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Play a reimagined version of the all-time RPG classic from The Elder Scrolls series. Daggerfall Unity – GOG Cut brings this amazing experience to modern gamers. It has been made possible, thanks to the efforts of the GamerZakh, a gaming content creator with a love for classics.

The GOG Cut of Daggerfall Unity doesn’t require any special actions on your behalf. All you have to do is download the game and simply launch it. Thanks to settings and mods that were selected by GamerZakh you can explore the rich world of Daggerfall with enhanced visuals and gameplay.
Thank you GOG and GamerZakh.
low rated
A pre modded game were the mods were carfuly selected so no research on our part YES PLEASE!!!

Lets see more of this with other games with games like Deus Ex, bethesda, and must mod games.
If anyone is interested there is a set of approved mods to this mod rebuild which can add various things like updated graphics.
I previously ran with the attached list and it looked good.
capture.png (41 Kb)
Oh, this is interesting.

Will try it, it looks very nice so I'm sure I will enjoy it for some time.
I love seeing collaborations between GOG and the modding community. More of this please!
low rated
Looks interesting, so I'm going to wishlist it right now.
Thx GOG!
dtgreene: Looks interesting, so I'm going to wishlist it right now.
It's free.... why wishlist it?
dtgreene: Looks interesting, so I'm going to wishlist it right now.
You have wishlisted a free game Sir. (so what? Is that disturbing you? I just... I think it's very modern and minimalistic approach to play games and not just to collect it. : )

Thank you! I have disgusting habit of collecting everything (who cares, play a game and give some details -> here < -
dtgreene: Looks interesting, so I'm going to wishlist it right now.
Why wishlist? Just add it to your library. It's free.

To everyone involved: thanks for this enhanced version. :)
Post edited June 15, 2022 by Berzerk2k2
Awesome, that's what I was waiting for to start a new game. Downloading it right know! Thanks GOG and modders!
Thanks for this effort put up for anyone to get easily
Thank you!
The "You Can Pet The Cat" mod is listed twice on the store page. The corresponding mod list should be fixed and cleaned up.

In any case, this release is a curious experiment, While I like the idea of GOG showcasing cool mods and simplifying their installation process, I'm not a fan of custom-made modpacks like this myself due to quality and maintenance issues. The fact that a major gaming company curated that particular one doesn't really change anything for me. This is an interesting marketing idea nonetheless.

Personally though, I would rather GOG invest more in re-releasing old classics from the ill-maintained community wishlist instead.
I already have a fully kitted DFU, but it's nice to have an alt install just to see the curated mods that I don't have already, thanks for this GoG!