Posted December 08, 2023

Achievement Hunter
Registered: Mar 2012
From Canada

I bark at trees!
Registered: Oct 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted December 09, 2023
high rated
A resplendently purple Unicorn (8) Peema clears his throat -
"Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.
Hold fast to dreams
For when dreams go
Life is a barren field
Frozen with snow."
He bows to the crowd, gives a little whinny and makes his way to the waiting Snookums.
A holographic figure, (3) Ben Klownskii, flickers momentarily as he wobbles towards his waiting car on a tiny unicycle. He falls off but somersaults through Mr Whuffles open door, only to bang his head on the cramped confines.
Peema speeds around the tent, dancing on the car roof and parping rainbows in all directions. People cheer as the air is filled with a cherry scent, plus who doesn't love a dancing unicorn?
Four gerbils in little leather jackets fall from the sky. Peema whips out a guitar and rocks hard. As he rocks, magical clouds shoot out to intercept the rodents and they headbang along as they are juggled up and down.
Ben Klownskii drives aware of a disturbance in the natural order of things. Three Borg Drones descend and Ben grits his teeth as he prepares to juggle them.
As the consummate clown, Ben goes about his job professionally. The Drones repeat over and over "resistance is futile" and one tries to inject Ben with nanoprobes but being a hologram, he is immune to them.
He finishes his juggling and the Borg are banished by a snap of shadowy fingers before they can start wreaking havoc with the audience.
"Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.
Hold fast to dreams
For when dreams go
Life is a barren field
Frozen with snow."
He bows to the crowd, gives a little whinny and makes his way to the waiting Snookums.
A holographic figure, (3) Ben Klownskii, flickers momentarily as he wobbles towards his waiting car on a tiny unicycle. He falls off but somersaults through Mr Whuffles open door, only to bang his head on the cramped confines.
Peema speeds around the tent, dancing on the car roof and parping rainbows in all directions. People cheer as the air is filled with a cherry scent, plus who doesn't love a dancing unicorn?
Four gerbils in little leather jackets fall from the sky. Peema whips out a guitar and rocks hard. As he rocks, magical clouds shoot out to intercept the rodents and they headbang along as they are juggled up and down.
Ben Klownskii drives aware of a disturbance in the natural order of things. Three Borg Drones descend and Ben grits his teeth as he prepares to juggle them.
As the consummate clown, Ben goes about his job professionally. The Drones repeat over and over "resistance is futile" and one tries to inject Ben with nanoprobes but being a hologram, he is immune to them.
He finishes his juggling and the Borg are banished by a snap of shadowy fingers before they can start wreaking havoc with the audience.

New User
Registered: Feb 2018
From Poland
Posted December 09, 2023
Stranger timidly approaches the purple unicorn and asks, "May I join you, Gentlemen?", then bows to the holographic clown.

New User
Registered: Feb 2018
From Poland
Posted December 09, 2023
Stranger made several lightning-quick, rhythmic gestures over his pocket, and then took out of it a fist-sized, completely transparent stone that looked like a large, beautifully cut diamond. As the stone started to sing softly, Stranger said: “This geme is called the Eye of Medusa; when the drakaina looks at it, it takes on the unique color of her eyes. Drakainas love it. But under no circumstances should it be shown to mortals”, and he gave it to Peema.
Stranger leaned towards the holographic clown and whispered confidentially, "Captain Kathryn doesn't like rain, unless it falls on Earth in May, on a warm afternoon before evening. EMH sends you its regards," and handed Ben Klownskii a letter. As soon as the hologram touched the paper, it turned into... a holographic data tablet.
Stranger leaned towards the holographic clown and whispered confidentially, "Captain Kathryn doesn't like rain, unless it falls on Earth in May, on a warm afternoon before evening. EMH sends you its regards," and handed Ben Klownskii a letter. As soon as the hologram touched the paper, it turned into... a holographic data tablet.

Hiding in plain sight.
Registered: Dec 2019
From Greece
Posted December 09, 2023
“That went well”, Peema thought, as he was returning to his seat, “and I haven’t tried singing before, let alone rocking! A new ability, that’s cool! Let’s hope though that, by the end of it, my wings will grow enough as well. One can only hope”. Since he noticed that the cloaked shadowy overlord was taking his time in running the competition (:D), Peema had much time available both for practicing his talents between the rounds and to dream about dating Drakaina. He was aware, of course that dreams and desires (no matter how noble they are) don’t always come true, so he was very surprised when he was approached by Stranger and was given the transparent stone. Upon hearing what it does, he eyes lit up. He could still hope. “Thank you, Stranger”, he managed to whisper, as he held the stone firmly, “and there are no humans where I come from!”.
(KillingMoon, even I, being Greek, didn’t know that song, nor the singer!)
(KillingMoon, even I, being Greek, didn’t know that song, nor the singer!)

Registered: Oct 2011
From Other

New User
Registered: Feb 2018
From Poland

Registered: Oct 2011
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Registered: Oct 2011
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Registered: Apr 2009
From United States

RIP GoodOldGOG:DRMfree,one price,goodies,community
Registered: May 2011
From Romania

I bark at trees!
Registered: Oct 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted December 10, 2023
high rated
(14) Daffodil M.D. hears the bell that it is her turn to perform. Luckily she has almost finished the cosmetic surgery she has been tasked with to make a wealthy 'mature' woman look young again.
Daffodil stands up with a beaming smile "There, all done. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some clowning to do."
She hops onto her comically small motorcycle and speeds to where Mr Whuffles is waiting.
Her patient gropes with a wrinkled hand for a mirror in order to admire her new, younger look. The reflection has her gasp in both horror and outrage as all Daffodil has done is graft a bright red clown nose onto her face.
Creatures scatter in terror as the demon turned clown (59) Cornelius clip-clopped on hoofed feet through the tent. His eyes scoured the crowd, noting so many beings whose wrong doings deserved eternal torment at his hands but no, that was his past. This was the start of a new adventure full of endless possibilities.
As he approaches Snookums, he decides the little car could do with a bit more colour to better suit his style. He grabs a passing bespectacled man and nonchalantly rips him in half, using the blood to paint red smiley faces on the sides of the car.
He tries to stick the man back together again before remembering that it doesn't work like that with the living. With a shrug of his massive shoulders he says "whoops" and throws the human halves aside.
Daffodil cheerfully drives along with her big hair sticking out of the car windows. Three alien children of various species drop from above and she races to juggle them. All three complain of different ailments as they go round and round but even though Daffodil quickly diagnoses what is wrong, they stubbornly refuse to take any medicine she prescribes.
It is time to add some flavour to these cures, she thinks to herself.
For the elephant with a chickens head she crafts a pill in the form of a wriggling worm and he happily gobbles it up.
For the purple Gantazoid she makes a brew of scalding hot acid that he snorts through his ears.
For the humanoid from the planet Upsidedown she makes a toffee apple flavoured pill and he drops his pants and sits on it in order to consume the tablet (people from Upsidedown mouths are on their bottoms).
The three children sing happily that Daffodil is the bestest doctor ever as they are juggled.
Cornelius is enjoying the experience of driving as three despicable beings fall from the heavens. He quickly assesses their sins and grins wickedly as he finally sees his chance to get a tune out of his work.
Juggling them with ease he looks to the first terrified man and says "Ah, a rapist. You like to stick things where you have no right to stick them? I have just the thing for you!"
The demons presents a red hot poker and proceeds to shove it up the mans rectum to elicit the high pitched screams that he requires.
To the obscenely fat man he says, "Greed be your eternal damnation" and summons an imp to continuously shove cake down the crying mans throat resulting in low muffled grunting noises.
To the third man Cornelius tuts "You get your kicks from beating women?" he clicks his fingers and a pair of hob nailed boots appear to repeatedly kick him in the stomach producing a series of 'oofs' and gasps from the man.
Cornelius closes his eyes and smiles as the sounds combine to produce a musical masterpiece, in his mind anyway.
Daffodil stands up with a beaming smile "There, all done. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some clowning to do."
She hops onto her comically small motorcycle and speeds to where Mr Whuffles is waiting.
Her patient gropes with a wrinkled hand for a mirror in order to admire her new, younger look. The reflection has her gasp in both horror and outrage as all Daffodil has done is graft a bright red clown nose onto her face.
Creatures scatter in terror as the demon turned clown (59) Cornelius clip-clopped on hoofed feet through the tent. His eyes scoured the crowd, noting so many beings whose wrong doings deserved eternal torment at his hands but no, that was his past. This was the start of a new adventure full of endless possibilities.
As he approaches Snookums, he decides the little car could do with a bit more colour to better suit his style. He grabs a passing bespectacled man and nonchalantly rips him in half, using the blood to paint red smiley faces on the sides of the car.
He tries to stick the man back together again before remembering that it doesn't work like that with the living. With a shrug of his massive shoulders he says "whoops" and throws the human halves aside.
Daffodil cheerfully drives along with her big hair sticking out of the car windows. Three alien children of various species drop from above and she races to juggle them. All three complain of different ailments as they go round and round but even though Daffodil quickly diagnoses what is wrong, they stubbornly refuse to take any medicine she prescribes.
It is time to add some flavour to these cures, she thinks to herself.
For the elephant with a chickens head she crafts a pill in the form of a wriggling worm and he happily gobbles it up.
For the purple Gantazoid she makes a brew of scalding hot acid that he snorts through his ears.
For the humanoid from the planet Upsidedown she makes a toffee apple flavoured pill and he drops his pants and sits on it in order to consume the tablet (people from Upsidedown mouths are on their bottoms).
The three children sing happily that Daffodil is the bestest doctor ever as they are juggled.
Cornelius is enjoying the experience of driving as three despicable beings fall from the heavens. He quickly assesses their sins and grins wickedly as he finally sees his chance to get a tune out of his work.
Juggling them with ease he looks to the first terrified man and says "Ah, a rapist. You like to stick things where you have no right to stick them? I have just the thing for you!"
The demons presents a red hot poker and proceeds to shove it up the mans rectum to elicit the high pitched screams that he requires.
To the obscenely fat man he says, "Greed be your eternal damnation" and summons an imp to continuously shove cake down the crying mans throat resulting in low muffled grunting noises.
To the third man Cornelius tuts "You get your kicks from beating women?" he clicks his fingers and a pair of hob nailed boots appear to repeatedly kick him in the stomach producing a series of 'oofs' and gasps from the man.
Cornelius closes his eyes and smiles as the sounds combine to produce a musical masterpiece, in his mind anyway.

I bark at trees!
Registered: Oct 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted December 10, 2023
high rated
(81) ZAP buzzes and clicks his mandibles together as he walks awkwardly through the tent. His eyes focus on an alien made out of a chocolate eclair but quickly looks away when her boyfriend, a 7 foot tall roach steps in between them.
(37) J4CKY CH4N, an android originally designed to conquer Mars, moves through the tent with purpose. He trips on an outstretched leg and lands on the back of a literal sausage dog. The dog yelps but at the same time the impact causes it to spit out a bit of kibble that had got stuck in its throat.
It turns around an licks J4CKY's face happily.
ZAP runs to get into Mr Whuffles but his attention is diverted by a large sticky bun leaning against a suspiciously flashing blue mesh fence.
ZAP can't resist and races over to enjoy the sticky treat. A maniacal laugh erupts from the invisible Goo'n as he slams shut the other half of the fly trap, zapping ZAP where he stands.
J4CKY CH4N drives Snookums giving the invisible prankster a wide berth as he goes. His cameras pick up four objects descending from above and he meets them on the car roof in order to juggle them. They turn out to be basic toasters so J4CKY makes some adjustments to them as he tosses them up and down.
By the time he has finished, the four toasters now have sentient AI and little rocket packs on their backs. As one they turn to look at J4CKY, exclaim "Daddy!" and then shoot off into the sky.
ZAP is back in his seat, enjoying his bun and thinking it was totally worth getting frazzled for such a tasty morsel.
(37) J4CKY CH4N, an android originally designed to conquer Mars, moves through the tent with purpose. He trips on an outstretched leg and lands on the back of a literal sausage dog. The dog yelps but at the same time the impact causes it to spit out a bit of kibble that had got stuck in its throat.
It turns around an licks J4CKY's face happily.
ZAP runs to get into Mr Whuffles but his attention is diverted by a large sticky bun leaning against a suspiciously flashing blue mesh fence.
ZAP can't resist and races over to enjoy the sticky treat. A maniacal laugh erupts from the invisible Goo'n as he slams shut the other half of the fly trap, zapping ZAP where he stands.
J4CKY CH4N drives Snookums giving the invisible prankster a wide berth as he goes. His cameras pick up four objects descending from above and he meets them on the car roof in order to juggle them. They turn out to be basic toasters so J4CKY makes some adjustments to them as he tosses them up and down.
By the time he has finished, the four toasters now have sentient AI and little rocket packs on their backs. As one they turn to look at J4CKY, exclaim "Daddy!" and then shoot off into the sky.
ZAP is back in his seat, enjoying his bun and thinking it was totally worth getting frazzled for such a tasty morsel.

New User
Registered: Feb 2018
From Poland
Posted December 10, 2023
Stranger quietly walked out to the secluded square next to Snuggles. He placed a small suitcase on the ground, opened it, and took out a large standing mirror, which he carefully placed to the side. Then he took out a chair and placed it in front of the mirror. He closed the suitcase, made a few quick hand gestures over it, and suddenly a huge sound horn grew out of it, like an unfurling flower, and the suitcase turned into a gramophone. He took a large black vinyl record from his pocket; he wiped it with his sleeve and set it on the gramophone. The sounds of an opera aria flowed from the horn.
Stranger sat down in a chair in front of the mirror and carefully corrected his clown makeup, or at least that was his intention; and while the result of his efforts was undoubtedly funny, it could hardly be called perfect. After finishing his makeup, he started a short warm-up before the performance.
He stood up from his chair, reached into his pocket and took out a deck of cards. He shuffled them in some spectacular ways and performed several card tricks to improve the dexterity of his fingers and wrists. Finally, he threw the cards high into the air, and they turned into butterflies with patterns from the cards on their wings, which flew away in all directions.
Then, in one movement, he deftly jumped onto the chair, climbed onto the backrest, stood on it, stood on his toes, and a set of chess pieces appeared in his hands, which he immediately started juggling, balancing on the back of the chair all the time.
He set up the chess pieces in various ways: white and black alternately, both colors separately, and performed captures, castling, gambits, pawn promotions and checkering. Finally, he gave a mutual checkmate to the white and black king, and then all the pieces turned into black or white birds and flew away like butterflies before.
Stranger jumped high off the backrest and did a triple somersault. Unfortunately, he did not take into account the different gravitational force than Earth's and flew too far: he started falling straight onto the gramophone!
Suddenly he hung motionless in the air just above it and remained without any move until the music playing on the record stopped. Then he fell with full force onto the gramophone, smashing the device into small pieces, breaking the record and crushing the horn.
Stranger sat down in a chair in front of the mirror and carefully corrected his clown makeup, or at least that was his intention; and while the result of his efforts was undoubtedly funny, it could hardly be called perfect. After finishing his makeup, he started a short warm-up before the performance.
He stood up from his chair, reached into his pocket and took out a deck of cards. He shuffled them in some spectacular ways and performed several card tricks to improve the dexterity of his fingers and wrists. Finally, he threw the cards high into the air, and they turned into butterflies with patterns from the cards on their wings, which flew away in all directions.
Then, in one movement, he deftly jumped onto the chair, climbed onto the backrest, stood on it, stood on his toes, and a set of chess pieces appeared in his hands, which he immediately started juggling, balancing on the back of the chair all the time.
He set up the chess pieces in various ways: white and black alternately, both colors separately, and performed captures, castling, gambits, pawn promotions and checkering. Finally, he gave a mutual checkmate to the white and black king, and then all the pieces turned into black or white birds and flew away like butterflies before.
Stranger jumped high off the backrest and did a triple somersault. Unfortunately, he did not take into account the different gravitational force than Earth's and flew too far: he started falling straight onto the gramophone!
Suddenly he hung motionless in the air just above it and remained without any move until the music playing on the record stopped. Then he fell with full force onto the gramophone, smashing the device into small pieces, breaking the record and crushing the horn.