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Yet if you paid enough to enter the beta that was a part of your reward. It's everyones personal choice to enter it or not. In the the case of Elite, I do think if someone had not entered the beta they should be fully refunded, but anyone who has should only ne refunded with the rest of the rewards.
I got offered £65 for my £90 pledge. Decided to just accept it and be done with this affair. Wont be rushing to put money into so called bigger companies except Larian who least knew how to treat kickstarter backers.

Sad end for me for a once great franchise ruined by bullshit money ist mentality.
Trilarion: Still I advice you to take the offer and immediately afterwards ask them for the rest of the money too because they had no right to keep it for themselves and threaten them to sue them if they do not pay you in full.
The line 'Your acceptance of this offer will indicate that this is a full and final settlement of your refund request' is presumably meant to stop that working.
tomimt: Yet if you paid enough to enter the beta that was a part of your reward. It's everyones personal choice to enter it or not. In the the case of Elite, I do think if someone had not entered the beta they should be fully refunded, but anyone who has should only ne refunded with the rest of the rewards.
Unfortunately it's not like this. MacArthur never entered the beta and still they want to make him pay a big amount of money for it. And anyway if it would be like this it would mean that one should rather not enter a beta again. Doing the work for the devs and paying for it is a bit too much of bad things at one time.
tomimt: Yet if you paid enough to enter the beta that was a part of your reward. It's everyones personal choice to enter it or not. In the the case of Elite, I do think if someone had not entered the beta they should be fully refunded, but anyone who has should only ne refunded with the rest of the rewards.
Whether or not you were part of the beta just doesn't matter. Yeah, you do get to play a bit of the game, but DRM-free is quite important for some people, and even I, a very tolerant person when it comes to DRM, won't purchase a game using always-on DRM method. That's an absolute deal-breaker, and because you helped the dev test the beta doesn't mean they get to keep your money - really, the issue with people playing beta is something Frontier should have thought about before making the promise of DRM-free.
Fenixp: Whether or not you were part of the beta just doesn't matter. Yeah, you do get to play a bit of the game, but DRM-free is quite important for some people, and even I, a very tolerant person when it comes to DRM, won't purchase a game using always-on DRM method. That's an absolute deal-breaker, and because you helped the dev test the beta doesn't mean they get to keep your money - really, the issue with people playing beta is something Frontier should have thought about before making the promise of DRM-free.
Well, as I said if you played the beta you aren't IMO entitled to full refund, as the beta itself was never promised to be DRM free nor offline. The refund should be only for the final game and the other included rewards. But if you did not play it, then you should be entitled to full refund, as you haven't redeemed any of your rewards (as far I know).

This to me is very simple matter and that's that. If you didn't play the beta, it should be enough to show that you either don't want to to play always online games, aren't able to do so or you have some other doubts (i.e. DRM etc.) which can influence into your enjoyment of the game.

It does suck that Frontier is being a dick about it.
Smells like bait-and-switch.

Who of those that jumped on the kickstart thought "I can donate now to help PAY FOR THE GAME, and get to PLAY THE BETA FOR FREE", and they're trying to tell those folks the beta was a separately paid for "thing" with part of one's funds and with its own worth.

Did they also offer a "tier" with ONLY PAYING TO PLAY THE BETA that set the value of the beta-play up front?

If not, then no one could have chosen that option and so for them to later say "because we offered a beta - that you played simply because we offered it while waiting for the product we promised (and changed our mind about delivering) then you should accept the arbitrary value we-the-company have decided in arrears to place upon it.

This whole thing stinks of the worst of KickStarter ripoff tactics. Sooo glad I didn't partake (and this crap they are pulling only reinforces that I will continue to not partake in Kickstarters).
The interesting part will be when the servers shut down (probably faster than most people expect - couple of years max, I suspect).

Then it will be the time for the "Brabenites" to cry in rage.
Post edited December 04, 2014 by karnak1
This is all just quite sad, to see white knights of Braben call it a privilege to play a buggy beta, to do Frontier's work for them and to see that people are being shafted by Frontier when it comes to refunds.
I have filed my refund claim almost A FULL MONTH AGO, they actually offered me a refund - and the greedy bastards STILL won't give me my money back (there's still hope: my grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-children may yet get that goddamn refund some day - minus the transaction fee, of course, which they seem to oh-so-righteously refuse to pay). I really hope they all burn in hell, PR puppets first...
The way they keep sugarcoating this BS with marketing fluff really amuses me.

Seriously... news like this is just depressing, and I hope everyone eventually gets their refund.
I see that they sunk to a new low

"Support Team
Tue 2nd Dec 2014 16:17
Dear *****

Our records show that you backed the game before we committed to an offline mode and we're afraid Kickstarter pledges are an investment into a project, with the understanding that elements of the initial pitch may change or be removed as development progresses. As such, we are unable to offer you a refund on this pledge unfortunately.

We're sorry that we cannot assist you further in this instance.

The Support Team"
What way to treat your customers ... just hope there will be some kind of "justice" in the end.
Gnostic: I see that they sunk to a new low

"Support Team
Tue 2nd Dec 2014 16:17
Dear *****

Our records show that you backed the game before we committed to an offline mode and we're afraid Kickstarter pledges are an investment into a project, with the understanding that elements of the initial pitch may change or be removed as development progresses. As such, we are unable to offer you a refund on this pledge unfortunately.

We're sorry that we cannot assist you further in this instance.

The Support Team"
Hooray for arbitrary refund requirements!
Gnostic: I see that they sunk to a new low
Wow... very low indeed.