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This topic is meant only for suggestions regarding functionality / features.
If there's a game you'd like to see on, please vote on it using via Wishlist page -
Post edited February 03, 2009 by Destro
Hi, can you add an feature to forum to see first posts of the threads by non clicking (non entering, just pointing) to thread. It would be good and quick I think. Like Steam`s forums. For ex look at the image.
ex.jpg (16 Kb)
A fix for this rep system, if that hasn't been mentioned before.
Who here doesn't want gift cards, PSN/Microsoft Points style? I think that it would bring in more users if you could pick them up in $10, $20, $50 denominations in a 7-Eleven or something.
And another wish I'd like granted: How about showing posts made in the forums by each user on the left hand side?
Post edited November 26, 2008 by michaelleung
Well this has probably been mentioned already, but links to demos of GOG games would be nice, when possible.
I'd just like to have the big icons for vista be in the XP installs too. XP may not use them but some of us may use them for other things, like Objectdock.
A tool on that lets you check for game servers.
Dear CDP, :D
I'd highly suggest you to add a link that redirects to the relative forum section on the main page of every game. I know it's only a question of 2 clicks of the mouse, but I'm sure it would drive a lot more people on the forums (and that's good:D)
First of all I'd love to see a "preview" button for my posts. :P Just in case my formatting is screwed up so I don't need to quickly hop in and edit the post.
Secondly. I would suggest there be a kind of gift giving option. Steam has something like it. I could see it work for GOG as well.
You select game(s) you'd love to give to somebody for there birthday or whatever other reason. Then enter in a little message that is possibly themed depending on your type of gift. From there you can also select if it's for an existing member or a new one you enter the e-mail address of. After you paid the person it's for gets a notification mail to collect his or her gift and possibly needs to make a account to do so and ofcourse show your custom message somewhere. Especially for the holiday season this seems like a great feature to add.
I know it's been said but no reputation system. It's stupid and best used on a site like Elmo's Forums for Kids but not here. Discouraging, abusive and pointless since I've been told the -1 are pointless.. but yet it's "important" to have this system? It's not.
Then of course most of the stuff people said above like deleting your own post, previewing it. Private messaging would be nice. Bigger Avatars, but that's more a desire than a need.
EDIT': Whoever rated me -1 for speaking my mind and commenting on a forum, go to hell
Post edited December 11, 2008 by BloodDoll
I agree with the adding a feature that lets me give a gift. Via email would be fine, or account. Last year I gave a few games to friends via Steam, I'd like to do the same with I'm sure many would like to do this as well.
Another thing would be Box Art/ CD case art. I like to back up larger games onto DVD and print out a bit of art to make it a bit jazzy.
Post edited December 07, 2008 by nutcrackr
Here comes a strange one. ;)
How about a way to check how many votes the games you have voted for on the wish list have gotten?
(Ive voted for a few games i don't remember, as i voted/added games while looking thru a box of game manuals looking for a CD-key) ;)
Shadowdragoon: Here comes a strange one. ;)
How about a way to check how many votes the games you have voted for on the wish list have gotten?
(Ive voted for a few games i don't remember, as i voted/added games while looking thru a box of game manuals looking for a CD-key) ;)

So, basically a filter to show only the games you have voted for, so you can see how many they have got? Sounds good.
BloodDoll: I know it's been said but no reputation system. It's stupid and best used on a site like Elmo's Forums for Kids but not here. Discouraging, abusive and pointless since I've been told the -1 are pointless.. but yet it's "important" to have this system? It's not.

A rep system can work, but only if the people uesing it are not stupid. If it is used properly, to give points to people who make good posts, and help people out, or only take them if they spam, or the like, then there is no problem. It is the Elmo's Forums for Kids sites that should not be uesing it, as there are only little kids there. Ratings need to be used properly, and as such, need to be on a forum with sensible people.
moving on.
I would like to profile type thing that you could put on a web-page. It would show people what games you have got from there, and the rating you gave it, or it could be more of an ad. Just something to tell people that your a proud member of
Post edited December 11, 2008 by Jagji56
The rep system is utter trash. Look below at my above post. I hate how people support it and it's totally being abused. The admins on this site are nuts and I've said a million times better older sites have abandoned it because it is a failure, but hell everyone thinks they know more than everyone else here.
I ♥ Games
Rep: 1
Registered: Oct 2008
From United States
Posted December 05, 2008
-1 points
I know it's been said but no reputation system. It's stupid and best used on a site like Elmo's Forums for Kids but not here. Discouraging, abusive and pointless since I've been told the -1 are pointless.. but yet it's "important" to have this system? It's not.
Then of course most of the stuff people said above like deleting your own post, previewing it. Private messaging would be nice. Bigger Avatars, but that's more a desire than a need.
I'm rated a -1 for speaking my mind?!! However did that is a damn coward. The rep system is pointless bullshit period.
Post edited December 11, 2008 by BloodDoll
How about an RSS feed of new releases so as to facilitate the awareness of newly added games to this video game purveyance system?
Also, certain people who shall remain nameless (cough ^^^ cough) seem to have quite a beef with the rating system. I would submit that some sites use them quite effectively. Slashdot, for one. Perhaps a system like /.'s that doesn't let just any joe shmoe rate another person's post?
Post edited December 14, 2008 by stevesy
Nilth: Dear CDP, :D
I'd highly suggest you to add a link that redirects to the relative forum section on the main page of every game. I know it's only a question of 2 clicks of the mouse, but I'm sure it would drive a lot more people on the forums (and that's good:D)

I believe i also submitted this idea into their feedback box... it should work both ways as there is currently no link to the actual game page on the forums either.