Ixamyakxim: I THOUGHT I cleared this up. This is why I was VERY careful to ask Lifthrasil who he was going to kill tonight. My assumption (and I still think it's a very solid one) is that if he were another Town Vigilante (which does sort of "fit" in the spirit of the game) he'd be constructed exactly as I was.
I immediately out-ed myself at that point, because I'm near certain he lied when he said he had a kill tonight.
First point: That doesn't address the question I posed. I asked "what if both are town?" The assumption in the question renders a person's particular view on the scumminess of either of you irrelevant, in favor of examining the results of the assumption itself.
Second point: Why should we assume that all players with a vig power function on the exact same rules? One of my early thoughts when both of you claimed was "maybe they can only shoot on alternating nights", and Lift drew the version that can shoot on N1.
Third point: In answer to my question, town could lose during N2, assuming 2 lynches, 2 NKs, and 2 Vig misfires. Do I think JMich would create this kind of scenario? No, I do not. So, which one of you are lying?
Fourth point: I haven't dismissed the notion that you counter claimed vig against your scum buddy as an attempt to get the survivor of the Day 1 lynch town points. "We got the liar and a confirmed power role! Go us! Oh, he just keeps not getting NK'd to create WIFOM."
Fifth point: Thanks for answering your own questioning of Dessimu. It saved me a little bit of post checking.
Ixamyakxim: You're at least the second person attempting to paint my vigilante as somehow different from Lifthrasil's. You also use the same contrived label of "Limited Unlimited" - I can't help but see this as a concerted effort.
Ixamyakxim: I THOUGHT I cleared this up. This is why I was VERY careful to ask Lifthrasil who he was going to kill tonight. My assumption (and I still think it's a very solid one) is that if he were another Town Vigilante (which does sort of "fit" in the spirit of the game) he'd be constructed exactly as I was.
People paint your two claimed vigs as different,
because the two of you have claimed different rules for your vig!