Posted February 23, 2016

It could also be that you're my alleged bastard (meaning that, it has not been proven where you actually come from or that you were born out of wedlock)* and that I was making a specific case for how flavour could be misused to build scum teams or off someone (as I felt Dessimu was attempting to do in post 95). Given, it faltered, but I was reaching a little for another example I could use.
I don't like the second explanation, though.
2. I wish that the incestuous love child flubbucket and I were to have was here instead of you. He or she would have been supportive and understanding. Alas, he/she was too beautiful for this world.
CSPVGlubbucket would have understood that I was kidding, and also that if enough people were to build a case against me using flavour, it would most likely have led to my offing. Which, again, was why I was talking about how silly I thought it was to try and construct an argument for offing based on flavour.
Given, no one was doing too much of that in respect to me, but I felt that I needed to point out how silly it was in general.
3. Lastly, you must have missed the bit where I said, "I don't think it's helpful to follow through with this sort of thinking though." Honestly, I was willing to let this slide, but you've twisted post 148's meaning terribly and continue to do so. You, sir, are suspect.
*Also, because I like the flavour but don't consider it to be integral to my understanding of the game (at least at this time), it sort of slipped my mind completely that you were actually supposed to be my bastard son instead of just some person's bastard son. I know, I pay very little attention, and most likely deserve to be put through a wheat thresher.
Also, does no one else think that Lifth was maybe role fishing in post #131?