The thought of
her previous experience in an event organized by the shadowy ringmaster still makes her shudder, those snails were worse than that time when... Well, she doesn't want to think about that again. And all right, they weren't worse. But they were still yucky, and being squashed by stale bread was quite embarrassing in front of all those peo -- er, creatures? beings? things? whatever all of them in the stands were!
Anyway, that memory kept making her think again about answering the new... invitation? challenge? she saw from the same ringmaster, and with Calad being ever more withdrawn from the world, in the time that passed since then she actually started to agree with him that it's better that way, at least until they'll be needed or able to really, really fix something out of all that's ever more wrong... But she's not like him, she still gets bored sometimes, still wants to do things, even with others... sometimes... maybe... And sometimes she does want to play tricks. So now that the ringmaster's arena seems to be a circus one, and there shouldn't be fighting again but fun and tricks... Well, maybe she could try again?
Those activities look like things she could do, at least. A comically small vehicle? Well, she is really small, she's a pixie, she's curious to see the vehicle that would be comically small even for her and how it'd run. And balancing objects shouldn't be a problem with her dexterity... Well, as long as they're tiny objects! Then pie-flinging? Well, she can throw well. Usually weapons, bombs, that sort of things, but why not a pie? Maybe she'd rather eat it, but depends on the pie, and that description doesn't sound like they'd look or taste good. So yep, she's sure she could throw them. Then... Er, trapeze with a partner? Sure, who couldn't hold her? Not that they'd have to since she flies all the time. It'd be harder the other way around, but maybe she won't have to hold anyone bigger than her... Maybe? Please? And baloon animals and face paint? Oh, she could do that too, and maybe she'll just make the animals and magic color onto the face of her partner, coat them in pixie dust and see what shows up after it clears away. That should be fun. It's just that other thing that's... Well, the garden shed is really easy, and she hopes it'll be a nice garden, but... Children are scary. And far worse are the parents who have them "play" with her. Oh, sure, "play", if by that you mean torture! What awful creatures, so many of them. But she did meet a few nice ones... Children, that is. So maybe they'll be like that, and then she could make them laugh, and even play with them... Maybe. But if not... Well, the challenge says laugh or scream, right? If they start to poke or pull or be mean, to her or to each other, she can already think of some tricks that they definitely won't be laughing about, and remember whenever they'll think of being mean again! So there!
And that Intergalactic thing sounds fun too. She's been to other planes, in fact this plane is "another plane" for her already. She's been to other times, which was always weird. She's been to other dimensions... Other galaxies, however... Well, she knows what they are, but going there? She really wouldn't know how that could be done. Of course, those other dimensions could always be on one of those somewhere, nobody really knows... Or, well, maybe someone does, but she doesn't. And, anyway, actually going there, knowing where you're going like that... Yes, that should be interesting! And if she'll come back from there, she'll really have something interesting to tell Calad, definitely!
So, with all of that in mind, and after questioning and doubting and hesitating, when she saw that the deadline really was approaching,
Kisha, Calad's fast, agile, little pixie familiar with a lot of tricks, magic or otherwise, in her "arsenal", took, well, as deep a breath as her tiny chest allowed, and entered Doc's Intergalactic Clown School...