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Love this idea, Doc.

File Name: Unknown
Primary Specialty: Bringing an air of joviality with extreme judiciousness
Secondary Specialty: Unicycle
Birthplace: Corydon Scurra VIII in the Pagliacci Galaxy
Roboclown was born on a planet of comedic performers, but constantly found himself unable to elicit even a chuckle from any audience. That changed one day when a horrible chainsaw juggling accident prompted the Doctors Comedia to rebuild him as a relentless clowning machine. Now, his prime directive is to bring cheer to all children and adults of the galaxy and to eliminate all remnants of sadness wherever he goes.
Thanks for the giveaway and for sharing another one of your crazy ideas Doc!

Beatbox Grandma is an octogenarian on the run for repeatedly breaking the law against stringing together unnecessary noises in public spaces. She's been proclaimed several times as the planetary beatbox champion by the beatbox council in exile, and for those atrocities and many others, she currently finds herself absconding from justice outside the confines of the Solar System.

This interplanetary fugitive's criminal track record encompasses many offences for adding unrequested sounds to the actions of several citizens who at the time of the crime, were unknowingly living their peaceful lives around the offender. Beatbox Grandma still owes reparations for having soundfx'd these individuals and for having made them extremely uncomfortable and very self aware of their own actions.

To add insult to injury, Beatbox Grandma has got the the ultra cynical attitude of someone who has surpassed the 80 year old mark and is not only over your bullshit, but expects you to have to deal with hers without complaining. Several eye witnesses have even reported seeing her using the only hand towel in a youth hostel's kitchen and leave it all wet and compressed in a dark corner of the room.

Beatbox grandma knows quite well she's got nothing to learn from a school of clowns, but has decided to apply to the Intergalactic Clown School in order to find a save spot from where to traumatize the whole universe. This fact, her running away, and her history of crime, some say, stem from being rejected in her youth by the love of her life. Legends and rumours mention that, at the crucial moment of the first kiss, she closed her eyes and began beatboxing, only to open them a second later to a newfound reality of loneliness and incomprehension.
Post edited November 05, 2023 by Wirvington
With spots and stripes bold and bright
Teddy japes in the cosmic moonlight
In his jaguar costume
He sweeps out the gloom
As he twirls through the full starry night

On planets far, far away
He brings laughter to brighten the day
In his clownish display,
He'll dance and he'll sway,
Bringing color where 'fore was quite gray.

So, here's to the clown from a star,
Who performs in shows without par
With a grin on his face,
And a wild, playful grace,
Entertaining all those near and afar
I'm The Unskippable Cutscene (TUC). At the sight of me, there's 91% chance the audience transitions to rage state and throws [selectable items] at me for the duration of me.
If audience does not enter rage state, 4 seconds before the end of me, a cat walks over keyboard and hits ALT+F4. True story.
Thank you for the giveaway.

My clown is Pierrot, the sad faced white clown. As the name implies he is dressed completely in a frilly white suit and wears a white conical hat. Even his face is completely white with only one black tear under his left eye.

Life has left him depressed so he can not abide funny tomfoolery. When confronted with such he expertly disarms the funny people with the straight man routine.

In the rare event of failure he draws his hidden card: Making everyone who is listening as depressed as he is by singing The show must go on.
저기: Hello!
I'm The Unskippable Cutscene (TUC). At the sight of me, there's 91% chance the audience transitions to rage state and throws [selectable items] at me for the duration of me.
If audience does not enter rage state, 4 seconds before the end of me, a cat walks over keyboard and hits ALT+F4. True story.
Is (teleporting I guess?) cat part of the package for those who don't have any? ;)
cool giveaway

here's a clown by the name of Maggie Murphy

One day a truck full of potatoes went speeding through the city and on a bumpy cobblestone road a potato fell off of the truck and went rolling down the street until a bunch of kids picked it up. They took a marker and drew arms, legs and a smiley face like this :D on the potato and sat it on the fence to watch over the street like it's the funniest thing ever. When the night came and there was nobody on the street anymore the potato realized it has nothing to do now that it's now that it's not together with the other potatoes on the truck, that it lost its purpose, and decided that since it now has arms and legs it could go looking for a new job.

The potato decided to go for a career in comedy since it had a permanently zany face :D
There was a cabaret down on the cobblestone road street, so the potato went that way, already planning for humorous scenes like getting fired from a cannon or something. Also decided to adopt a new stage name, actually the only name it ever had, Maggie Murphy, because that seemed like the best name for a potato, a name of a mythical potato. But just outside the cabaret where Maggie Murphy wanted to audition something weird started happening, the potato started floating upwards and as it looked up it saw a massive UFO looking like a weird circus tent. Inside the UFO a dude came up to Maggie Murphy and said "I'm putting together a team" and handed a little bowler hat, a clown school student ID card, big shoes, and a pack of cue cards with jokes. What jokes? I dunno, potato can't read.
piranha1: Is (teleporting I guess?) cat part of the package for those who don't have any? ;)
If teleport cat likes you it will visit your home occasionally!
저기: Hello!
I'm The Unskippable Cutscene (TUC). At the sight of me, there's 91% chance the audience transitions to rage state and throws [selectable items] at me for the duration of me.
If audience does not enter rage state, 4 seconds before the end of me, a cat walks over keyboard and hits ALT+F4. True story.
Hero Cat saves the day and rescues everyone!
Only a few more days for people to join.
My clown is Clownbot, clowning around in cyberspace and throwing digital pies since Y2K.
The thought of her previous experience in an event organized by the shadowy ringmaster still makes her shudder, those snails were worse than that time when... Well, she doesn't want to think about that again. And all right, they weren't worse. But they were still yucky, and being squashed by stale bread was quite embarrassing in front of all those peo -- er, creatures? beings? things? whatever all of them in the stands were!
Anyway, that memory kept making her think again about answering the new... invitation? challenge? she saw from the same ringmaster, and with Calad being ever more withdrawn from the world, in the time that passed since then she actually started to agree with him that it's better that way, at least until they'll be needed or able to really, really fix something out of all that's ever more wrong... But she's not like him, she still gets bored sometimes, still wants to do things, even with others... sometimes... maybe... And sometimes she does want to play tricks. So now that the ringmaster's arena seems to be a circus one, and there shouldn't be fighting again but fun and tricks... Well, maybe she could try again?
Those activities look like things she could do, at least. A comically small vehicle? Well, she is really small, she's a pixie, she's curious to see the vehicle that would be comically small even for her and how it'd run. And balancing objects shouldn't be a problem with her dexterity... Well, as long as they're tiny objects! Then pie-flinging? Well, she can throw well. Usually weapons, bombs, that sort of things, but why not a pie? Maybe she'd rather eat it, but depends on the pie, and that description doesn't sound like they'd look or taste good. So yep, she's sure she could throw them. Then... Er, trapeze with a partner? Sure, who couldn't hold her? Not that they'd have to since she flies all the time. It'd be harder the other way around, but maybe she won't have to hold anyone bigger than her... Maybe? Please? And baloon animals and face paint? Oh, she could do that too, and maybe she'll just make the animals and magic color onto the face of her partner, coat them in pixie dust and see what shows up after it clears away. That should be fun. It's just that other thing that's... Well, the garden shed is really easy, and she hopes it'll be a nice garden, but... Children are scary. And far worse are the parents who have them "play" with her. Oh, sure, "play", if by that you mean torture! What awful creatures, so many of them. But she did meet a few nice ones... Children, that is. So maybe they'll be like that, and then she could make them laugh, and even play with them... Maybe. But if not... Well, the challenge says laugh or scream, right? If they start to poke or pull or be mean, to her or to each other, she can already think of some tricks that they definitely won't be laughing about, and remember whenever they'll think of being mean again! So there!
And that Intergalactic thing sounds fun too. She's been to other planes, in fact this plane is "another plane" for her already. She's been to other times, which was always weird. She's been to other dimensions... Other galaxies, however... Well, she knows what they are, but going there? She really wouldn't know how that could be done. Of course, those other dimensions could always be on one of those somewhere, nobody really knows... Or, well, maybe someone does, but she doesn't. And, anyway, actually going there, knowing where you're going like that... Yes, that should be interesting! And if she'll come back from there, she'll really have something interesting to tell Calad, definitely!

So, with all of that in mind, and after questioning and doubting and hesitating, when she saw that the deadline really was approaching, Kisha, Calad's fast, agile, little pixie familiar with a lot of tricks, magic or otherwise, in her "arsenal", took, well, as deep a breath as her tiny chest allowed, and entered Doc's Intergalactic Clown School...
Thanks for another generous and funny giveaway Doc0075, I'm definitely in :)

New kid in the Clown School is Peedalka, Three-legged centipede.

If you born into family, where all your relatives having literally hundreds of legs, and you have only three, there is no much what you can do.
You can become as villain, serial killer, since everybody is laughing to you. Or you can be fantastic clown, since you're laughing together with everybody around.Luckily of us, Peedalka chosed the bright way of life.

She started her career as Earthworm Jim's stunt. When his career slowly fall down, she decided to opened retail with ropes. Business went fine until one moore day one almost-blind old clown bought accidentally Peedalka instead of shoelace. And this was gamechanger for her. She learned from best of the best and within few years, she was won her first "Best Bug's Clown" award. Now she is on the top of her carrier. Let see what se will show us.

Besides many laugh-making abilities, like lame step dance, 'I'm not a fish bait' or balling like ball of wool, she has a huge scare of shoe shops. And specially of shoe sellers (hi Al Bundy). That's why she always buying shoes on inet.
And blackbirds. Oh, how she hate the worm eaters :)
Post edited November 09, 2023 by truhlik
Name: Rude Rooster

Description: Rude Rooster is a clown like no other, known for his mischievous grin and a colorful array of feathers that give him a striking appearance. His plumage is a riot of vivid hues, and his beak is always slightly upturned in a smirk, reflecting his playful nature. With sharp, observant eyes, Rude Rooster is constantly on the lookout for his next prank victim.


Cackle of Confusion: Rude Rooster has a laughter that confuses and disorients, making his pranks even more unexpected and hilarious.
Feathered Frolic: He can create a whirlwind of feathers, blinding his opponents temporarily and providing the perfect cover for his playful antics.
Clown Car Magic: Rude Rooster can conjure a never-ending stream of clown props, from squirting flowers to rubber chickens, from his tiny, seemingly ordinary clown car.
Jester's Jive: Rude Rooster is an expert dancer, incorporating clownish moves into his routine, making his performances both amusing and mesmerizing.
Infinite Prankster Pockets: His clownish outfit contains an endless array of surprises, ensuring he always has the perfect prank up his sleeve.

Rude Rooster was once a regular rooster on a bustling farm, but he always felt the call of mischief. Inspired by the laughter of the circus that passed by his farm, he embraced his inner prankster and ran away to join the circus as a clown. His knack for pranks and his infectious laughter made him a beloved member of the clown troupe, and he quickly rose to become the star of the show.

Rude Rooster is cheeky, witty, and fiercely independent. He thrives on the chaos of laughter and the excitement of the unexpected. Despite his name, he's not truly rude but instead loves to playfully tease and prank, bringing smiles and laughter wherever he goes. He believes that a well-timed prank can break the ice and create connections between even the sternest faces.

With his quick wit and endless bag of tricks, Rude Rooster the Prankster Clown is always ready to turn an ordinary day into a sidesplitting spectacle!
truhlik: You can become as villain, serial killer, since everybody is laughing to you. Or you can be fantastic clown, since you're laughing together with everybody around.Luckily of us, Peedalka chosed the bright way of life.
*has a Joker flashback* *shudders*
Everyone RUN!
