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dedoporno: The post that you take time noting contained a couple of questions directed to you. They weren't rhetorical, you know.
1. Obviously, the flavour gained sentience and a desire to play Forum Mafia. On top of which, it has joined this game as a secret thirteenth player and has a grudge against me for splashing water all over the front of its pants in a bathroom one time.

It could also be that you're my alleged bastard (meaning that, it has not been proven where you actually come from or that you were born out of wedlock)* and that I was making a specific case for how flavour could be misused to build scum teams or off someone (as I felt Dessimu was attempting to do in post 95). Given, it faltered, but I was reaching a little for another example I could use.

I don't like the second explanation, though.

2. I wish that the incestuous love child flubbucket and I were to have was here instead of you. He or she would have been supportive and understanding. Alas, he/she was too beautiful for this world.

CSPVGlubbucket would have understood that I was kidding, and also that if enough people were to build a case against me using flavour, it would most likely have led to my offing. Which, again, was why I was talking about how silly I thought it was to try and construct an argument for offing based on flavour.

Given, no one was doing too much of that in respect to me, but I felt that I needed to point out how silly it was in general.

3. Lastly, you must have missed the bit where I said, "I don't think it's helpful to follow through with this sort of thinking though." Honestly, I was willing to let this slide, but you've twisted post 148's meaning terribly and continue to do so. You, sir, are suspect.

*Also, because I like the flavour but don't consider it to be integral to my understanding of the game (at least at this time), it sort of slipped my mind completely that you were actually supposed to be my bastard son instead of just some person's bastard son. I know, I pay very little attention, and most likely deserve to be put through a wheat thresher.


Also, does no one else think that Lifth was maybe role fishing in post #131?
Dessimu: Seeing how there are no sailors on the island, you are basically saying that you are a bastard and a creep.
That's what bastards are for.

CSPVG: You, sir, are suspect.
Yes, I guess I also suck then :) Also, that's what bastards are for.
Lifthrasil: Why did no one answer to my question, what you all did in that fateful night? Do you all have to hide something? I am suspicious of each and every one of you. All of you would be capable of such a deed ... apart from my husband, of course. In his case I am sure he is innocent, because murdering someone takes balls.
cristigale: I took that as the fishing CPSVG referred to
CSPVG: here
cristigale did. I, however, didn't (don't?) see it.
yogsloth: I mean, sure I have this terrible habit of getting all touchy and feely on my younger female relatives at every possible moment since my rich wife's barren, sahara-like empty womb can't seem to provide me one of my own WHOOPS I got me and you confused again.
For the record, my vagina is more than a little dusty.

CSPVG: 2. I wish that the incestuous love child flubbucket and I were to have was here instead of you. He or she would have been supportive and understanding. Alas, he/she was too beautiful for this world.

CSPVGlubbucket would have understood that I was kidding, and also that if enough people were to build a case against me using flavour, it would most likely have led to my offing. Which, again, was why I was talking about how silly I thought it was to try and construct an argument for offing based on flavour.
This is what pops into my mind.

Such a sweet know he was in the Gifted Program at school.
yogsloth: I mean, sure I have this terrible habit of getting all touchy and feely on my younger female relatives at every possible moment since my rich wife's barren, sahara-like empty womb can't seem to provide me one of my own WHOOPS I got me and you confused again.
flubbucket: For the record, my vagina is more than a little dusty.

CSPVG: 2. I wish that the incestuous love child flubbucket and I were to have was here instead of you. He or she would have been supportive and understanding. Alas, he/she was too beautiful for this world.

CSPVGlubbucket would have understood that I was kidding, and also that if enough people were to build a case against me using flavour, it would most likely have led to my offing. Which, again, was why I was talking about how silly I thought it was to try and construct an argument for offing based on flavour.
flubbucket: This is what pops into my mind.

Such a sweet know he was in the Gifted Program at school.
Ah well, good to see we were able to make the swing from Westing Game to Flowers in the Attic in under 300 posts. I was getting a bit worried.
flubbucket: Such a sweet know he was in the Gifted Program at school.
He/she would have been a wonderful lad/lass. I shall drink more of this root beer and gin to forget. Oh! The pain.


Ixam: One should have added that Lifth had done this more directly in post 82.

To quote him, "But speaking of the murder a question to all: What did you do last night? I, as I have already confessed, drank a bit too much and then went to bed. Yes, I know. Alcohol isn't very lady-like and is supposed to be a sin, but then again our Lord and Saviour turned water to wine and He wouldn't have done so, if wine were something bad!"


dedo: That's it? You're just going to accuse me of OMGUS. Fair enough, you scamp. *ruffles hair playfully*
CSPVG: dedo: That's it? You're just going to accuse me of OMGUS. Fair enough, you scamp. *ruffles hair playfully*
No need to do more. I already accused you when I asked you those questions you chose to dust off because they the answers were obvious to everyone. Dad.
dedoporno: I already accused you when I asked you those questions you chose to dust off because they the answers were obvious to everyone.
Hey there... Aldo, was it?

I've read this sentence six-and-a-half-times, and I still have no clue what the f you're talking about.
CSPVG: Also, does no one else think that Lifth was maybe role fishing in post #131?
Daw. You're just sullen that I accused you of not having balls my dear.
When was the last time we had a vote count anyway? 1905?
Oh God, fine, I'll do it.

Especially since the last one was all screwed up anyway and our assistant dead Grandpa isn't doing shit.

Ix has 4 votes: Dessimu, flub, yog, trent
Lift has 3 votes: Ix , Krypsyn, RW
CSPVG has 1 votes: dedo
yogsloth has 1 vote: CSPVG

Not voting: Booksiewooksiebooboo

Closest to lynch is my halfwit stepmother at L-3.
Next is my cuckquean Aunt Cathy at L-4.

Do let me know if I made any mistakes so that I can spitefully ignore you.
yogsloth: Closest to lynch is my halfwit stepmother at L-3.
Next is my cuckquean Aunt Cathy at L-4.

Do let me know if I made any mistakes so that I can spitefully ignore you.
This post is all kinds of quality right here.

And we all know I'm not getting lynched today, so you lot shouldn't waste your vote. Oh, by day two or three I'll be locked in on someone obsessively for some perceived mistake they made, and hopefully they'll even be scum. By day five I'll have done something so egregiously wrong or put my foot too far down my throat that you'll have to put me down.

But not today. Go ahead, throw your vote away.
yogsloth: ...
You forgot my vote on Krypsyn.

Ixamyakxim: And we all know I'm not getting lynched today, so you lot shouldn't waste your vote. Oh, by day two or three I'll be locked in on someone obsessively for some perceived mistake they made, and hopefully they'll even be scum. By day five I'll have done something so egregiously wrong or put my foot too far down my throat that you'll have to put me down.
Why are you so sure of that? Do you think that your scum buddies will protect you in some way? Or do you try to sound towny with this false certainty? In any case it sounds quite arrogant - and quite scummy.
Don't pay attention to Mariah's votecount, she never had any schooling -

I'm pretty sure this is the actual vote-count / votecount / vote count :

D1 on MY island (it's mine still, you ungrateful ingrates!~) -

Ixamyakxim - 4 - Dessimu, flubbucket, yogsloth, trentonlf
Lifthrasil - 3 - Ixamyakxim, Krypsyn, RWarehall
yogsloth - 1 - CSPVG
CSPVG - 1 - dedoporno
cristigale - 1 - Bookwyrm627
krypsyn - 1 - Lifthrasil

Ixamyakxim is closest to lynch at L-3
Lifthrasil is 2nd closest to lynch at L-4

12 alive means it takes 7 to lynch

cristigale is the only one not voting

please let me know if there are any errors

--- !edited to perfection now! (I think) ---
Post edited February 24, 2016 by drealmer7
cristigale: Searched for this....took me WAY too long to get it....
Krypsyn: It was a call back to the "ur sofa king we Todd did." line I replied to Bookwyrm627 earlier in the thread. Maybe that is what you meant. I first heard it on a MUD I used to admin in the mid-90s from another admin. I was very confused, compounded, perhaps, because his name was actually "Todd". He was forced to give me several hints, so I guess I may have proved him correct in some respects. :P
Yes, that is what I was referring. Would have helped if I'd said it out loud sooner. ;-)