Posted November 26, 2014

When new gaming technology appear, it's normal for game designer to want to create something that exploits it (that's how they created most of their classics, after all). That's how most if not all of id software games were created building from a new technology.

"Hey! Kids these days are always online. They dig online stuff. So that's where the new money is. Let's go and make it online so that all the kids think it's cool and buy it"!
Somehow makes me remember the times when everyone used to make things with , because every kid loved [url= ]Ninja stuff (dang... even Wizardry had ninjas).
Because seriously,. if online only games are so popular, they would'nt even need crowdfunding. Any publishers would've geenlighted it. And as far as I know, online-only games are taking a dive these days (judging from Star Wars: The Old Republic).