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lubwak: Excuse me, but what is that non-game-related data??? Why is it even there?
That said, you need to provide a way for people to learn more about those saves. The file names alone do not tell us much.
Hello. These are saved/cloud-stored game screenshots.
king_kunat: Hey everyone! You might have already or will soon receive an email from us about your cloud storage with a link to the dedicated clean-up tool. Don't be alarmed by the "salesmanago" part contained in their URLs. It's a legitimate email and link from us.

Send-out of these emails is happening in batches to ensure a smooth experience for everyone managing their savefiles, and not strain our infrastructure. We’ll also have a proper announcement once the majority of emails go out, and more options to access the tool besides just the email link.

just stating it publicly as well: This whole thing is not an ok thing to do.

Stop using links that lead to non ****** domains AT THE VERY LEAST.
Adding tracking on top of that tbh, if it isn't completely internally hosted.

You are failing security and data privacy 101s so hard right now, and as a tech I will not stand for such crap.
EA can gladly do that, but you are no such peasants. Be better.
lubwak: Excuse me, but what is that non-game-related data??? Why is it even there?
That said, you need to provide a way for people to learn more about those saves. The file names alone do not tell us much.
RodroG: Hello. These are saved/cloud-stored game screenshots.
Too late for the file now, but the information is very useful. If not for me, for others for sure. Thank you!
It's clear GOG didn't think of using compression and deduplicating/delta saves to cold storage, slow storage with lower costs. It's easier to just delete all customers saves.
Post edited August 08, 2024 by denjik
StefanDD: 200 MB is a ridiculously small amount. My Cyberpunk Auto-Saves alone are already at 130 MB.
If you need to save Cloud Space, at least give us an overall limit for all games. I don't mind to delete my old Witcher Saves to make Space for my current Game.

I will not bother to decide which saves to delete and turn cloud saves off. In future I might use a different platform for games with a lot of story branches and different endings.
This, exactly. So many games in my library have unused cloud save quota, but I just cleared out a GB worth of saves in CP2077. Each save there is over 8MB with 20 autosaves. If we had a global limit we could use it for what we need.
Should be a global limit, because some games overshoot 200mb by just existing.

But the real change gog should make to this if they want to save space, but keep customers happy. Delete old saves but keep new ones.

Allow syncronisation of new saves, and dont block all uploads because you have 201mb of saves.

What gog does is idiotic and a result of a bullshit meeting or something like that, or the management has no idea
Another round of this stupid idea arrived in mailbox...
I've really hoped that they will re-think it after seeing the reactions.

The GOG is getting worse and worse.
Robin_Seina: Another round of this stupid idea arrived in mailbox...
I've really hoped that they will re-think it after seeing the reactions.

The GOG is getting worse and worse.
They should at least allow us to download those saves from the cloud. But no, no such option. Too obvious, right?
Robin_Seina: Another round of this stupid idea arrived in mailbox...
I've really hoped that they will re-think it after seeing the reactions.

The GOG is getting worse and worse.
lubwak: They should at least allow us to download those saves from the cloud. But no, no such option. Too obvious, right?
Are you a troll posing such obvious question? Of course they did allow that.
But whole 200MB is clearly dumb idea in age where free cloud service offer between 5-50GB of space for free.
And what games take most space in cloud for me? It's those from CDPR, Larian and Owlcat studios... And they take about 3GB of space all together with top5 taking 90 % of space used.
lubwak: They should at least allow us to download those saves from the cloud. But no, no such option. Too obvious, right?
Robin_Seina: Are you a troll posing such obvious question? Of course they did allow that.
But whole 200MB is clearly dumb idea in age where free cloud service offer between 5-50GB of space for free.
And what games take most space in cloud for me? It's those from CDPR, Larian and Owlcat studios... And they take about 3GB of space all together with top5 taking 90 % of space used.
Aren't you a smug troll thinking it is very clever to call others trolls. Must feel really nice in your tummy, eh?
No, this option is missing. The only one is avaiable if you use Galaxy, but then the download fails right away if you do not have the game installed.Imagine downloading and installing a 100 gb game just to download old saves.
This looks like controlled demolition of the platform, to be frank.

In my opinion, Cloud Saving and Update Management are the only Steam features that are true "value-additions" for customers, and GOG was right to push those via GOG Galaxy (as much as it was derided by it).

Giving up on Cloud Saves then (and making them contingent on ever-changing policy IS giving up on them), and in such an unprofessional way, is quite telling. A real forward-looking business would have found alternate arrangements (e.g., cheaper storage - which is today dime a dozen - and/or mass compression techniques) that probably wouldn't have required a huge investment.

This whole situation makes me glad I've stopped buying from GOG since the Devotion censorship fiasco. This, on top of the creepy ESG-messaging and inaction on long-lasting problems (website/forum deficiencies and the "GOG users as second-class" issues), means I'll have to finally give up on GOG ever righting the ship.
PirroEpirote: This looks like controlled demolition of the platform, to be frank.

In my opinion, Cloud Saving and Update Management are the only Steam features that are true "value-additions" for customers, and GOG was right to push those via GOG Galaxy (as much as it was derided by it).

Giving up on Cloud Saves then (and making them contingent on ever-changing policy IS giving up on them), and in such an unprofessional way, is quite telling. A real forward-looking business would have found alternate arrangements (e.g., cheaper storage - which is today dime a dozen - and/or mass compression techniques) that probably wouldn't have required a huge investment.

This whole situation makes me glad I've stopped buying from GOG since the Devotion censorship fiasco. This, on top of the creepy ESG-messaging and inaction on long-lasting problems (website/forum deficiencies and the "GOG users as second-class" issues), means I'll have to finally give up on GOG ever righting the ship.
Nah, it's still the only platform which allows you to own and download offline installers of games which later do not reuire internet access. As much as the platform has been managed in an incompetent way for a while now, it is still better than service-based alternatives. If Steam suddenly became unavailable, you lose access to EVERYTHING you have on your account. Or if it imposes monthly subscription fee for you to keep access.
Still, one cannot help but miss those early GOG days, when mods were nice and not woke, when the support was very quick and personal, and when the goal was to make it all user-friendly first.
PirroEpirote: This looks like controlled demolition of the platform, to be frank.

In my opinion, Cloud Saving and Update Management are the only Steam features that are true "value-additions" for customers, and GOG was right to push those via GOG Galaxy (as much as it was derided by it).

Giving up on Cloud Saves then (and making them contingent on ever-changing policy IS giving up on them), and in such an unprofessional way, is quite telling. A real forward-looking business would have found alternate arrangements (e.g., cheaper storage - which is today dime a dozen - and/or mass compression techniques) that probably wouldn't have required a huge investment.

This whole situation makes me glad I've stopped buying from GOG since the Devotion censorship fiasco. This, on top of the creepy ESG-messaging and inaction on long-lasting problems (website/forum deficiencies and the "GOG users as second-class" issues), means I'll have to finally give up on GOG ever righting the ship.
I kind of agree. I love the idea of GOG but now I feel at a disadvantage having bought Cyberpunk from GOG directly (to support CDPR) instead of buying it on Steam. Will definitely buy future games on Steam.
lubwak: Aren't you a smug troll thinking it is very clever to call others trolls. Must feel really nice in your tummy, eh?
No, this option is missing. The only one is avaiable if you use Galaxy, but then the download fails right away if you do not have the game installed.Imagine downloading and installing a 100 gb game just to download old saves.
Really?! Do you really want to tell me, that you did NOT receive an email from GOG with link to manage your cloud saves?
The link begins with:
king_kunat: Hey everyone! You might have already or will soon receive an email from us about your cloud storage with a link to the dedicated clean-up tool. Don't be alarmed by the "salesmanago" part contained in their URLs. It's a legitimate email and link from us.
Don't add trackers. Those are on par with DRM garbage.

Putting trackers in links is a guaranteed way to get your email marked as spam.

Because of this I will ignore your email and see what happens. You delete my save games? Yeah, that'll make me use your platform more.