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Well, there's always Evochron Mercenary... It has an offline mode and is pretty awesome IMO.
Gnostic: When there are so difficult on refunds, they are giving £13000 away easily. Is this where the money saved on denial of refunds / partial refunds goes?
Great, this is what we backed for. To finance stupid MMO contests.
Gnostic: When there are so difficult on refunds, they are giving £13000 away easily. Is this where the money saved on denial of refunds / partial refunds goes?
jamotide: Great, this is what we backed for. To finance stupid MMO contests.
I found some DRM free Offline version of Elite Dangerous.

I don't try them out because Elite Dangerous is making me feeling sick, but I suppose they are all offline capable.

I don't know if I should feel sad or angry about this

Edit: Deleted the links as I should not post it
Post edited December 23, 2014 by Gnostic
Gnostic: *snip*
No matter how mad you are of something, never ever post links to pirated content on
Gnostic: *snip*
Petrell: No matter how mad you are of something, never ever post links to pirated content on
Yes I am sorry, I deleted the links then
Must have been a fake anyway. It would be huge news if the game would work offline after all their statements of it being impossible for them to do.

Here is one for a laugh:

The Elite Refund Quest Text Adventure:
They banned me now on the official forum for saying that some peoples christmas was ruined by dragging out the refunds so long. Lots of people from the refunds mailing list are banned as well.
jamotide: They banned me now on the official forum for saying that some peoples christmas was ruined by dragging out the refunds so long. Lots of people from the refunds mailing list are banned as well.
Wow, they have some nerve, don't they?
Some marketing suit probably told them that all the negativity on their own forum isn't good for the launch.
Once I get my refund I'm washing my hands of the miserable lot of them.
Bah! Humbug.
Being banned for telling the truth seems right for those assholes. sorry for the language i am just fed up with them and the way they have treated us backers as a hole. Not done a kickstarter update in long enough diddle us with the offline mode and then wont refund us or like me only got a partial refund then saying they thought we would get our money back and then buy elite cheaply yeah right never buying their games again.

I hope the ghost of Christmas come and blow up their cobra mark 3.
jamotide: Must have been a fake anyway. It would be huge news if the game would work offline after all their statements of it being impossible for them to do.

Here is one for a laugh:

The Elite Refund Quest Text Adventure:
Ha the text adventure is quite amusing. Thank you.

I wonder if the game will get updated with new shenanigans of elite like refusal of refunds if you back kickstarter before they announce offline or the partial refunds stuff. It will be interesting what this lawyer does

Also it is not impossible to do, it can be done as they claim, but it was their "creative decision" that they will not do it

It was one of those things where we could do it, but the amount of work involved increased over time. The emptiness would be a real factor as well.
Post edited December 24, 2014 by Gnostic
Asshats. Won't be getting my dollar :) Vote with your money people. Only way to hurt them.
I'm glad you like the text adventure.

I was thinking of a couple of updates, such as more boilerplate responses and tweaking the random chances of getting a refund... it's currently rather easy. But I'll think of the best way to include added shennanigans too.
Post edited December 24, 2014 by melhadf
Just read bits of the thread. Checked the forum "Hi all,

After lengthy discussion with the moderation team, we have decided to go ahead and close this discussion thread.

We are not closing this discussion in an attempt to shun out people regarding offline mode, but more or less due to the following list of issues that have arose in this thread.

Extensive circular discussion.
Verbal attacks to employees of Frontier and the volunteer moderators.
Harassment and threats, to moderators and employees.
Continuous baiting and trolling of one another.
Numerous off-topic replies.

We kindly ask that you do not create new threads/discussions about this moderation action or the offline issues at this point in time. Thank you for understanding. "
Wow way to go censorship...