafia.

If TownRB don't want to claim in such a situation I understand, but there is absolutely no reason for any other roles to claim.
ZFR: Of course normal play is only for RoleBlocker to come up if they blocked NK, since it means they found Mafia and 1-for-1 is usually good for Town. Doctors/Jailors... etc should never do it, since they out themselves without identifying a Mafia.
Do you even read what you write? How the hell can I be sure I blocked scum? If I knew for a fact it's 1:1 trade I'd do it on the spot. I'm pretty sure you've seen me yell bloody murder right out of the door when I know I've got them. But this in on D2 (effectively D1 extension) where we have everyone still, I have no idea what the game setup is and am supposed to just assume I'm the only protection we have when the role is designed to be damaging to both teams depending on the choice?! Brother, you're just amazing me right now.
ZFR: Of course normal play is only for RoleBlocker to come up if they blocked NK, since it means they found Mafia and 1-for-1 is usually good for Town. Doctors/Jailors... etc should never do it, since they out themselves without identifying a Mafia.
dedoporno: Do you even read what you write? How the hell can I be sure I blocked scum? If I knew for a fact it's 1:1 trade I'd do it on the spot. I'm pretty sure you've seen me yell bloody murder right out of the door when I know I've got them. But this in on D2 (effectively D1 extension) where we have everyone still, I have no idea what the game setup is and am supposed to just assume I'm the only protection we have when the role is designed to be damaging to both teams depending on the choice?! Brother, you're just amazing me right now.
Yes, I read what I write, which is why I said a Roleblocker may or may not claim (I would).

Doctors/Jailers.. etc should never claim in such a situation.

Your original problem with my statement wasn't that I asked RB to claim, but that I haven't asked anyone else.

dedoporno: Not the Doctor, not "whomever did it" but the Town Roleblocker specifically.
If you think RB shouldn't claim, then sure. But don't hold it against me that I didn't ask Doctor or anyone else to claim.