Admiral Sea Battles Campaign 1: Baptism of Fire I don't usually say much if anything when I've only finished the first campaign of 3 of a game but OMG this GAME
OK it's a typical TBS with a wind based gimmick made by some company called Meridian 93 who went on to create a slew of 3rd tier cookie cutter hidden object games
First off I could NOT get it to run natively in Windows 10 so I ended up working out how to set up a Win98 Virtual Box VM just to play it in 2020!
Even then if I turned the super repetitive prerendered FMV firing animations it tended to crash!
It's littered with bizarre design choices - why squares and not hexes? Makes movement and firing ranges weird and seemingly random compounded by the fact that, I don't know if I missed it but there's no way to tell how far your enemies can fire except knowing what the unit ranges, estimating and save scrumming if you got it wrong!
Same goes for estimating how far you can move your own unit to get them JUST into range
Missions initially seem impossibly hard when you look at how many units the computer has compared to your own but then, when you work out what the hells going on you realise hey it's actually quite easy because the computer AI is a complete potato! (that last mission of the campaign was a doozy though TBH - they gave the computer ALL the money and he just pumps out 2 or 3 new units every turn while your finances are must more limited)
Then they made it so you carry your unit roster and bank balance through the whole campaign so if you just squeaked through one mission with 2 sail boats and a tug left then you're BONED
And the amount of save slots is really stingy - about 12 especially, as a I say, for the amount of save scrumming you end up doing
and I don't believe there's any way to restart the current mission so if you've gone so far and realise you chose fundamentally the wrong strategy then you probably over-wrote the save from the start of the mission long ago and now you're boned!
Unless , like me, you could see where this was heading and backup up the save game folder multiple times manually in Windows (again the Win98 VM at that!)
The whole interface is ugly and really clunky even for it's 1996 release date!
Buuuut... for all that, I dunno, TBH it has a certain naïve charm and I DO feel a sense of relief and accomplishment for beating the campaign even if I DID only get a weird broken congratulations screen / high score table that no-one ever seemed to have finished the bac-end of, for my trouble because of course I did!
Other than that? the sailing theme, wind gimmick amounts to RND movement allowance per turn with a weather forecast to give you some indication of the RND value for the next turn, in the end it's just more weirdness to get used to and more barrier to entry but.. you've gots to have SOME little gimmick for your elevator pitch I guess..
Anything else? Oh yeah Galleons with their extra range are WAY OP and their only downside is low movement allowance so you end up just CRAWLING across the map!
I HATE it but.. still.. as I say.. I kinda like it too, it may have given me Stockholm, syndrome! I definitely feel abused by it anyway!
Anyway - wrap this up - full list here: Cheers!